QTP - Marco de diseño
Diseñemos un marco simple tomando una aplicación de muestra. Automatizaremos algunos escenarios de la aplicación bajo prueba y escribiremos funciones reutilizables.
La aplicación de muestra bajo prueba es "Calculator", una aplicación predeterminada que está disponible como parte de Windows. Creemos ahora diferentes componentes de un marco. Aquí, desarrollaremos un marco híbrido y usaremos Object Repository, ya que es una aplicación bastante simple. Sin embargo, este marco también se puede escalar para admitir una aplicación compleja.
La estructura de carpetas del Framework es la que se muestra a continuación:
Explicación de la estructura de carpetas -
Master Driver Script- El Script que impulsa toda la ejecución. Realiza los requisitos previos y los ajustes iniciales necesarios para la ejecución.
Library Files - Las funciones asociadas que forman la biblioteca de funciones.
Data Table - Los datos de prueba necesarios para la ejecución.
Object Repository - Los Objetos y sus propiedades que permiten a QTP reconocer los objetos sin problemas.
Execution Logs - La carpeta contiene el archivo de registro de ejecución con las funciones del usuario y el historial de ejecución de la función.
Script de controlador maestro
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' DESCRIPTION : Drivers Script to Execute Automated Test for
the Calculator
' AUTHOR : Tutorials Point
' DATE CREATED : 30-Dec-2013
' LIBRARY FILES ASSOCIATED : calculator.qfl, Common.qfl
' ----------------------------------------------------
' First Version Tutorials point
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Option Explicit
Public ExecDrive
' Get the Root folder of the Test so that we can make use of relative paths.
Dim x : x = Instr(Environment.Value("TestDir"),"Driver")-2
ExecDrive = mid(Environment.Value("TestDir"),1,x)
' Get the path of Libraries using relative to the current Drive
Dim LibPath : LibPath = ExecDrive+"\Libraries\"
' Dynamically Load the Function Libraries
LoadFunctionLibrary LibPath + "Calculator.qfl", LibPath + "common_utils.qfl"
' Capturing the Start Time
' clscommon is the class object created in common.qfl library file
clscommon.StartTime = Time()
' Launching the Application
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Windows\System32\Calc.exe" : wait (2)
' Initialize the Data Table Path
Dim FileName : FileName = ExecDrive+"\TestData\Calculator.xls"
Dim SheetSource : SheetSource = "Calc_test"
Dim SheetDest : SheetDest = "Global"
' Import the DataTable into the QTP Script
DataTable.ImportSheet FileName , SheetSource , SheetDest
' Object Repository Path
Dim RepPath : RepPath = ExecDrive+"\Object_Repository\Calc.tsr"
' To Keep a Count on iteration
Dim InttestIteration
Dim InttestRows : InttestRows = datatable.GetRowCount
' Fetching Date-TimeStamp which will be unique for Naming the Execution Log File
clscommon.StrDateFormatted = day(date()) & "_" & MonthName(Month(date()),true) &
"_" & YEAR(date())& "_"&hour(now)&"_"&minute(now)
' Name the LogFile
clscommon.StrLogFile = ExecDrive & "\Execution Logs\" &
clscommon.StrDateFormatted & ".txt"
' Create the Execution LogFile which captures the result
' Iniitialize the Parameters and all the relevant Test Details
Call Fn_InitializeLogFile()
' Kill all the previous calculator process
Call fn_Kill_Process("calc.exe")
For InttestIteration = 1 to InttestRows
datatable.SetCurrentRow InttestIteration
Dim StrExecute : StrExecute = Ucase(Trim(datatable.Value("Run","Global")))
If StrExecute = "Y" Then
clscommon.Number1 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_1","Global"))
clscommon.Number2 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_2","Global"))
clscommon.Number3 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_3","Global"))
clscommon.Number4 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_4","Global"))
clscommon.Number5 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_5","Global"))
clscommon.Number6 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_6","Global"))
clscommon.Test_Case_ID =
: clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath
clscommon.tcScenario =
: clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath
Dim Expected_Val : Expected_Val =
: clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath
Select case clscommon.tcScenario
Case "Add"
clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " &
clscommon.tcScenario & " ==="
Call fnCalculate("+",Expected_Val)
Case "Subtract"
clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " &
clscommon.tcScenario & " ==="
Call fnCalculate("-",Expected_Val)
Case "Multiply"
clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " &
clscommon.tcScenario & " ==="
Call fnCalculate("*",Expected_Val)
Case "Divide"
clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " &
clscommon.tcScenario & " ==="
Call fnCalculate("/",Expected_Val)
Case "Sqrt"
clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " &
clscommon.tcScenario & " ==="
Call fnCalculate("sqt",Expected_Val)
End Select
End If
' Calling the End Test to Add the result Footer in exec log file.
Call fn_End_test()
' ===================== End of Master Driver Script =====================
Archivos de biblioteca
Las funciones de la calculadora están escritas en un archivo de función separado guardado con la extensión .qfl o .vbs. Estas funciones se pueden reutilizar en todas las acciones.
' Calculator. Qfl File :: Associated Function Library for Calculator Master Driver
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' FUNCTION NAME : Fn_InitializeLogFile
' DESCRIPTION : Function to Write the Initial Values in the Log File
' INPUT PARAMETERS : varExecDrive,StrDB,StrUId,Strpwd,StrNewDB
' RETURN VALUE : Pass or Fail message
' DATE CREATED : 30-Dec-2013
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Public Function Fn_InitializeLogFile()
clscommon.LogWrite "********************************************"
clscommon.LogWrite "Calc Automation Started"
End Function
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' FUNCTION NAME : fnCalculate
' DESCRIPTION : Function to perform Arithmetic Calculations
' INPUT PARAMETERS : operator,Expected_Val
' RETURN VALUE : Pass or Fail message
' DATE CREATED : 30-Dec-2013
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Function fnCalculate(operator,Expected_Val)
clscommon.LogWrite "Executing the Function 'fnCalculate' "
If Trim(clscommon.Number1) <> "" Then
If Trim(clscommon.Number2) <> "" Then
If Trim(clscommon.Number3) <> "" Then
If Trim(clscommon.Number4) <> "" Then
If Trim(clscommon.Number5) <> "" Then
If Trim(clscommon.Number6) <> "" Then
Dim ActualVal : ActualVal =
clscommon.LogWrite "The Actual Value after the Math Operation is "& ActualVal
If Trim(ActualVal) = Trim(Expected_Val) Then
clscommon.WriteResult "Pass", clscommon.Test_Case_ID ,
clscommon.tcScenario , " Expected Value matches with Actual Value :: "
& ActualVal
clscommon.WriteResult "Fail", clscommon.Test_Case_ID ,
clscommon.tcScenario , " Expected Value - " & Expected_Val & " Does NOT matches
with Actual Value :: " & ActualVal
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
clscommon.LogWrite "Execution Error : The Error Number is :: " &
Err.Number & " The Error Description is " & Err.Description
End If
clscommon.LogWrite "Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate' "
End Function
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' FUNCTION NAME : fn_Kill_Process
' DESCRIPTION : Function to Kill the process by name
' INPUT PARAMETERS : Application name to be killed
' DATE CREATED : 30-Dec-2013
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Function fn_Kill_Process(process)
Dim strComputer , strProcessToKill , objWMIService , colProcessstrComputer = "."
strProcessToKill = process
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _&
"{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery _("Select * from Win32_Process
Where Name = '" & strProcessToKill & "'")
count = 0
For Each objProcess in colProcess
count = count + 1
End Function
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' FUNCTION NAME : fn_End_test
' DESCRIPTION : Function to finish the test Execution process
' INPUT PARAMETERS : Application name to be killed
' DATE CREATED : 20/Dec/2013
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Function fn_End_test()
clscommon.LogWrite "Status Message - Executing the Function 'fn_End_test' "
On Error Resume Next
clscommon.StopTime = Time()
clscommon.ElapsedTime = DateDiff("n",clscommon.StartTime,clscommon.StopTime)
Dim Totaltests
Totaltests = clscommon.gintPassCount+ clscommon.gintFailCount
clscommon.LogWrite "## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
clscommon.LogWrite "## The Execution Start Time :: " & clscommon.StartTime
clscommon.LogWrite "## The Execution End Time :: " & clscommon.StopTime
clscommon.LogWrite "## The Time Elapsed :: " & clscommon.ElapsedTime & " Minutes "
clscommon.LogWrite "## The OS :: " & Environment.Value("OS")
clscommon.LogWrite "## The Total No of Test Cases Executed :: " & Totaltests
clscommon.LogWrite "## The No. of Test Case Passed :: " & clscommon.gintPassCount
clscommon.LogWrite "## The No. of Test Case Failed :: " & clscommon.gintFailCount
clscommon.LogWrite "## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
End Function
' =============== End of Calculator. Qfl ============================= '
El otro archivo de biblioteca, que es 'common_utils.qfl' que contiene las funciones, nos permite escribir la salida en un archivo de texto.
Set clscommon = New OS_clsUtils
'Creating a class file to handle global variables.
Class OS_clsUtils
Dim StrLogFile
Dim StrDateFormatted
Dim Result
Dim Number1, Number2 , Number3
Dim Number4, Number5 , Number6
Dim Test_Case_ID , tcScenario
Dim StartTime, StopTime, ElapsedTime
Dim gintPassCount , gintFailCount , gintWarningCount , gintdoneCount,
Function Fn_FileCreate(strFileName)
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFileName)
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Function LogWrite(sMsg)
Const ForAppending = 8
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile
(clscommon.StrLogFile, ForAppending, True)
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & sMsg
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Function WriteResult(strStatus,functionName,functionDescription,Result)
Const ForAppending = 8
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile
(clscommon.StrLogFile, ForAppending, True)
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & "
* * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * * "
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test staus :: " & strStatus
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Tese ID :: " & functionName
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test Description :: "
& functionDescription
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test Result Details :: " & Result
objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" & MonthName(Month(date()),true)
& "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & "
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Select Case Lcase(strStatus)
Case "pass"
gintPassCount = gintPassCount + 1
Case "fail"
gintFailCount = gintFailCount+1
End Select
End Function
End Class
' ===================== End of common_Utils.qfl =====================
Repositorio de objetos
Object Repository tiene todos los objetos sobre los que actuaría el usuario. La imagen que se muestra a continuación muestra la lista de todos los objetos agregados al repositorio con el nombre calc.tsr
Tabla de datos
DataTable contiene las palabras clave, que impulsan las pruebas y también prueban los datos con los que QTP actuará sobre los objetos.
El registro de ejecución
El archivo de registro de ejecución o el archivo de salida contiene las acciones del usuario y el registro de funciones, lo que permitirá a los evaluadores depurar errores en el script.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: *************************************************
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: Calc Automation Started
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: === Inside the Test Set :: Add ===
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 949.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test staus :: Pass
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Tese ID :: TC_001
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Description :: Add
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Result Details :: Expected Value matches with Actual
Value :: 949.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: === Inside the Test Set :: Subtract ===
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 415.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test staus :: Pass
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Tese ID :: TC_002
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Description :: Subtract
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Result Details :: Expected Value matches with Actual
Value :: 415.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: === Inside the Test Set :: Multiply ===
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 278883.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Test staus :: Pass
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Tese ID :: TC_003
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Test Description :: Multiply
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Test Result Details :: Expected Value matches with
Actual Value :: 278883.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: === Inside the Test Set :: Divide ===
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 3.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test staus :: Pass
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Tese ID :: TC_004
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test Description :: Divide
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test Result Details :: Expected Value matches with Actual
Value :: 3.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: === Inside the Test Set :: Sqrt ===
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 10.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test staus :: Pass
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Tese ID :: TC_005
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test Description :: Sqrt
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test Result Details :: Expected Value matches with Actual
Value :: 10.
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Status Message - Executing the Function 'fn_Finish_test'
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # #
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The Execution Start Time :: 5:09:14 PM
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The Execution End Time :: 5:09:20 PM
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The Time Elapsed :: 0 Minutes
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The OS :: Microsoft Windows Vista Server
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The Total No of Test Cases Executed :: 25
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The No. of Test Case Passed :: 25
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## The No. of Test Case Failed ::
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # #