EasyMock - Ikhtisar

Apa itu Mocking?

Mocking adalah cara untuk menguji fungsionalitas kelas secara terpisah. Mocking tidak memerlukan koneksi database atau membaca file properti atau membaca file server untuk menguji fungsionalitas. Objek Mock melakukan ejekan dari layanan nyata. Objek tiruan mengembalikan data dummy yang sesuai dengan beberapa input dummy yang diteruskan padanya.


EasyMock memfasilitasi pembuatan objek tiruan dengan mulus. Ini menggunakan Java Reflection untuk membuat objek tiruan untuk antarmuka tertentu. Objek tiruan hanyalah proxy untuk implementasi yang sebenarnya. Pertimbangkan kasus Stock Service yang mengembalikan rincian harga saham. Selama pengembangan, layanan stok aktual tidak dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan data waktu nyata. Jadi kita membutuhkan implementasi dummy dari layanan stok. EasyMock dapat melakukan hal yang sama dengan sangat mudah seperti namanya.

Manfaat EasyMock

  • No Handwriting - Tidak perlu menulis objek tiruan sendiri.

  • Refactoring Safe - Mengganti nama metode antarmuka atau menata ulang parameter tidak akan merusak kode pengujian karena Mock dibuat saat runtime.

  • Return value support - Mendukung nilai kembali.

  • Exception support - Mendukung pengecualian.

  • Order check support - Mendukung pemeriksaan urutan panggilan metode.

  • Annotation support - Mendukung pembuatan tiruan menggunakan anotasi.

Perhatikan cuplikan kode berikut.

package com.tutorialspoint.mock;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.EasyMock.EasyMock;

public class PortfolioTester {
   public static void main(String[] args){

      //Create a portfolio object which is to be tested		
      Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio();

      //Creates a list of stocks to be added to the portfolio
        stocks = new ArrayList
        (); Stock googleStock = new Stock("1","Google", 10); Stock microsoftStock = new Stock("2","Microsoft",100); stocks.add(googleStock); stocks.add(microsoftStock); //Create the mock object of stock service StockService stockServiceMock = EasyMock.createMock(StockService.class); // mock the behavior of stock service to return the value of various stocks EasyMock.expect(stockServiceMock.getPrice(googleStock)).andReturn(50.00); EasyMock.expect(stockServiceMock.getPrice(microsoftStock)).andReturn(1000.00); EasyMock.replay(stockServiceMock); //add stocks to the portfolio portfolio.setStocks(stocks); //set the stockService to the portfolio portfolio.setStockService(stockServiceMock); double marketValue = portfolio.getMarketValue(); //verify the market value to be //10*50.00 + 100* 1000.00 = 500.00 + 100000.00 = 100500 System.out.println("Market value of the portfolio: "+ marketValue); } } 

Let's understand the important concepts of the above program. The complete code is available in the chapter First Application.

  • Portfolio – An object to carry a list of stocks and to get the market value computed using stock prices and stock quantity.

  • Stock – An object to carry the details of a stock such as its id, name, quantity, etc.

  • StockService – A stock service returns the current price of a stock.

  • EasyMock.createMock(...) – EasyMock created a mock of stock service.

  • EasyMock.expect(...).andReturn(...) – Mock implementation of getPrice method of stockService interface. For googleStock, return 50.00 as price.

  • EasyMock.replay(...) – EasyMock prepares the Mock object to be ready so that it can be used for testing.

  • portfolio.setStocks(...) – The portfolio now contains a list of two stocks.

  • portfolio.setStockService(...) - Assigns the stockService Mock object to the portfolio.

  • portfolio.getMarketValue() – The portfolio returns the market value based on its stocks using the mock stock service.