Pergi - Antarmuka

Pemrograman Go menyediakan tipe data lain yang disebut interfacesyang mewakili satu set tanda tangan metode. Tipe data struct mengimplementasikan antarmuka ini untuk memiliki definisi metode untuk tanda tangan metode dari antarmuka.


/* define an interface */
type interface_name interface {
   method_name1 [return_type]
   method_name2 [return_type]
   method_name3 [return_type]
   method_namen [return_type]

/* define a struct */
type struct_name struct {
   /* variables */

/* implement interface methods*/
func (struct_name_variable struct_name) method_name1() [return_type] {
   /* method implementation */
func (struct_name_variable struct_name) method_namen() [return_type] {
   /* method implementation */


package main

import ("fmt" "math")

/* define an interface */
type Shape interface {
   area() float64

/* define a circle */
type Circle struct {
   x,y,radius float64

/* define a rectangle */
type Rectangle struct {
   width, height float64

/* define a method for circle (implementation of Shape.area())*/
func(circle Circle) area() float64 {
   return math.Pi * circle.radius * circle.radius

/* define a method for rectangle (implementation of Shape.area())*/
func(rect Rectangle) area() float64 {
   return rect.width * rect.height

/* define a method for shape */
func getArea(shape Shape) float64 {
   return shape.area()

func main() {
   circle := Circle{x:0,y:0,radius:5}
   rectangle := Rectangle {width:10, height:5}
   fmt.Printf("Circle area: %f\n",getArea(circle))
   fmt.Printf("Rectangle area: %f\n",getArea(rectangle))

Ketika kode di atas dikompilasi dan dijalankan, itu menghasilkan hasil sebagai berikut -

Circle area: 78.539816
Rectangle area: 50.000000