Terwujud - Pembantu
Materialize memiliki beberapa kelas utilitas yang berguna untuk kebutuhan perancangan sehari-hari.
Color utility classes - Misalnya, .red, .green, .grey, dan sebagainya
Alignment utility classes - Misalnya, .valign-wrapper, .left-align, .rightalign, .center-align, .left, .right
Hiding Content utility classes as per device size - Misalnya, .hide, .hideon-small-only, .hide-on-med-only, .hide-on-med-and-down, .hide-on-med-and-up dan .hide-on- hanya besar
Formatting utility classes - Misalnya, truncate, hoverable
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The Materialize Example</title>
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<h2>Materialize Utilities</h2>
<h3>Color Utilities Demo</h3>
<div class = "red">
<p>The latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera
all support many HTML5 features and Internet Explorer 9.0 will also have
support for some HTML5 functionality.</p>
<div class = "green">
<p>The mobile web browsers that come pre-installed on iPhones, iPads, and Android
phones all have excellent support for HTML5.</p>
<h3>Alignment Utilities Demo</h3>
<div class = "card-panel valign-wrapper">
<p class = "valign">Vertically Aligned Text</p>
<div class = "card-panel">
<div><p class = "left-align">Left Aligned Text</p></div>
<div><p class = "right-align">Right Aligned Text</p></div>
<div><p class = "center-align">Center Aligned Text</p></div>
<h3>Hide Utilities Demo</h3>
<div class = "hide">
<p>Hidden on all devices</p>
<div class = "hide-on-small-only">
<p>Hidden on mobile devices</p>
<h3>Formatting Utilities Demo</h3>
<div class = "card-panel">
<p class = "truncate">The latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox, and Opera all support many HTML5 features and Internet
Explorer 9.0 will also have support for some HTML5 functionality.</p>
<div class = "card-panel hoverable">
<p>The mobile web browsers that come pre-installed on iPhones, iPads, and
Android phones all have excellent support for HTML5.</p>
<h3>Center Utility Demo</h3>
<div class = "card-panel center">
<img src = "/html5/images/html5-mini-logo.jpg" alt = "html5">
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