Next.js - CLI
NEXT.JS menyediakan CLI untuk memulai, membangun, dan mengekspor aplikasi. Itu bisa dipanggil menggunakan npx yang datang npm 5.2 dan seterusnya.
Bantuan CLI
Untuk mendapatkan daftar perintah CLI dan bantuannya, ketik perintah berikut.
npx next -h
$ next <command>
Available commands
build, start, export, dev, telemetry
--version, -v Version number
--help, -h Displays this message
For more information run a command with the --help flag
$ next build --help
Bangun Produksi Siap Bangun
Ketik perintah berikut.
npx next build
info - Loaded env from D:\Node\nextjs\.env.local
Creating an optimized production build
Compiled successfully.
Automatically optimizing pages
Page Size First Load JS
+ ? / 2.25 kB 60.3 kB
+ /_app 288 B 58.1 kB
+ /404 3.25 kB 61.3 kB
+ ? /api/user
+ ? /posts/[id] 312 B 61.6 kB
+ + /posts/one
+ + /posts/two
+ ? /posts/env 2.71 kB 60.8 kB
+ ? /posts/first 374 B 61.7 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 58.1 kB
+ static/pages/_app.js 288 B
+ chunks/ab55cb957ceed242a750c37a082143fb9d2f0cdf.a1a019.js 10.5 kB
+ chunks/framework.c6faae.js 40 kB
+ runtime/main.60464f.js 6.54 kB
+ runtime/webpack.c21266.js 746 B
+ css/9706b5b8ed8e82c0fba0.css 175 B
? (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
(Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
? (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
Bangun dan Mulai Server Pengembangan
Ketik perintah berikut.
npx next dev
ready - started server on http://localhost:3000
info - Loaded env from D:\Node\nextjs\.env.local
event - compiled successfully
Mulai Server produksi
Ketik perintah berikut.
npx next start
info - Loaded env from \Node\nextjs\.env.local
ready - started server on http://localhost:3000