XAML - Pemicu
Pada dasarnya, pemicu memungkinkan Anda mengubah nilai properti atau mengambil tindakan berdasarkan nilai properti. Jadi, ini pada dasarnya memungkinkan Anda untuk secara dinamis mengubah tampilan dan / atau perilaku kontrol Anda tanpa harus membuat yang baru.
Pemicu digunakan untuk mengubah nilai properti tertentu, saat kondisi tertentu terpenuhi. Pemicu biasanya ditentukan dalam gaya atau di root dokumen yang diterapkan ke kontrol khusus tersebut. Ada tiga jenis pemicu -
- Pemicu Properti
- Data Triggers
- Event Triggers
Property Triggers
In property triggers, when a change occurs in one property, it will bring either an immediate or an animated change in another property. For example, you can use a property trigger if you want to change the button appearance when the mouse is over the button.
The following example demonstrates how to change the foreground color of a button when the mouse enters its region.
<Window x:Class = "XAMLPropertyTriggers.MainWindow"
xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
Title = "MainWindow" Height = "350" Width = "604">
<Style x:Key = "TriggerStyle" TargetType = "Button">
<Setter Property = "Foreground" Value = "Blue" />
<Trigger Property = "IsMouseOver" Value = "True">
<Setter Property = "Foreground" Value = "Green" />
<Button Width = "100" Height = "70" Style = "{StaticResource TriggerStyle}"
Content = "Trigger"/>
When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following output −

When the mouse enters the region of button, the foreground color will change to green.

Data Triggers
A data trigger performs some action when the bound data satisfies some condition. Let’s have a look at the following XAML code in which a checkbox and a text block are created with some properties. When the checkbox is checked, it will change the foreground color to red.
<Window x:Class = "XAMLDataTrigger.MainWindow"
xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
Title = "Data Trigger" Height = "350" Width = "604">
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment = "Center">
<CheckBox x:Name = "redColorCheckBox" Content = "Set red as foreground color" Margin = "20"/>
<TextBlock Name = "txtblock" VerticalAlignment = "Center"
Text = "Event Trigger" FontSize = "24" Margin = "20">
<DataTrigger Binding = "{Binding ElementName = redColorCheckBox, Path = IsChecked}"
Value = "true">
<Setter Property = "TextBlock.Foreground" Value = "Red"/>
<Setter Property = "TextBlock.Cursor" Value = "Hand" />
When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following output −

When the checkbox is checked, the foreground color of the text block will change to red.

Event Triggers
An event trigger performs some action when a specific event is fired. It is usually used to accomplish some animation such DoubleAnimation, ColorAnimation, etc. The following code block creates a simple button. When the click event is fired, it will expand the width and height of the button.
<Window x:Class = "XAMLEventTrigger.MainWindow"
xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
Title = "MainWindow" Height = "350" Width = "604">
<Button Content = "Click Me" Width = "60" Height = "30">
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent = "Button.Click">
<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty = "Width" Duration = "0:0:4">
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "60" KeyTime = "0:0:0"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "120" KeyTime = "0:0:1"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "200" KeyTime = "0:0:2"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "300" KeyTime = "0:0:3"/>
<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty = "Height" Duration = "0:0:4">
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "30" KeyTime = "0:0:0"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "40" KeyTime = "0:0:1"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "80" KeyTime = "0:0:2"/>
<LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value = "150" KeyTime = "0:0:3"/>
When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following output −

Now, click on the button and you will observe that it will start expanding in both dimensions.