XML - Entitas Karakter
Bab ini menjelaskan XML Character Entities. Sebelum kita memahami Entitas Karakter, mari kita pahami terlebih dahulu apa itu entitas XML.
Sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Konsorsium W3 , definisi entitas adalah sebagai berikut -
"Entitas dokumen berfungsi sebagai root dari pohon entitas dan titik awal untuk prosesor XML".
Artinya, entitas adalah placeholder dalam XML. Ini dapat dideklarasikan dalam prolog dokumen atau dalam DTD. Ada berbagai jenis entitas dan dalam bab ini kita akan membahas Entitas Karakter.
Both, HTML and XML, have some symbols reserved for their use, which cannot be used as content in XML code. For example, < and > signs are used for opening and closing XML tags. To display these special characters, the character entities are used.
There are few special characters or symbols which are not available to be typed directly from the keyboard. Character Entities can also be used to display those symbols/special characters.
Types of Character Entities
There are three types of character entities −
- Predefined Character Entities
- Numbered Character Entities
- Named Character Entities
Predefined Character Entities
They are introduced to avoid the ambiguity while using some symbols. For example, an ambiguity is observed when less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) symbol is used with the angle tag (<>). Character entities are basically used to delimit tags in XML. Following is a list of pre-defined character entities from XML specification. These can be used to express characters without ambiguity.
Ampersand − &
Single quote − '
Greater than − >
Less than − <
Double quote − "
Numeric Character Entities
The numeric reference is used to refer to a character entity. Numeric reference can either be in decimal or hexadecimal format. As there are thousands of numeric references available, these are a bit hard to remember. Numeric reference refers to the character by its number in the Unicode character set.
General syntax for decimal numeric reference is −
&# decimal number ;
General syntax for hexadecimal numeric reference is −
&#x Hexadecimal number ;
The following table lists some predefined character entities with their numeric values −
Entity name | Character | Decimal reference | Hexadecimal reference |
quot | " | " | " |
amp | & | & | & |
apos | ' | ' | ' |
lt | < | < | < |
gt | > | > | > |
Named Character Entity
As it is hard to remember the numeric characters, the most preferred type of character entity is the named character entity. Here, each entity is identified with a name.
For example −
'Aacute' represents capital
'ugrave' represents the small