
データセットは、メモリ内で非常に便利なデータ表現を提供し、さまざまなデータベースのアプリケーションに使用されます。LINQ toADO.NETのテクノロジの1つであるLINQto Datasetは、データセットのデータに対するクエリの実行を手間をかけずに容易にし、生産性を向上させます。


LINQ to Datasetにより、開発者はクエリを簡単に実行できるようになりました。特定のクエリ言語でクエリを作成する必要はありません。代わりに、プログラミング言語で同じものを作成できます。LINQ to Datasetは、データが複数のデータソースから統合されている場所のクエリにも使用できます。また、メモリ内のコレクションからデータにアクセスするために、LINQ toSQLやLINQtoXMLのようなLINQプロバイダーも必要ありません。

以下は、LINQ to Datasetクエリの簡単な例です。このクエリでは、最初にデータソースが取得され、次にデータセットに2つのデータテーブルが入力されます。両方のテーブル間に関係が確立され、join句を使用して両方のテーブルに対してLINQクエリが作成されます。最後に、foreachループを使用して、目的の結果を表示します。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LINQtoDataset {
   class Program {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         string connectString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LinqToSQLDBConnectionString"].ToString();

         string sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM Department;" + "SELECT * FROM Employee;";

         // Create the data adapter to retrieve data from the database
         SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSelect, connectString);
         // Create table mappings
         da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Department");
         da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "Employee");

         // Create and fill the DataSet
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();

         DataRelation dr = ds.Relations.Add("FK_Employee_Department",

         DataTable department = ds.Tables["Department"];
         DataTable employee = ds.Tables["Employee"];

         var query = from d in department.AsEnumerable()
                     join e in employee.AsEnumerable()
                     on d.Field<int>("DepartmentId") equals
                     select new {
                        EmployeeId = e.Field<int>("EmployeeId"),
                        Name = e.Field<string>("Name"),                            
                        DepartmentId = d.Field<int>("DepartmentId"),                            
                        DepartmentName = d.Field<string>("Name")

         foreach (var q in query) {
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Id = {0} , Name = {1} , Department Name = {2}",
               q.EmployeeId, q.Name, q.DepartmentName);

         Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue.");


Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq

Module LinqToDataSet

   Sub Main()
      Dim connectString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("LinqToSQLDBConnectionString").ToString()

      Dim sqlSelect As String = "SELECT * FROM Department;" + "SELECT * FROM Employee;"
      Dim sqlCnn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectString)

      Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
      da.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlSelect, sqlCnn)

      da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Department")
      da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "Employee")

      Dim ds As New DataSet()

      Dim dr As DataRelation = ds.Relations.Add("FK_Employee_Department", ds.Tables("Department").Columns("DepartmentId"), ds.Tables("Employee").Columns("DepartmentId"))

      Dim department As DataTable = ds.Tables("Department")
      Dim employee As DataTable = ds.Tables("Employee")

      Dim query = From d In department.AsEnumerable()
                  Join e In employee.AsEnumerable() On d.Field(Of Integer)("DepartmentId") Equals
                  e.Field(Of Integer)("DepartmentId")
                  Select New Person With { _
                        .EmployeeId = e.Field(Of Integer)("EmployeeId"),
                        .EmployeeName = e.Field(Of String)("Name"),
                        .DepartmentId = d.Field(Of Integer)("DepartmentId"),
                        .DepartmentName = d.Field(Of String)("Name")

      For Each e In query
         Console.WriteLine("Employee Id = {0} , Name = {1} , Department Name = {2}", e.EmployeeId, e.EmployeeName, e.DepartmentName)

      Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Press any key to continue.")
   End Sub
   Class Person
      Public Property EmployeeId As Integer
      Public Property EmployeeName As String
      Public Property DepartmentId As Integer
      Public Property DepartmentName As String
   End Class
End Module


Employee Id = 1, Name = William, Department Name = Account
Employee Id = 2, Name = Benjamin, Department Name = Account
Employee Id = 3, Name = Miley, Department Name = Sales

Press any key to continue.

LinQ toDatasetを使用したデータセットのクエリ

LINQ to Datasetを使用してデータセットのクエリを開始する前に、データをデータセットにロードすることが重要です。これは、DataAdapterクラスを使用するか、LINQ toSQLを使用して実行されます。LINQ to Datasetを使用したクエリの作成は、他のLINQ対応データソースと一緒にLINQを使用してクエリを作成するのと非常によく似ています。




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LinqToDataset {
   class SingleTable {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         string connectString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LinqToSQLDBConnectionString"].ToString();

         string sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM Department;";

         // Create the data adapter to retrieve data from the database
         SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSelect, connectString);

         // Create table mappings
         da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Department");           

         // Create and fill the DataSet
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();

         DataTable department = ds.Tables["Department"];            

         var query = from d in department.AsEnumerable()                        
         select new {
            DepartmentId = d.Field<int>("DepartmentId"),
            DepartmentName = d.Field<string>("Name")

         foreach (var q in query) {
            Console.WriteLine("Department Id = {0} , Name = {1}",
               q.DepartmentId, q.DepartmentName);

         Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue.");


Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq

Module LinqToDataSet

   Sub Main()
      Dim connectString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("LinqToSQLDBConnectionString").ToString()

      Dim sqlSelect As String = "SELECT * FROM Department;"
      Dim sqlCnn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectString)

      Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
      da.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlSelect, sqlCnn)

      da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Department")
      Dim ds As New DataSet()

      Dim department As DataTable = ds.Tables("Department")

      Dim query = From d In department.AsEnumerable()
      Select New DepartmentDetail With {
         .DepartmentId = d.Field(Of Integer)("DepartmentId"),
            .DepartmentName = d.Field(Of String)("Name")

      For Each e In query
         Console.WriteLine("Department Id = {0} , Name = {1}", e.DepartmentId, e.DepartmentName)

      Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Press any key to continue.")
   End Sub

   Public Class DepartmentDetail
      Public Property DepartmentId As Integer
      Public Property DepartmentName As String
   End Class
End Module


Department Id = 1, Name = Account
Department Id = 2, Name = Sales
Department Id = 3, Name = Pre-Sales
Department Id = 4, Name = Marketing

Press any key to continue.