
- FontAwesome
- ブートストラップグリフィコン
- Googleのマテリアルアイコン
グーグルは「材料設計ガイドライン」の下で設計された約750のアイコンを提供し、これらはとして知られています Material Designアイコン。これらのアイコンはシンプルで、最新のWebブラウザをすべてサポートしています。これらのアイコンはベクターベースであるため、スケーラブルでもあります。これらのアイコンを使用するには、フォント(ライブラリ)をロードする必要がありますmaterial-icons。
Font Awesomeアイコンライブラリは、519個の無料のスケーラブルベクターアイコンを提供します。このライブラリは、個人使用と商用使用の両方で完全に無料です。もともとBootstrap用に設計されたこれらのアイコンは、簡単にカスタマイズできます。
Font Awesomeライブラリをロードするには、次の行をコピーしてWebページの<head>セクションに貼り付けます。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<i class = "fa fa-inr"></i>
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.mysize {font-size: 10em;}
<i class = "fa fa-inr mysize"></i>
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 6em; color: red;}
<i class = "fa fa-inr custom"></i>
Font Awesomeは、次のカテゴリで519個のアイコンを提供します-
- Webアプリケーションアイコン
- 手のアイコン
- 交通機関のアイコン
- 性別アイコン
- ファイルの種類のアイコン
- スピナーアイコン
- フォームコントロールアイコン
- 支払いアイコン
- チャートアイコン
- 通貨アイコン
- テキストエディタのアイコン
- 方向アイコン
- ビデオプレーヤーのアイコン
- ブランドアイコン
これらのアイコンのいずれかを使用するには、この章に記載されているプログラムのクラス名を目的のアイコンのクラス名に置き換える必要があります。このユニット(Font Awesome)の次の章では、さまざまなFontAwesomeアイコンの使用法とそれぞれの出力についてカテゴリ別に説明しました。
この章では、Font AwesomeWebアプリケーションアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeWebアプリケーションアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-anchor custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-archive custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-area-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-h custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-v custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-asterisk custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-at custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-automobile custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-balance-scale custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ban custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bank custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bar-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bar-chart-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-barcode custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bars custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bed custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-beer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bell custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wrench custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bell-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bell-slash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bell-slash-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bicycle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-0 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-1 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-2 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-3 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-4 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-empty custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-quarter custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-half custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-three-quarters custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-battery-full custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-birthday-cake custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bolt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bomb custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-book custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bookmark custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bookmark-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-briefcase custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bug custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-building custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-building-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bullhorn custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bullseye custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cab custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-video-camera custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar-check-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar-minus-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar-plus-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-calendar-times-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-camera custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-camera-retro custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-car custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cart-arrow-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cart-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-certificate custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-child custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle-o-notch custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle-thin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-clock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-clone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-close custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-anchor custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cloud-download custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cloud-upload custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-code custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-code-fork custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-coffee custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cog custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cogs custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-comment custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-comment-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-commenting custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-commenting-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-comments custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-comments-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-compass custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-copyright custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-creative-commons custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-credit-card custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-crop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-crosshairs custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cube custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cubes custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cutlery custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dashboard custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-database custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-desktop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-diamond custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dot-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-download custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-edit custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ellipsis-h custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ellipsis-v custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-envelope custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-envelope-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-envelope-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eraser custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-exchange custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-exclamation custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-external-link custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-external-link-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eye custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eye-slash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eyedropper custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fax custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-feed custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-female custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fighter-jet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-archive-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-audio-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-code-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-excel-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-volume-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-movie-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-pdf-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-photo-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-picture-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-powerpoint-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-sound-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-video-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-word-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-sound-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-video-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-word-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-zip-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-film custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-filter custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fire custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fire-extinguisher custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flag custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flag-checkered custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flag-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flask custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flask custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-folder custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-folder-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-folder-open custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-folder-open-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-frown-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-volume-off custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gamepad custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gavel custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gear custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gears custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gift custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-glass custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-globe custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-graduation-cap custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-group custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-grab-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-lizard-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-paper-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-peace-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-pointer-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-rock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-scissors-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-spock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-paper-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hdd-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-headphones custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heart-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heartbeat custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-history custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-home custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hotel custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hourglass custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hourglass-start custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hourglass-half custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hourglass-end custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-i-cursor custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-image custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-inbox custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-industry custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-info custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-info-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-institution custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-key custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-keyboard-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-language custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-laptop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-leaf custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-legal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-lemon-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-level-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-level-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-life-bouy custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-life-ring custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-life-saver custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-lightbulb-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-line-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-location-arrow custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-lock custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-magic custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-magnet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mail-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mail-reply custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mail-reply-all custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-male custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-map custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-map-marker custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-map-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-map-pin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-map-signs custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-meh-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-microphone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-microphone-slash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mobile custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-money custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-moon-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mortar-board custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-motorcycle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mouse-pointer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-music custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-users custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-object-group custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-object-ungroup custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paint-brush custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paper-plane custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paper-plane-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paw custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pencil custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pencil-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pencil-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-phone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-phone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-photo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-picture-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pie-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plane custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-volume-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-power-off custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-print custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-puzzle-piece custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-qrcode custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-question custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-question-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-quote-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-quote-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-random custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-recycle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-refresh custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-registered custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-remove custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-reorder custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-reply custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-reply-all custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-retweet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-road custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-anchor custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rss custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rss-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-search custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-search-minus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-search-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-send custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-send-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-server custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share-alt-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share-alt-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-shield custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ship custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-shopping-cart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sign-in custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sign-out custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-signal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sitemap custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sliders custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-smile-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-warning custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-alpha-asc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-alpha-desc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-asc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-desc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-numeric-asc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-numeric-desc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sort-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-space-shuttle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-spinner custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-spoon custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star-half custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star-half-empty custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star-half-full custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star-half-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-star-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sticky-note custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sticky-note-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-street-view custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-suitcase custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sun-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-support custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tablet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tachometer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tag custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tags custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tasks custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-taxi custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-television custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-terminal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumb-tack custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumbs-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ticket custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-times custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-times-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-times-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tint custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-off custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-on custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-trademark custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tras custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-trash-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tree custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-trophy custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-truck custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wheelchair custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tv custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-umbrella custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-university custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-unlock custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-unlock-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-unsorted custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-upload custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-user custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-user-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-user-secret custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-user-times custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeHandアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeHandアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-rock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-paper-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-rock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-stop-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-lizard-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-peace-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-scissors-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumbs-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumbs-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-pointer-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-spock-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-down custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeTransportationアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeTransportationアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-ambulance custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-automobile custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bicycle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cab custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-car custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fighter-jet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-motorcycle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plane custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rocket custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ship custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-space-shuttle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-subway custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-taxi custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-train custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-truck custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wheelchair custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeGenderアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeGenderアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-genderless custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-intersex custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mars custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mars-double custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mars-stroke custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mars-stroke-h custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mars-stroke-v custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-mercury custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-neuter custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-transgender custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-transgender-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-venus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-venus-double custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-venus-mars custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font Awesome FileTypeアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font Awesome FileTypeアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-file custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-archive-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-audio-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-code-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-excel-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-image-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-movie-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-pdf-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-photo-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-picture-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-powerpoint-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-video-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-word-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-zip-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-sound-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-text custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-text-o custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeSpinnerアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeSpinnerアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-circle-o-notch custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cog custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gear custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-refresh custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-spinner custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font Awesome FormControlアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font Awesome FormControlアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-check-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-check-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dot-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-minus-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-square-o custom"> </ i> | |
この章では、Font AwesomePaymentアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomePaymentアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-amex custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-diners-club custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-discover custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-jcb custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-mastercard custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-paypal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-stripe custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-visa custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-credit-card custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeChartアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel="stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeChartアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-area-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bar-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bar-chart-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-line-chart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pie-chart custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeCurrencyアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeCurrencyアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-bitcoin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-btc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cny custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dollar custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eur custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-euro custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gbp custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gg custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gg-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ils custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-inr custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-jpy custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-krw custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-money custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rmb custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rouble custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rub custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ruble custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rupee custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-shekel custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sheqel custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-try custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-turkish-lira custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-usd custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-won custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-yen custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font Awesome TextEditorアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font Awesome TextEditorアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-align-center custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-align-justify custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-align-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-align-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bold custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chain custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chain-broken custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-clipboard custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-columns custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-copy custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cut custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dedent custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eraser custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-text custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-file-text-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-files-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-floppy-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-font custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-header custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-indent custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-italic custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-link custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-list custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-list-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-list-ol custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-list-ul custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-outdent custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paperclip custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paragraph custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-paste custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-repeat custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rotate-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rotate-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-save custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-scissors custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-strikethrough custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-subscript custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-table custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-text-heigh custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-text-width custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-th custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-th-large custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-th-list custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-underline custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-undo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-unlink custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeDirectionalアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeDirectionalアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-double-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-double-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-double-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-double-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angle-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrow-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-h custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-v custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-caret-square-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-circle-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-circle-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-circle-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-circle-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chevron-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hand-o-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-long-arrow-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-long-arrow-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-long-arrow-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-long-arrow-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-toggle-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-exchange custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font Awesome VideoPlayerアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font Awesome VideoPlayerアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | アイコン |
<i class = "fa fa-arrows-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-compress custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-eject custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-expand custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fast-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fast-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-play-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-play-circle-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-random custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-step-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pause custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-play custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-youtube-play custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeBrandアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeBrandアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | アイコン |
<i class = "fa fa-500px custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-amazon custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-android custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-angellist custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-adn custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-apple custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-behance custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-behance-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bitbucket custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-bitbucket-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-btc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-black-tie custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-btc custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-buysellads custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-amex custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-diners-club custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-discover custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-jcb custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-mastercard custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-paypal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-stripe custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-cc-visa custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-chrome custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-codepen custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-connectdevelop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-contao custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-css3 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dashcube custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-delicious custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-deviantart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-digg custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dribbble custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-dropbox custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-drupal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-empire custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-expeditedssl custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-facebook custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-facebook-f custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-facebook-official custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-facebook-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-firefox custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-flickr custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-fonticons custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-forumbee custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-foursquare custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ge custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-get-pocket custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gg custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gg-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-git custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-git-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-github custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-github-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-github-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gratipay custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-google custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-google-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-google-plus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-youtube-play custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-gratipay custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hacker-news custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-houzz custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-html5 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-instagram custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-internet-explorer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ioxhost custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-joomla custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-jsfiddle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-lastfm custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-lastfm-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-leanpub custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-linkedin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-linkedin-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-linux custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-maxcdn custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-meanpath custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-medium custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-odnoklassniki custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-odnoklassniki-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-opencart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-opera custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-optin-monster custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-openid custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pagelines custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-youtube custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pied-piper custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pied-piper-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pinterest custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pinterest-p custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-pinterest-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-qq custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-ra custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-rebel custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-reddit custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-renren custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-amazon custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-safari custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-sellsy custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-youtube-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-share-alt-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-shirtsinbulk custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-simplybuilt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-skyatlas custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-skype custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-slack custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-yc-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-soundcloud custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-spotify custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stack-exchange custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stack-overflow custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-steam custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-steam-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stumbleupon custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stumbleupon-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tencent-weibo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-trello custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tripadvisor custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tumblr custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-tumblr-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-yahoo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-twitter custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-twitter-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-viacoin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-vimeo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-vimeo-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-vine custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-vk custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wechat custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-weibo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-weixin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-whatsapp custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wikipedia-w custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-windows custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wordpress custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-xing custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-xing-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-y-combinator custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-y-combinator-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-yc custom"> </ i> |
この章では、Font AwesomeMedicalアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: gray;}
<i class = "fa fa-adjust custom"></i>
次の表は、Font AwesomeMedicalアイコンの使用法と結果を示しています。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | アイコン |
<i class = "fa fa-ambulance custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-h-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heart-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-heartbeat custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-hospital-o custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-medkit custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-plus-square custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-stethoscope custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-user-md custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "fa fa-wheelchair custom"> </ i> |
Googleは、「マテリアルデザインガイドライン」に基づいてデザインされた750個のアイコンのセットを提供しています。 Material Designアイコン。これらのアイコンはシンプルで、最新のWebブラウザをすべてサポートしています。これらのアイコンはベクターベースであるため、スケーラブルでもあります。これらのアイコンを使用するには、フォント(ライブラリ)をロードする必要がありますmaterial-icons。
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
Googleのマテリアルアイコンは、アイコンの長いリストを提供します。それらのいずれかを選択し、アイコンクラスの名前を<body>タグ内の任意のHTML要素に追加します。次の例では、という名前のアイコンを使用していますaccessibility アクションカテゴリに属します。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
<i class = "material-icons">accessibility</i>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.mysize {font-size: 6em;}
<i class = "material-icons mysize">accessibility</i>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 6em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
- アクションアイコン
- アラートアイコン
- AVアイコン
- コミュニケーションアイコン
- コンテンツアイコン
- デバイスアイコン
- エディタアイコン
- ファイルアイコン
- ハードウェアアイコン
- 画像アイコン
- マップアイコン
- ナビゲーションアイコン
- 通知アイコン
- ソーシャルアイコン
- アイコンの切り替え
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)アクションアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> 3d_rotation </ i> | 3d_rotation |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アクセシビリティ</ i> | アクセシビリティ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> account_balance </ i> | 勘定残高 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> account_balance_wallet </ i> | account_balance_wallet |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> account_box </ i> | account_box |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> account_circle </ i> | account_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_shopping_cart </ i> | add_shopping_cart |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アラーム</ i> | 警報 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> alarm_add </ i> | alarm_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> alarm_off </ i> | alarm_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> alarm_on </ i> | alarm_on |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> android </ i> | アンドロイド |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">発表</ i> | 発表 |
<i class = "material-icons custom">アスペクト比</ i> | アスペクト比 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">評価</ i> | 評価 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">割り当て</ i> | 割り当て |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">割り当て_ind </ i> | Assignment_ind |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Assignment_late </ i> | Assignment_late |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">割り当て_リターン</ i> | Assignment_return |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Assignment_returned </ i> | Assignment_returned |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Assignment_turned_in </ i> | Assignment_turned_in |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">自動更新</ i> | 自動更新 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">バックアップ</ i> | バックアップ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">本</ i> | 本 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ブックマーク</ i> | ブックマーク |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> bookmark_border </ i> | ブックマークボーダー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> bug_report </ i> | bug_report |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ビルド</ i> | ビルド |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">キャッシュ</ i> | キャッシュされた |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> camera_enhance </ i> | camera_enhance |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> card_giftcard </ i> | card_giftcard |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> card_membership </ i> | card_membership |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> card_travel </ i> | card_travel |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> change_history </ i> | change_history |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> check_circle </ i> | check_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> chrome_reader_mode </ i> | chrome_reader_mode |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">クラス</ i> | クラス |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">コード</ i> | コード |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> credit_card </ i> | クレジットカード |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ダッシュボード</ i> | ダッシュボード |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">削除</ i> | 削除 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">説明</ i> | 説明 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> DNS </ i> | dns |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">完了</ i> | 完了 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> done_all </ i> | done_all |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">イジェクト</ i> | イジェクト |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">イベント</ i> | イベント |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> event_seat </ i> | event_seat |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> exit_to_app </ i> | exit_to_app |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">探索</ i> | 見る |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">拡張機能</ i> | 拡張 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">顔</ i> | 面 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">お気に入り</ i> | お気に入り |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> favorite_border </ i> | Favorite_border |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フィードバック</ i> | フィードバック |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> find_in_page </ i> | find_in_page |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> find_replace </ i> | find_replace |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flight_land </ i> | flight_land |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flight_takeoff </ i> | Flight_takeoff |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flip_to_back </ i> | flip_to_back |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flip_to_front </ i> | flip_to_front |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> get_app </ i> | アプリを取得 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> gif </ i> | gif |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">グレード</ i> | グレード |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> group_work </ i> | グループワーク |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ヘルプ</ i> | 助けて |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> help_outline </ i> | help_outline |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> highlight_off </ i> | ハイライトオフ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">履歴</ i> | 歴史 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ホーム</ i> | 家 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hourglass_empty </ i> | hourglass_empty |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hourglass_full </ i> | hourglass_full |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> http </ i> | http |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> https </ i> | https |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">情報</ i> | 情報 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> info_outline </ i> | info_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">入力</ i> | 入力 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> invert_colors </ i> | invert_colors |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ラベル</ i> | ラベル |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> label_outline </ i> | label_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">言語</ i> | 言語 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">起動</ i> | 打ち上げ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">リスト</ i> | リスト |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ロック</ i> | ロック |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lock_open </ i> | lock_open |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lock_outline </ i> | lock_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">忠誠心</ i> | ロイヤリティ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> markunread_mailbox </ i> | markunread_mailbox |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> note_add </ i> | note_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> offset_pin </ i> | offset_pin |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> open_in_browser </ i> | ブラウザで開く |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> open_in_new </ i> | open_in_new |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> open_with </ i> | open_with |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ページビュー</ i> | ページビュー |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">支払い</ i> | 支払い |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_camera_mic </ i> | perm_camera_mic |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_contact_cale </ i> | perm_contact_cale |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_data_settings </ i> | perm_data_settings |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_device_information </ i> | perm_device_information |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_identity </ i> | perm_identity |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_media </ i> | perm_media |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_phone_msg </ i> | perm_phone_msg |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> perm_scan_wifi </ i> | perm_scan_wifi |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> picture_in_picture </ i> | picture_in_picture |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> play_for_work </ i> | play_for_work |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ポリマー</ i> | ポリマー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> power_settings_new </ i> | power_settings_new |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">印刷</ i> | 印刷 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> query_builder </ i> | query_builder |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> question_answer </ i> | 質疑応答 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">領収書</ i> | 領収書 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">引き換え</ i> | 償還 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">並べ替え</ i> | 再注文 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> report_problem </ i> | report_problem |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">復元</ i> | 戻す |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">部屋</ i> | ルーム |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スケジュール</ i> | スケジュール |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">検索</ i> | 探す |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">設定</ i> | 設定 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_applications </ i> | settings_applications |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_bluetooth </ i> | settings_bluetooth |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_brightness </ i> | settings_brightness |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_cell </ i> | settings_cell |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_ethernet </ i> | settings_ethernet |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_input_antenna </ i> | settings_input_antenna |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_input_component </ i> | settings_input_component |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_input_hdmi </ i> | settings_input_hdmi |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_input_svideo </ i> | settings_input_svideo |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_overscan </ i> | settings_overscan |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_phone </ i> | settings_phone |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_power </ i> | settings_power |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_remote </ i> | settings_remote |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_voice </ i> | settings_voice |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ショップ</ i> | ショップ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> shop_two </ i> | shop_two |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Shopping_basket </ i> | 買い物カゴ |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">ショッピングカート</ i> | ショッピングカート |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Speaker_notes </ i> | Speaker_notes |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スペルチェック</ i> | スペルチェック |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> star_rate </ i> | star_rate |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スター</ i> | 出演者 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ストア</ i> | お店 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">件名</ i> | 件名 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> supervisor_account </ i> | スーパーバイザーアカウント |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> swap_horiz </ i> | swap_horiz |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> swap_vert </ i> | swap_vert |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> swap_vertical_circle </ i> | swap_vertical_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> system_update_alt </ i> | system_update_alt |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">タブ</ i> | タブ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> tab_unselected </ i> | tab_unselected |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">劇場</ i> | 劇場 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> thumb_down </ i> | thumb_down |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> thumb_up </ i> | いいね |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> thumbs_up_down </ i> | thumbs_up_down |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> toc </ i> | toc |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">今日</ i> | 今日 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">通行料</ i> | 通行料金 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> track_changes </ i> | track_changes |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">翻訳</ i> | 翻訳する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Trending_down </ i> | Trending_down |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Trending_flat </ i> | Trending_flat |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Trending_up </ i> | Trending_up |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> turn_in </ i> | turn_in |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> verifyed_user </ i> | verifyed_user |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_agenda </ i> | view_agenda |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_array </ i> | view_array |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_carousel </ i> | view_carousel |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_column </ i> | view_column |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_day </ i> | view_day |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_headline </ i> | view_headline |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_list </ i> | view_list |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_module </ i> | view_module |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_quilt </ i> | view_quilt |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_stream </ i> | view_stream |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_week </ i> | view_week |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">可視性</ i> | 視認性 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> visibility_off </ i> | 可視性_off |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">仕事</ i> | 作業 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> youtube_searched_for </ i> | youtube_searched_for |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> zoom_in </ i> | ズームイン |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> zoom_out </ i> | ズームアウトする |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)アラートアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_alert </ i> | add_alert |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">エラー</ i> | エラー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> error_outline </ i> | error_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">警告</ i> | 警告 |
この章では、Googleの(素材)AVアイコンの使い方について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">エアプレイ</ i> | エアプレイ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アルバム</ i> | アルバム |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> av_timer </ i> | av_timer |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> closed_caption </ i> | 字幕 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">イコライザー</ i> | イコライザ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">明示的</ i> | 明示的 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> fast_forward </ i> | 早送り |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> fast_rewind </ i> | fast_rewind |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> forward_10 </ i> | forward_10 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> forward_30 </ i> | forward_30 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> forward_5 </ i> | forward_5 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ゲーム</ i> | ゲーム |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hd </ i> | hd |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ヒアリング</ i> | 聴覚 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> high_quality </ i> | 高品質 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> library_add </ i> | library_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> library_books </ i> | library_books |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> library_music </ i> | library_music |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ループ</ i> | ループ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">マイク</ i> | マイク |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> mic_none </ i> | mic_none |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> mic_off </ i> | mic_off |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">映画</ i> | 映画 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> pause_circle_outline </ i> | pause_circle_outline |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> new_releases </ i> | new_releases |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> not_interested </ i> | not_interested |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">一時停止</ i> | 一時停止 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> pause_circle_filled </ i> | pause_circle_filled |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> play_arrow </ i> | play_arrow |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> play_circle_filled </ i> | play_circle_filled |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> play_circle_outline </ i> | play_circle_outline |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> playlist_add </ i> | playplay_add |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">キュー</ i> | キュー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> queue_music </ i> | queue_music |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ラジオ</ i> | 無線 |
<i class = "material-icons custom">最近の俳優</ i> | 最近の俳優 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">繰り返し</ i> | 繰り返す |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> repeat_one </ i> | repeat_one |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">再生</ i> | リプレイ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">エアプレイ</ i> | replay_10 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> replay_30 </ i> | replay_30 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> replay_5 </ i> | replay_5 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">シャッフル</ i> | シャッフル |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> skip_next </ i> | skip_next |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> skip_previous </ i> | skip_previous |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">スヌーズ</ i> | スヌーズ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> sort_by_alpha </ i> | sort_by_alpha |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">停止</ i> | やめる |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">字幕</ i> | 字幕 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> surround_sound </ i> | サラウンドサウンド |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> video_library </ i> | video_library |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ビデオカメラ</ i> | ビデオカメラ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> videocam_off </ i> | videocam_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> volume_down </ i> | ボリュームダウン |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> volume_mute </ i> | volume_mute |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> volume_off </ i> | volume_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> volume_up </ i> | volume_up |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">ウェブ</ i> | ウェブ |
This chapter explains the usage of Google's (Material) Communication icons. Assume that custom is the CSS class name where we defined the size and color, as shown in the example given below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
The following table contains the usage and results of Google's (Material) Communication icons. Replace the < body > tag of the above program with the code given in the table to get the respective outputs −
Usage | Result |
<i class="material-icons custom">business</i> | business |
<i class="material-icons custom">call</i> | call |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_made</i> | call_made |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_merge</i> | call_merge |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_missed</i> | call_missed |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_received</i> | call_received |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_split</i> | call_split |
<i class="material-icons custom">chat</i> | chat |
<i class="material-icons custom">chat_bubble</i> | chat_bubble |
<i class="material-icons custom">chat_bubble_outline</i> | chat_bubble_outline |
<i class="material-icons custom">clear_all</i> | clear_all |
<i class="material-icons custom">comment</i> | comment |
<i class="material-icons custom">contact_phone</i> | contact_phone |
<i class="material-icons custom">contacts</i> | contacts |
<i class="material-icons custom">dialer_sip</i> | dialer_sip |
<i class="material-icons custom">dialpad</i> | dialpad |
<i class="material-icons custom">forum</i> | forum |
<i class="material-icons custom">import_export</i> | import_export |
<i class="material-icons custom">invert_colors_off</i> | invert_colors_off |
<i class="material-icons custom">live_help</i> | live_help |
<i class="material-icons custom">location_off</i> | location_off |
<i class="material-icons custom">location_on</i> | location_on |
<i class="material-icons custom">message</i> | message |
<i class="material-icons custom">no_sim</i> | no_sim |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone</i> | phone |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonelink_erase</i> | phonelink_erase |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonelink_lock</i> | phonelink_lock |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonelink_ring</i> | phonelink_ring |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonelink_setup</i> | phonelink_setup |
<i class="material-icons custom">portable_wifi_off</i> | portable_wifi_off |
<i class="material-icons custom">present_to_all</i> | present_to_all |
<i class="material-icons custom">ring_volume</i> | ring_volume |
<i class="material-icons custom">speaker_phone</i> | speaker_phone |
<i class="material-icons custom">stay_current_landscape</i> | stay_current_landscape |
<i class="material-icons custom">stay_current_portrait</i> | stay_current_portrait |
<i class="material-icons custom">stay_primary_landscape</i> | stay_primary_landscape |
<i class="material-icons custom">stay_primary_portrait</i> | stay_primary_portrait |
<i class="material-icons custom">swap_calls</i> | swap_calls |
<i class="material-icons custom">textsms</i> | textsms |
<i class="material-icons custom">voicemail</i> | voicemail |
<i class="material-icons custom">vpn_key</i> | vpn_key |
<i class="material-icons custom">email</i> | |
<i class="material-icons custom">call_end</i> | call_end |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)コンテンツアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">追加</ i> | 追加 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_box </ i> | add_box |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_circle </ i> | add_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_circle_outline </ i> | add_circle_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アーカイブ</ i> | アーカイブ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">バックスペース</ i> | バックスペース |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ブロック</ i> | ブロック |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">クリア</ i> | 晴れ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> content_copy </ i> | content_copy |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> content_cut </ i> | content_cut |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> content_paste </ i> | content_paste |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">作成</ i> | 作成する |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ドラフト</ i> | ドラフト |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_list </ i> | filter_list |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フラグ</ i> | 国旗 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> font_download </ i> | font_download |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">転送</ i> | フォワード |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ジェスチャー</ i> | ジェスチャー |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">受信トレイ</ i> | 受信トレイ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">リンク</ i> | リンク |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">メール</ i> | 郵便物 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> markunread </ i> | markunread |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">やり直し</ i> | やり直し |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">削除</ i> | 削除する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> remove_circle </ i> | remove_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> remove_circle_outline </ i> | remove_circle_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">返信</ i> | 応答 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> reply_all </ i> | 全員に返信 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">レポート</ i> | 報告する |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">保存</ i> | 保存する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> select_all </ i> | すべて選択 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">送信</ i> | 送信 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">並べ替え</ i> | ソート |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> text_format </ i> | text_format |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> stay_current_portrait </ i> | stay_current_portrait |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">元に戻す</ i> | 元に戻す |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)デバイスアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> access_alarm </ i> | access_alarm |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> access_alarms </ i> | access_alarms |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> access_time </ i> | アクセス時間 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_alarm </ i> | add_alarm |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">機内モード_アクティブ</ i> | 機内モードアクティブ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">機内モード_非アクティブ</ i> | 機内モード非アクティブ |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">バッテリー_アラート</ i> | Battery_alert |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">バッテリー_充電_フル</ i> | バッテリー充電_フル |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">バッテリーフル</ i> | Battery_full |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">バッテリー_std </ i> | Battery_std |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Battery_unknown </ i> | バッテリー不明 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ブルートゥース</ i> | ブルートゥース |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> bluetooth_connected </ i> | bluetooth_connected |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> bluetooth_disabled </ i> | bluetooth_disabled |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> bluetooth_searching </ i> | bluetooth_searching |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_auto </ i> | 明るさ_auto |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_high </ i> | 明るさ_高 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_low </ i> | 明るさ_低 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_medium </ i> | 明るさ_中 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> data_usage </ i> | データ使用量 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> developer_mode </ i> | 開発者モード |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">デバイス</ i> | デバイス |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> dvr </ i> | dvr |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> gps_fixed </ i> | gps_fixed |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> gps_not_fixed </ i> | gps_not_fixed |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> gps_off </ i> | gps_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> graphic_eq </ i> | Graphic_eq |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> location_disabled </ i> | location_disabled |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> location_searching </ i> | location_searching |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> network_cell </ i> | network_cell |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> network_wifi </ i> | network_wifi |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> screen_lock_landscape </ i> | screen_lock_landscape |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> screen_lock_portrait </ i> | screen_lock_portrait |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> screen_lock_rotation </ i> | screen_lock_rotation |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> screen_rotation </ i> | 画面の回転 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> sd_storage </ i> | sd_storage |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> settings_system_daydream </ i> | settings_system_daydream |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_cellular_4_bar </ i> | signal_cellular_4_bar |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wifi_tethering </ i> | wifi_tethering |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_cellular_no_sim </ i> | signal_cellular_no_sim |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_cellular_null </ i> | signal_cellular_null |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_cellular_off </ i> | signal_cellular_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_wifi_4_bar </ i> | signal_wifi_4_bar |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_wifi_4_bar_lock </ i> | signal_wifi_4_bar_lock |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_wifi_off </ i> | signal_wifi_off |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ストレージ</ i> | ストレージ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> usb </ i> | USB |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">壁紙</ i> | 壁紙 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ウィジェット</ i> | ウィジェット |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wifi_lock </ i> | wifi_lock |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar </ i> | signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)エディターアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> attach_file </ i> | ファイルを添付する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> attach_money </ i> | attach_money |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_all </ i> | border_all |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_bottom </ i> | border_bottom |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_clear </ i> | border_clear |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_color </ i> | ボーダの色 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_horizontal </ i> | border_horizontal |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_inner </ i> | border_inner |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_left </ i> | border_left |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_outer </ i> | border_outer |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_right </ i> | border_right |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_style </ i> | ボーダースタイル |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_top </ i> | border_top |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> border_vertical </ i> | border_vertical |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_align_center </ i> | format_align_center |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_align_justify </ i> | format_align_justify |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_align_left </ i> | format_align_left |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_align_right </ i> | format_align_right |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_bold </ i> | format_bold |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_clear </ i> | format_clear |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_color_fill </ i> | format_color_fill |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_color_reset </ i> | format_color_reset |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_color_text </ i> | format_color_text |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_indent_decrease </ i> | format_indent_decrease |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_indent_increase </ i> | format_indent_increase |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_italic </ i> | format_italic |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_line_spacing </ i> | format_line_spacing |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_list_bulleted </ i> | format_list_bulleted |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_list_numbered </ i> | format_list_numbered |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_paint </ i> | format_paint |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_quote </ i> | format_quote |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_size </ i> | format_size |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_strikethrough </ i> | format_strikethrough |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_textdirection_l_to_r </ i> | format_textdirection_l_to_r |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_textdirection_r_to_l </ i> | format_textdirection_r_to_l |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> format_underline </ i> | format_underline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">関数</ i> | 関数 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_chart </ i> | insert_chart |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_comment </ i> | insert_comment |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_drive_file </ i> | insert_drive_file |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_emoticon </ i> | insert_emoticon |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_invitation </ i> | insert_invitation |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_link </ i> | insert_link |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> insert_photo </ i> | insert_photo |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> merge_type </ i> | merge_type |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> mode_comment </ i> | mode_comment |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> mode_edit </ i> | mode_edit |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> money_off </ i> | money_off |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">公開</ i> | 公開する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> space_bar </ i> | スペースキー |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">取り消し線</ i> | 取り消し線 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> vertical_align_bottom </ i> | vertical_align_bottom |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> vertical_align_center </ i> | vertical_align_center |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> vertical_align_top </ i> | vertical_align_top |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wrap_text </ i> | テキストを折り返す |
この章では、Googleの(素材)ファイルアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">添付ファイル</ i> | アタッチメント |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">クラウド</ i> | 雲 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_circle </ i> | cloud_circle |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_done </ i> | cloud_done |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_download </ i> | cloud_download |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_off </ i> | cloud_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_queue </ i> | cloud_queue |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cloud_upload </ i> | cloud_upload |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> file_download </ i> | file_download |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> file_upload </ i> | file_upload |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フォルダ</ i> | フォルダ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> folder_open </ i> | folder_open |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> folder_shared </ i> | folder_shared |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)ハードウェアアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">キャスト</ i> | キャスト |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> cast_connected </ i> | cast_connected |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">コンピューター</ i> | コンピューター |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> desktop_mac </ i> | Desktop_mac |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">デスクトップ_ウィンドウ</ i> | デスクトップウィンドウ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> developer_board </ i> | development_board |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> device_hub </ i> | device_hub |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ドック</ i> | ドック |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ゲームパッド</ i> | ゲームパッド |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ヘッドセット</ i> | ヘッドセット |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> headset_mic </ i> | ヘッドセットマイク |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">キーボード</ i> | キーボード |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_矢印_ダウン</ i> | Keyboard_arrow_down |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_矢印_左</ i> | Keyboard_arrow_left |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_矢印_右</ i> | Keyboard_arrow_right |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_矢印_up </ i> | Keyboard_arrow_up |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> keyboard_backspace </ i> | Keyboard_backspace |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_capslock </ i> | Keyboard_capslock |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> keyboard_hide </ i> | Keyboard_hide |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_リターン</ i> | Keyboard_return |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_タブ</ i> | Keyboard_tab |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">キーボード_ボイス</ i> | Keyboard_voice |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ノートパソコン</ i> | ラップトップ |
<i class = "material-icons custom">ラップトップ_クロームブック</ i> | Laptop_chromebook |
<i class = "material-icons custom">ラップトップ_マック</ i> | Laptop_mac |
<i class = "material-icons custom">ラップトップウィンドウ</ i> | Laptop_windows |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">メモリ</ i> | 記憶 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">マウス</ i> | マウス |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> phone_android </ i> | phone_android |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> phone_iphone </ i> | phone_iphone |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">電話リンク</ i> | phonelink |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> phonelink_off </ i> | phonelink_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> power_input </ i> | 電源入力 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ルーター</ i> | ルーター |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スキャナー</ i> | スキャナー |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">セキュリティ</ i> | セキュリティ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> sim_card </ i> | SIMカード |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スマートフォン</ i> | スマートフォン |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スピーカー</ i> | スピーカー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Speaker_group </ i> | Speaker_group |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">タブレット</ i> | タブレット |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Tablet_android </ i> | Tablet_android |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Tablet_mac </ i> | Tablet_mac |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">おもちゃ</ i> | おもちゃ |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">テレビ</ i> | テレビ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">見る</ i> | 見る |
この章では、Googleの(素材)画像アイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> add_to_photos </ i> | add_to_photos |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">調整</ i> | 調整する |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アシスタント</ i> | アシスタント |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">アシスタント</ i> | アシスタント |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">オーディオトラック</ i> | オーディオトラック |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> blur_circular </ i> | Blur_circular |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> blur_linear </ i> | Blur_linear |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> blur_off </ i> | Blur_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> blur_on </ i> | Blur_on |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">明るさ_1 </ i> | 明るさ_1 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">明るさ_2 </ i> | 明るさ_2 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">明るさ_3 </ i> | 明るさ_3 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_4 </ i> | 明るさ_4 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_5 </ i> | 明るさ_5 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_6 </ i> | 明るさ_6 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> brightness_7 </ i> | 明るさ_7 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">壊れた画像</ i> | 壊れた画像 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ブラシ</ i> | みがきます |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">カメラ</ i> | カメラ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> camera_alt </ i> | camera_alt |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> camera_front </ i> | camera_front |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> camera_rear </ i> | camera_rear |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> camera_roll </ i> | カメラロール |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> center_focus_strong </ i> | center_focus_strong |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> center_focus_weak </ i> | center_focus_weak |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">コレクション</ i> | コレクション |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> collections_bookmark </ i> | collections_bookmark |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> color_lens </ i> | color_lens |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">色付け</ i> | 色付け |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">比較</ i> | 比較する |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> control_point </ i> | control_point |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> control_point_duplicate </ i> | control_point_duplicate |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">切り抜き</ i> | 作物 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_16_9 </ i> | Crop_16_9 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_3_2 </ i> | Crop_3_2 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_5_4 </ i> | Crop_5_4 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_7_5 </ i> | Crop_7_5 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_din </ i> | Crop_din |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_free </ i> | Crop_free |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_landscape </ i> | Crop_landscape |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_original </ i> | Crop_original |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_portrait </ i> | Crop_portrait |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Crop_square </ i> | Crop_square |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">デヘイズ</ i> | デヘイズ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">詳細</ i> | 詳細 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">編集</ i> | 編集 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">露出</ i> | 曝露 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Exposure_neg_1 </ i> | Exposure_neg_1 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Exposure_plus_1 </ i> | Exposure_plus_1 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Exposure_plus_2 </ i> | Exposure_plus_2 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Exposure_zero </ i> | Exposure_zero |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フィルター</ i> | フィルタ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_1 </ i> | filter_1 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_2 </ i> | filter_2 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_3 </ i> | filter_3 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_4 </ i> | filter_4 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_5 </ i> | filter_5 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_6 </ i> | filter_6 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_7 </ i> | filter_7 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_8 </ i> | filter_8 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_9 </ i> | filter_9 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_9_plus </ i> | filter_9_plus |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_b_and_w </ i> | filter_b_and_w |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_center_focus </ i> | filter_center_focus |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_drama </ i> | filter_drama |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_frames </ i> | filter_frames |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_hdr </ i> | filter_hdr |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_none </ i> | filter_none |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_tilt_shift </ i> | filter_tilt_shift |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> filter_vintage </ i> | filter_vintage |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フレア</ i> | フレア |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flash_auto </ i> | flash_auto |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flash_off </ i> | flash_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> flash_on </ i> | flash_on |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フリップ</ i> | フリップ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">グラデーション</ i> | 勾配 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">グレイン</ i> | 粒 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> grid_off </ i> | grid_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> grid_on </ i> | grid_on |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hdr_off </ i> | hdr_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hdr_on </ i> | hdr_on |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hdr_strong </ i> | hdr_strong |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> hdr_weak </ i> | hdr_weak |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">修復</ i> | 治癒 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">画像</ i> | 画像 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> image_aspect_ratio </ i> | image_aspect_ratio |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> iso </ i> | iso |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">風景</ i> | 風景 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Leak_add </ i> | Leak_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Leak_remove </ i> | Leak_remove |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">レンズ</ i> | レンズ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">見た目</ i> | 見える |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookup_3 </ i> | lookup_3 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookup_4 </ i> | lookup_4 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookup_5 </ i> | lookup_5 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookup_6 </ i> | lookup_6 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookups_one </ i> | lookup_one |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> lookup_two </ i> | lookup_two |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ルーペ</ i> | ルーペ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> monochrome_photos </ i> | モノクロ写真 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> movie_creation </ i> | movie_creation |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> music_note </ i> | 音符 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">自然</ i> | 自然 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> nature_people </ i> | nature_people |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wb_sunny </ i> | wb_sunny |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> navigate_next </ i> | ナビゲート_次 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> navigate_before </ i> | ナビゲートする前 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">パレット</ i> | パレット |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">パノラマ</ i> | パノラマ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> panorama_fish_eye </ i> | panorama_fish_eye |
<i class = "material-icons custom">パノラマ_水平</ i> | panorama_horizontal |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> panorama_vertical </ i> | panorama_vertical |
<i class = "material-icons custom">パノラマ_ワイドアングル</ i> | panorama_wide_angle |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">写真</ i> | 写真 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_album </ i> | フォトアルバム |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_camera </ i> | カメラ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_library </ i> | photo_library |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_size_select_actual </ i> | photo_size_select_actual |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_size_select_large </ i> | photo_size_select_large |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> photo_size_select_small </ i> | photo_size_select_small |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> picture_as_pdf </ i> | picture_as_pdf |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ポートレート</ i> | 肖像画 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> remove_red_eye </ i> | remove_red_eye |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> rotate_90_degrees_ccw </ i> | 回転_90_degrees_ccw |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Rotate_left </ i> | 左に回転 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Rotate_right </ i> | 右に回る |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スライドショー</ i> | スライドショー |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">まっすぐにする</ i> | まっすぐにする |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スタイル</ i> | スタイル |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> switch_camera </ i> | switch_camera |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> switch_video </ i> | switch_video |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> tag_faces </ i> | tag_faces |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">テクスチャ</ i> | テクスチャ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">タイムラプス</ i> | タイムラプス |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">タイマー</ i> | タイマー |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> timer_10 </ i> | timer_10 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> timer_3 </ i> | timer_3 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> timer_off </ i> | timer_off |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">調性</ i> | 調性 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">変換</ i> | 変換 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">調整</ i> | 曲 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_comfy </ i> | view_comfy |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> view_compact </ i> | view_compact |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ビネット</ i> | ビネット |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wb_auto </ i> | wb_auto |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wb_cloudy </ i> | wb_cloudy |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wb_incandescent </ i> | wb_incandescent |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> wb_iridescent </ i> | wb_iridescent |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)マップアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ここにあります</ i> | ここにいた |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">方向</ i> | 行き方 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_bike </ i> | Directions_bike |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_boat </ i> | Directions_boat |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_bus </ i> | Directions_bus |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_car </ i> | Directions_car |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_railway </ i> | Directions_railway |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_run </ i> | Directions_run |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_subway </ i> | Directions_subway |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_transit </ i> | Directions_transit |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> Directions_walk </ i> | Directions_walk |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">フライト</ i> | フライト |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ホテル</ i> | ホテル |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">レイヤー</ i> | レイヤー |
<i class="material-icons custom">layers_clear</i> | layers_clear |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_activity</i> | local_activity |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_airport</i> | local_airport |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_atm</i> | local_atm |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_bar</i> | local_bar |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_cafe</i> | local_cafe |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_car_wash</i> | local_car_wash |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_convenience_store</i> | local_convenience_store |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_dining</i> | local_dining |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_drink</i> | local_drink |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_florist</i> | local_florist |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_gas_station</i> | local_gas_station |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_grocery_store</i> | local_grocery_store |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_hospital</i> | local_hospital |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_hotel</i> | local_hotel |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_laundry_service</i> | local_laundry_service |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_library</i> | local_library |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_mall</i> | local_mall |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_movies</i> | local_movies |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_offer</i> | local_offer |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_parking</i> | local_parking |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_pharmacy</i> | local_pharmacy |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_phone</i> | local_phone |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_pizza</i> | local_pizza |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_play</i> | local_play |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_post_office</i> | local_post_office |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_printshop</i> | local_printshop |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_see</i> | local_see |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_shipping</i> | local_shipping |
<i class="material-icons custom">local_taxi</i> | local_taxi |
<i class="material-icons custom">map</i> | map |
<i class="material-icons custom">my_location</i> | my_location |
<i class="material-icons custom">navigation</i> | navigation |
<i class="material-icons custom">person_pin</i> | person_pin |
<i class="material-icons custom">pin_drop</i> | pin_drop |
<i class="material-icons custom">place</i> | place |
<i class="material-icons custom">rate_review</i> | rate_review |
<i class="material-icons custom">restaurant_menu</i> | restaurant_menu |
<i class="material-icons custom">satellite</i> | satellite |
<i class="material-icons custom">store_mall_directory</i> | store_mall_directory |
<i class="material-icons custom">traffic</i> | traffic |
<i class="material-icons custom">terrain</i> | terrain |
This chapter explains the usage of Google's (Material) Navigation icons. Assume that custom is the CSS class name where we defined the size and color, as shown in the example given below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
The following table contains the usage and results of Google's (Material) Navigation icons. Replace the < body > tag of the above program with the code given in the table to get the respective outputs −
Usage | Result |
<i class="material-icons custom">apps</i> | apps |
<i class="material-icons custom">arrow_back</i> | arrow_back |
<i class="material-icons custom">arrow_drop_down</i> | arrow_drop_down |
<i class="material-icons custom">arrow_drop_down_circle</i> | arrow_drop_down_circle |
<i class="material-icons custom">arrow_drop_up</i> | arrow_drop_up |
<i class="material-icons custom">arrow_forward</i> | arrow_forward |
<i class="material-icons custom">cancel</i> | cancel |
<i class="material-icons custom">check</i> | check |
<i class="material-icons custom">chevron_left</i> | chevron_left |
<i class="material-icons custom">chevron_right</i> | chevron_right |
<i class="material-icons custom">close</i> | close |
<i class="material-icons custom">expand_less</i> | expand_less |
<i class="material-icons custom">expand_more</i> | expand_more |
<i class="material-icons custom">fullscreen</i> | fullscreen |
<i class="material-icons custom">fullscreen_exit</i> | fullscreen_exit |
<i class="material-icons custom">menu</i> | menu |
<i class="material-icons custom">more_horiz</i> | more_horiz |
<i class="material-icons custom">more_vert</i> | more_vert |
<i class="material-icons custom">refresh</i> | refresh |
This chapter explains the usage of Google's (Material) Notification icons. Assume that custom is the CSS class name where we defined the size and color, as shown in the example given below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
The following table contains the usage and results of Google's (Material) Notification icons. Replace the < body > tag of the above program with the code given in the table to get the respective outputs −
Usage | Result |
<i class="material-icons custom">adb</i> | adb |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_flat</i> | airline_seat_flat |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_flat_angled</i> | airline_seat_flat_angled |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_individual_suite</i> | airline_seat_individual_suite |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_legroom_reduced</i> | airline_seat_legroom_reduced |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_recline_extra</i> | airline_seat_recline_extra |
<i class="material-icons custom">airline_seat_recline_normal</i> | airline_seat_recline_normal |
<i class="material-icons custom">bluetooth_audio</i> | bluetooth_audio |
<i class="material-icons custom">confirmation_number</i> | confirmation_number |
<i class="material-icons custom">disc_full</i> | disc_full |
<i class="material-icons custom">do_not_disturb</i> | do_not_disturb |
<i class="material-icons custom">do_not_disturb_alt</i> | do_not_disturb_alt |
<i class="material-icons custom">drive_eta</i> | drive_eta |
<i class="material-icons custom">event_available</i> | event_available |
<i class="material-icons custom">event_busy</i> | event_busy |
<i class="material-icons custom">event_note</i> | event_note |
<i class="material-icons custom">folder_special</i> | folder_special |
<i class="material-icons custom">live_tv</i> | live_tv |
<i class="material-icons custom">mms</i> | mms |
<i class="material-icons custom">more</i> | more |
<i class="material-icons custom">network_locked</i> | network_locked |
<i class="material-icons custom">ondemand_video</i> | ondemand_video |
<i class="material-icons custom">personal_video</i> | personal_video |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_bluetooth_speaker</i> | phone_bluetooth_speaker |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_forwarded</i> | phone_forwarded |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_in_talk</i> | phone_in_talk |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_locked</i> | phone_locked |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_missed</i> | phone_missed |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_paused</i> | phone_paused |
<i class="material-icons custom">power</i> | power |
<i class="material-icons custom">sd_card</i> | sd_card |
<i class="material-icons custom">sim_card_alert</i> | sim_card_alert |
<i class="material-icons custom">sms</i> | sms |
<i class="material-icons custom">sms_failed</i> | sms_failed |
<i class="material-icons custom">sync</i> | sync |
<i class="material-icons custom">sync_disabled</i> | sync_disabled |
<i class="material-icons custom">sync_problem</i> | sync_problem |
<i class="material-icons custom">system_update</i> | system_update |
<i class="material-icons custom">tap_and_play</i> | tap_and_play |
<i class="material-icons custom">time_to_leave</i> | time_to_leave |
<i class="material-icons custom">vibration</i> | vibration |
<i class="material-icons custom">voice_chat</i> | voice_chat |
<i class="material-icons custom">vpn_lock</i> | vpn_lock |
<i class="material-icons custom">wc</i> | wc |
<i class="material-icons custom">wifi</i> | wifi |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)ソーシャルアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ケーキ</ i> | ケーキ |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ドメイン</ i> | ドメイン |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">グループ</ i> | グループ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> group_add </ i> | group_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> location_city </ i> | location_city |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">気分</ i> | 気分 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> mood_bad </ i> | mood_bad |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">通知</ i> | 通知 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> notifys_active </ i> | notifys_active |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> notifys_none </ i> | Notifications_none |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> notifys_off </ i> | notifys_off |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> notifys_paused </ i> | Notifications_paused |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">ページ</ i> | ページ |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> party_mode </ i> | party_mode |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">人</ i> | 人 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> people_outline </ i> | people_outline |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">人</ i> | 人 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> person_add </ i> | person_add |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> person_outline </ i> | person_outline |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> plus_one </ i> | 一を足す |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">投票</ i> | 投票 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">公開</ i> | 公衆 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">学校</ i> | 学校 |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">共有</ i> | シェア |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> whatshot </ i> | whatshot |
この章では、Googleの(マテリアル)トグルアイコンの使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet">
i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;}
<i class = "material-icons custom">accessibility</i>
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "material-iconscustom">チェックボックス</ i> | check_box |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> check_box_outline_blank </ i> | check_box_outline_blank |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> indeterminate_check_box </ i> | indeterminate_check_box |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> radio_button_checked </ i> | radio_button_checked |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> radio_button_unchecked </ i> | radio_button_unchecked |
<iclass = "material-iconscustom">スター</ i> | 星 |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> star_border </ i> | star_border |
<i class = "material-icons custom"> star_half </ i> | star_half |
Bootstrap Glyphiconsライブラリをロードするには、次の行をコピーしてWebページの<head>セクションに貼り付けます。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
Bootstrap Glyphiconsには、いくつかのアイコンがあります。それらの1つを選択し、アイコンクラスの名前を<body>タグ内の任意のHTML要素に追加します。次の例では、ツリーのアイコンを使用しており、そのクラス名は次のとおりです。tree-deciduous。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous"> </i>
<link rel="stylesheet" href = "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css"><style>
i.mysize {font-size: 6em;}
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous mysize"></i>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css"><style>
i.mysize {font-size: 6em; color: blue;}
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous mysize"></i>
この章では、Bootstrap Glyphicons(コンポーネント)の使用法について説明します。と仮定するcustom 以下の例に示すように、サイズと色を定義したCSSクラス名です。
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: blue;}>
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous custom"></i>
次の表に、Bootstrap Glyphicons(コンポーネント)の使用法と結果を示します。上記のプログラムの<body>タグを表に示されているコードに置き換えて、それぞれの出力を取得します-
使用法 | 結果 |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-euro custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-minus custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-cloud custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-envelope custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-glass custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-music custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-search custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-heart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-star custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-user custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-film custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-th-large custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-th custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-th-list custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-out custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-off custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-signal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-cog custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-trash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-home custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-file custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-time custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-road custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-download custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-upload custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-inbox custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-play-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-repeat custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-lock custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-flag custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-headphones custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-volume-off custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-volume-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-qrcode custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-barcode custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tag custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tags custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-book custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-print custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-camera custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-font custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-bold custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-italic custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-text-height custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-text-width custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-align-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-align-center custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-align-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-list custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-indent-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-indent-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-facetime-video custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-picture custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-adjust custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tint custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-edit custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-share custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-check custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-move custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-step-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-fast-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-backward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-play custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-pause custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-stop custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-fast-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-step-forward custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-eject custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-screenshot custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-full custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-small custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-gift custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-leaf custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-fire custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-plane custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-random custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-comment custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-magnet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-retweet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-vertical custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-horizontal custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hdd custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-bell custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-certificate custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-left custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-globe custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-wrench custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tasks custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-filter custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-dashboard custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-link custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-phone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-pushpin custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-usd custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-gbp custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-order custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-order-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-expand custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-down custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-up custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-flash custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-log-out custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-new-window custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-record custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-save custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-open custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-saved custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-import custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-export custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-send custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-saved custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-remove custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-open custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-credit-card custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-transfer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-cutlery custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-header custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-compressed custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-earphone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-phone custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tower custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-stats custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sd-video custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-hd-video custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-subtitles custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sound-stereo custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sound-dolby custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sound-5-1 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sound-6-1 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-sound-7-1 custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-copyright-mark custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-registration-mark custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-download custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-upload custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-conifer custom"> </ i> | |
<i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous custom"> </ i> |