QTP-설계 프레임 워크

샘플 애플리케이션을 사용하여 간단한 프레임 워크를 디자인 해 보겠습니다. 테스트중인 애플리케이션의 몇 가지 시나리오를 자동화하고 재사용 가능한 함수를 작성합니다.

테스트중인 샘플 애플리케이션은 다음과 같습니다. "Calculator", Windows의 일부로 사용할 수있는 기본 응용 프로그램입니다. 이제 프레임 워크의 다른 구성 요소를 만들어 보겠습니다. 여기서는 하이브리드 프레임 워크를 개발하고 상당히 간단한 애플리케이션이므로 Object Repository를 사용합니다. 그러나이 프레임 워크는 복잡한 애플리케이션도 지원하도록 확장 할 수 있습니다.

프레임 워크의 폴더 구조는 다음과 같습니다.

폴더 구조 설명-

  • Master Driver Script− 전체 실행을 구동하는 스크립트. 실행에 필요한 전제 조건 및 초기 설정을 수행합니다.

  • Library Files − 함수 라이브러리를 구성하는 관련 함수.

  • Data Table − 실행에 필요한 테스트 데이터.

  • Object Repository − QTP가 개체를 원활하게 인식 할 수 있도록하는 개체 및 속성.

  • Execution Logs − 폴더에는 사용자 기능 및 기능 실행 내역이 포함 된 실행 로그 파일이 있습니다.

마스터 드라이버 스크립트

'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
' DESCRIPTION                  : Drivers Script to Execute Automated Test for 
   the Calculator  
' AUTHOR                       : Tutorials Point 
' DATE CREATED                 : 30-Dec-2013 
' LIBRARY FILES ASSOCIATED     : calculator.qfl, Common.qfl 

' ---------------------------------------------------- 
' First Version       Tutorials point 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
Option Explicit  

Public ExecDrive  

' Get the Root folder of the Test  so that we can make use of relative paths. 
Dim x : x = Instr(Environment.Value("TestDir"),"Driver")-2 
ExecDrive = mid(Environment.Value("TestDir"),1,x)  

' Get the path of Libraries using relative to the current Drive 
Dim LibPath : LibPath = ExecDrive+"\Libraries\"  

' Dynamically Load the Function Libraries 
LoadFunctionLibrary LibPath + "Calculator.qfl", LibPath + "common_utils.qfl"   

' Capturing the Start Time 
' clscommon is the class object created in common.qfl library file 
clscommon.StartTime = Time()  

' Launching the Application 
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Windows\System32\Calc.exe" : wait (2)  

' Initialize the Data Table Path  
Dim FileName : FileName  = ExecDrive+"\TestData\Calculator.xls" 
Dim SheetSource : SheetSource  = "Calc_test" 
Dim SheetDest : SheetDest = "Global"  

' Import the DataTable into the QTP Script 
DataTable.ImportSheet  FileName , SheetSource , SheetDest   

' Object Repository Path 
Dim RepPath : RepPath = ExecDrive+"\Object_Repository\Calc.tsr" 

' To Keep a Count on iteration 
Dim InttestIteration                   
Dim InttestRows : InttestRows = datatable.GetRowCount   

'  Fetching Date-TimeStamp which will be unique for Naming the Execution Log File 
clscommon.StrDateFormatted = day(date()) & "_" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) &  
 "_" & YEAR(date())& "_"&hour(now)&"_"&minute(now)  

 ' Name the LogFile  
clscommon.StrLogFile = ExecDrive & "\Execution Logs\" &  
clscommon.StrDateFormatted & ".txt"   

' Create the Execution LogFile which captures the result 

' Iniitialize the Parameters and all the relevant Test Details 
Call Fn_InitializeLogFile()  

' Kill all the previous calculator process  
Call fn_Kill_Process("calc.exe")  

For InttestIteration = 1 to InttestRows 
   datatable.SetCurrentRow InttestIteration  
   Dim StrExecute : StrExecute = Ucase(Trim(datatable.Value("Run","Global"))) 
   If StrExecute = "Y" Then  
      clscommon.Number1 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_1","Global"))  
      clscommon.Number2 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_2","Global"))  
      clscommon.Number3 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_3","Global"))  
      clscommon.Number4 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_4","Global"))  
      clscommon.Number5 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_5","Global"))  
      clscommon.Number6 = Trim(datatable.Value("Number_6","Global"))  
      clscommon.Test_Case_ID  = 
            : clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath 
      clscommon.tcScenario = 
            : clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath 
      Dim  Expected_Val :  Expected_Val = 
            :  clscommon.LogWrite "The Test Case Data is Located at :: " & tcDataPath 
      Select case clscommon.tcScenario  
         Case "Add" 
            clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " & 
               clscommon.tcScenario & " ===" 
                  Call fnCalculate("+",Expected_Val) 
         Case "Subtract"   
            clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " & 
               clscommon.tcScenario & " ===" 
                  Call fnCalculate("-",Expected_Val) 
         Case "Multiply"   
            clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " & 
               clscommon.tcScenario & " ===" 
                  Call fnCalculate("*",Expected_Val) 
         Case "Divide"   
            clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " & 
               clscommon.tcScenario & " ===" 
                  Call fnCalculate("/",Expected_Val) 
         Case "Sqrt"   
            clscommon.LogWrite "=== Inside the Test Set :: " & 
               clscommon.tcScenario & " ===" 
                  Call fnCalculate("sqt",Expected_Val) 
      End Select 
   End If  

' Calling the End Test to Add the result Footer in exec log file. 
Call fn_End_test()  

'  =====================  End of Master Driver Script =====================

라이브러리 파일

계산기 함수는 .qfl 또는 .vbs 확장자로 저장된 별도의 함수 파일에 작성됩니다. 이러한 기능은 여러 작업에서 재사용 할 수 있습니다.

'  Calculator. Qfl File :: Associated Function Library for Calculator Master Driver  

'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
' FUNCTION NAME     : Fn_InitializeLogFile 
' DESCRIPTION       : Function to Write the Initial Values in the Log File 
' INPUT PARAMETERS  : varExecDrive,StrDB,StrUId,Strpwd,StrNewDB 
' RETURN VALUE      : Pass or Fail message 
' DATE CREATED      : 30-Dec-2013 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
Public Function Fn_InitializeLogFile() 
   clscommon.LogWrite "********************************************" 
   clscommon.LogWrite "Calc Automation Started" 
End Function 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
' FUNCTION NAME     : fnCalculate 
' DESCRIPTION       : Function to perform Arithmetic Calculations 
' INPUT PARAMETERS  : operator,Expected_Val 
' RETURN VALUE      : Pass or Fail message 
' DATE CREATED      : 30-Dec-2013 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =    
Function fnCalculate(operator,Expected_Val) 
   clscommon.LogWrite "Executing the Function 'fnCalculate' " 

   If Trim(clscommon.Number1) <> ""  Then
   If Trim(clscommon.Number2) <> ""  Then 
   If Trim(clscommon.Number3) <> ""  Then 

   If Trim(clscommon.Number4) <> ""  Then 
   If Trim(clscommon.Number5) <> ""  Then 
   If Trim(clscommon.Number6) <> ""  Then 

   Dim ActualVal : ActualVal  = 
   clscommon.LogWrite "The Actual Value after the Math Operation is "& ActualVal 
   If Trim(ActualVal) = Trim(Expected_Val) Then 
      clscommon.WriteResult "Pass",  clscommon.Test_Case_ID , 
         clscommon.tcScenario , " Expected Value matches with Actual Value :: " 
            & ActualVal 
      clscommon.WriteResult "Fail",  clscommon.Test_Case_ID , 
         clscommon.tcScenario , " Expected Value - " & Expected_Val & " Does NOT matches 
            with Actual Value :: " & ActualVal 
   End If 
   If Err.Number <> 0  Then 
      clscommon.LogWrite  "Execution Error : The Error Number is ::  " & 
         Err.Number & " The Error Description is " & Err.Description 
   End If 
   clscommon.LogWrite "Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate' " 
End Function  

'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
' FUNCTION NAME     : fn_Kill_Process 
' DESCRIPTION       : Function to Kill the process by name 
' INPUT PARAMETERS  : Application name to be killed 
' DATE CREATED      : 30-Dec-2013 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
Function fn_Kill_Process(process) 
   Dim strComputer ,  strProcessToKill , objWMIService , colProcessstrComputer = "." 
   strProcessToKill = process 
   Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _& 
      "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _& strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 
   Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery _("Select * from Win32_Process 
      Where Name = '" & strProcessToKill & "'") 
   count = 0 
   For Each objProcess in colProcess 
      count = count + 1 
End Function  

'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
' FUNCTION NAME     : fn_End_test 
' DESCRIPTION       : Function to finish the test Execution process 
' INPUT PARAMETERS  : Application name to be killed 
' DATE CREATED      : 20/Dec/2013 
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Function fn_End_test() 
   clscommon.LogWrite "Status Message - Executing the Function 'fn_End_test' " 
   On Error Resume Next 
   clscommon.StopTime = Time() 
   clscommon.ElapsedTime = DateDiff("n",clscommon.StartTime,clscommon.StopTime) 
   Dim Totaltests  
   Totaltests = clscommon.gintPassCount+ clscommon.gintFailCount
   clscommon.LogWrite "## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The Execution Start Time  ::  " & clscommon.StartTime 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The Execution End Time   ::  " & clscommon.StopTime 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The Time Elapsed ::   " & clscommon.ElapsedTime & " Minutes " 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The OS ::  " & Environment.Value("OS") 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The Total No of Test Cases Executed  ::  " & Totaltests 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The No. of Test Case Passed ::  " & clscommon.gintPassCount 
   clscommon.LogWrite "##  The No. of Test Case Failed ::  " & clscommon.gintFailCount 
   clscommon.LogWrite "## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
End Function  
'  ===============   End of Calculator. Qfl   ============================= '

다른 라이브러리 파일 인 'common_utils.qfl'에는 함수가 포함되어있어 출력을 텍스트 파일에 쓸 수 있습니다.

Set clscommon = New OS_clsUtils  

'Creating a class file to handle global variables. 
Class OS_clsUtils 
   Dim StrLogFile 
   Dim StrDateFormatted 
   Dim Result 
   Dim  Number1, Number2 , Number3  
   Dim  Number4, Number5 , Number6  
   Dim Test_Case_ID , tcScenario 
   Dim StartTime, StopTime, ElapsedTime 
   Dim gintPassCount , gintFailCount , gintWarningCount ,  gintdoneCount,  
   Function Fn_FileCreate(strFileName) 
      Dim objFSO:  Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      On Error Resume Next 
      Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFileName) 
      Set objTextFile = Nothing 
      Set objFSO = Nothing 
   End Function 
   Function LogWrite(sMsg) 
      Const ForAppending = 8 
      Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile 
         (clscommon.StrLogFile, ForAppending, True) 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & sMsg 
      Set objTextFile = Nothing 
      Set objFSO = Nothing 
   End Function 
   Function WriteResult(strStatus,functionName,functionDescription,Result) 
      Const ForAppending = 8 
      Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      Dim objTextFile : Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile 
         (clscommon.StrLogFile, ForAppending, True) 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & "  
            * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * * " 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test staus :: " & strStatus 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Tese ID ::  " & functionName 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test Description :: " 
            & functionDescription 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & " Test Result Details :: " & Result 
      objTextFile.WriteLine day(date()) & "/" &  MonthName(Month(date()),true) 
         &  "/" & YEAR(date()) & " " & time & ": " & "  
            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * " 
      Set objTextFile = Nothing  
      Set objFSO = Nothing 
      Select Case Lcase(strStatus) 
         Case "pass" 
            gintPassCount = gintPassCount + 1 
         Case "fail" 
            gintFailCount = gintFailCount+1 
      End Select 
   End Function 
End Class 
'   =====================   End of common_Utils.qfl =====================

개체 저장소

Object Repository에는 사용자가 작업 할 모든 개체가 있습니다. 아래 주어진 이미지는 calc.tsr이라는 이름으로 저장소에 추가 된 모든 개체의 목록을 보여줍니다.

데이터 테이블

DataTable에는 테스트를 수행하는 키워드와 QTP가 개체에 대해 작동하는 데이터를 테스트하는 키워드가 포함되어 있습니다.

실행 로그

실행 로그 파일 또는 출력 파일에는 테스터가 스크립트 실패시 디버그 할 수 있도록하는 사용자 작업 및 기능 로그가 포함되어 있습니다.

8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: ************************************************* 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: Calc Automation Started 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: === Inside the Test Set  ::   Add  === 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:16 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 949.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM:  * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * *  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test staus :: Pass 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Tese ID ::  TC_001 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Description :: Add 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Result Details ::  Expected Value matches with Actual 
   Value :: 949.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: === Inside the Test Set  ::   Subtract  === 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 415.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * *  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test staus :: Pass 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Tese ID ::  TC_002 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Description :: Subtract 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Test Result Details ::  Expected Value matches with Actual 
   Value :: 415.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * 
* * * * * * * *

8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: === Inside the Test Set  ::   Multiply  === 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:17 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 278883.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * *  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Test staus :: Pass 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Tese ID ::  TC_003 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Test Description :: Multiply 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM:  Test Result Details ::  Expected Value matches with 
   Actual Value :: 278883.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * 
* * * * * * * *   

8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: === Inside the Test Set  ::   Divide  === 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:18 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 3.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * *  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test staus :: Pass 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Tese ID ::  TC_004 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test Description :: Divide 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Test Result Details ::  Expected Value matches with Actual 
   Value :: 3.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: === Inside the Test Set  ::   Sqrt  === 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:19 PM: Executing the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: The Actual Value after the Math Operation is 10.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: * * * * * * Test Case Exec Details  * * * * *  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test staus :: Pass 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Tese ID ::  TC_005 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test Description :: Sqrt 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Test Result Details ::  Expected Value matches with Actual 
   Value :: 10.  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * 
* * * * * * * 

8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Exiting the Function 'fnCalculate'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: Status Message - Executing the Function 'fn_Finish_test'  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# # # # # #  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The Execution Start Time  ::  5:09:14 PM 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The Execution End Time   ::  5:09:20 PM 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The Time Elapsed ::   0 Minutes  
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The OS ::  Microsoft Windows Vista Server 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The Total No of Test Cases Executed  ::  25 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The No. of Test Case Passed ::  25 
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ##  The No. of Test Case Failed ::   
8/Jan/2014 5:09:20 PM: ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# # # # # #