F # - E / S básica
Entrada básica A saída inclui -
- Ler e escrever no console.
- Ler e escrever no arquivo.
Módulo Core.Printf
Usamos as funções printf e printfn para escrever no console. Nesta seção, veremos os detalhes doPrintf módulo do F #.
Além das funções acima, o módulo Core.Printf do F # possui vários outros métodos para impressão e formatação usando marcadores% como espaços reservados. A tabela a seguir mostra os métodos com uma breve descrição -
Valor | Descrição |
bprintf: StringBuilder → BuilderFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime em um StringBuilder. |
eprintf: TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime saída formatada em stderr. |
eprintfn: TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime saída formatada em stderr, adicionando uma nova linha. |
failwithf: StringFormat <'T,' Result> → 'T | Imprime em um buffer de string e levanta uma exceção com o resultado fornecido. |
fprintf: TextWriter → TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime para um redator de texto. |
fprintfn: TextWriter → TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime em um redator de texto, adicionando uma nova linha. |
kbprintf: (unidade → 'Resultado) → StringBuilder → BuilderFormat <' T, 'Resultado> →' T | Como bprintf, mas chama a função especificada para gerar o resultado. |
kfprintf: (unidade → 'Resultado) → TextWriter → TextWriterFormat <' T, 'Resultado> →' T | Como fprintf, mas chama a função especificada para gerar o resultado. |
kprintf: (string → 'Resultado) → StringFormat <' T, 'Resultado> →' T | Como printf, mas chama a função especificada para gerar o resultado. Por exemplo, eles permitem que a impressão force uma descarga após toda a saída ter sido inserida no canal, mas não antes. |
ksprintf: (string → 'Resultado) → StringFormat <' T, 'Resultado> →' T | Como sprintf, mas chama a função especificada para gerar o resultado. |
printf: TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime saída formatada em stdout. |
printfn: TextWriterFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime a saída formatada em stdout, adicionando uma nova linha. |
sprintf: StringFormat <'T> →' T | Imprime em uma string usando um buffer de string interno e retorna o resultado como uma string. |
Especificações de formato
As especificações de formato são usadas para formatar a entrada ou saída, de acordo com a necessidade do programador.
Estas são strings com marcadores% indicando espaços reservados de formato.
A sintaxe de um espaço reservado para formato é -
o type é interpretado como -
Tipo | Descrição |
% b | Formatos a bool, formatado como true ou false. |
% c | Formata um personagem. |
% s | Formatos a string, formatado como seu conteúdo, sem interpretar nenhum caractere de escape. |
% d,% i | Formata qualquer tipo de inteiro básico formatado como um inteiro decimal, com sinal se o tipo de inteiro básico for assinado. |
%você | Formata qualquer tipo de inteiro básico formatado como um inteiro decimal sem sinal. |
% x | Formata qualquer tipo de inteiro básico formatado como um inteiro hexadecimal sem sinal, usando letras minúsculas de a a f. |
% X | Formata qualquer tipo de inteiro básico formatado como um inteiro hexadecimal sem sinal, usando letras maiúsculas de A a F. |
% o | Formata qualquer tipo de inteiro básico formatado como um inteiro octal sem sinal. |
% e,% E,% f,% F,% g,% G | Formata qualquer tipo básico de ponto flutuante (float, float32) formatado usando especificações de formato de ponto flutuante de estilo C. |
% e,% E | Formata um valor com sinal no formato [-] d.dddde [sinal] ddd onde d é um único dígito decimal, dddd é um ou mais dígitos decimais, ddd é exatamente três dígitos decimais e o sinal é + ou -. |
% f | Formata um valor com sinal no formato [-] dddd.dddd, onde dddd é um ou mais dígitos decimais. O número de dígitos antes do ponto decimal depende da magnitude do número, e o número de dígitos depois do ponto decimal depende da precisão solicitada. |
% g,% G | Formata um valor com sinal impresso no formato f ou e, o que for mais compacto para o valor e a precisão fornecidos. |
% M | Formata um valor decimal. |
% O | Formata qualquer valor, impresso encaixotando o objeto e usando seu ToString método. |
% A,% + A | Formata qualquer valor, impresso com as configurações de layout padrão. Use% + A para imprimir a estrutura de sindicatos discriminados com representações internas e privadas. |
%uma | Um especificador de formato geral requer dois argumentos. O primeiro argumento é uma função que aceita dois argumentos: primeiro, um parâmetro de contexto do tipo apropriado para a função de formatação fornecida (por exemplo, um TextWriter) e, segundo, um valor a ser impresso e que produz ou retorna o texto apropriado. O segundo argumento é o valor particular a ser impresso. |
% t | Um especificador de formato geral requer um argumento: uma função que aceita um parâmetro de contexto do tipo apropriado para a função de formatação fornecida (aTextWriter) e que produz ou retorna o texto apropriado. Tipos inteiros básicos sãobyte, sbyte, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, nativeint, and unativeint. Basic floating point types are float and float32. |
The width is an optional parameter. It is an integer that indicates the minimal width of the result. For example, %5d prints an integer with at least spaces of 5 characters.
Valid flags are described in the following table −
Value | Description |
0 | Specifies to add zeros instead of spaces to make up the required width. |
- | Specifies to left-justify the result within the width specified. |
+ | Specifies to add a + character if the number is positive (to match a - sign for negative numbers). |
' ' (space) | Specifies to add an extra space if the number is positive (to match a - sign for negative numbers). |
# | Invalid. |
printf "Hello "
printf "World"
printfn ""
printfn "Hello "
printfn "World"
printf "Hi, I'm %s and I'm a %s" "Rohit" "Medical Student"
printfn "d: %f" 212.098f
printfn "e: %f" 504.768f
printfn "x: %g" 212.098f
printfn "y: %g" 504.768f
printfn "x: %e" 212.098f
printfn "y: %e" 504.768f
printfn "True: %b" true
When you compile and execute the program, it yields the following output −
Hello World
Hi, I'm Rohit and I'm a Medical Studentd: 212.098000
e: 504.768000
x: 212.098
y: 504.768
x: 2.120980e+002
y: 5.047680e+002
True: true
The Console Class
This class is a part of the .NET framework. It represents the standard input, output, and error streams for console applications.
It provides various methods for reading from and writing into the console. The following table shows the methods −
Method | Description |
Beep() | Plays the sound of a beep through the console speaker. |
Beep(Int32, Int32) | Plays the sound of a beep of a specified frequency and duration through the console speaker. |
Clear | Clears the console buffer and corresponding console window of display information. |
MoveBufferArea(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Copies a specified source area of the screen buffer to a specified destination area. |
MoveBufferArea(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Char, ConsoleColor, ConsoleColor) | Copies a specified source area of the screen buffer to a specified destination area. |
OpenStandardError() | Acquires the standard error stream. |
OpenStandardError(Int32) | Acquires the standard error stream, which is set to a specified buffer size. |
OpenStandardInput() | Acquires the standard input stream. |
OpenStandardInput(Int32) | Acquires the standard input stream, which is set to a specified buffer size. |
OpenStandardOutput() | Acquires the standard output stream. |
OpenStandardOutput(Int32) | Acquires the standard output stream, which is set to a specified buffer size. |
Read | Reads the next character from the standard input stream. |
ReadKey() | Obtains the next character or function key pressed by the user. The pressed key is displayed in the console window. |
ReadKey(Boolean) | Obtains the next character or function key pressed by the user. The pressed key is optionally displayed in the console window. |
ReadLine | Reads the next line of characters from the standard input stream. |
ResetColor | Sets the foreground and background console colors to their defaults. |
SetBufferSize | Sets the height and width of the screen buffer area to the specified values. |
SetCursorPosition | Sets the position of the cursor. |
SetError | Sets the Error property to the specified TextWriter object. |
SetIn | Sets the In property to the specified TextReader object. |
SetOut | Sets the Out property to the specified TextWriter object. |
SetWindowPosition | Sets the position of the console window relative to the screen buffer. |
SetWindowSize | Sets the height and width of the console window to the specified values. |
Write(Boolean) | Writes the text representation of the specified Boolean value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Char) | Writes the specified Unicode character value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Char[]) | Writes the specified array of Unicode characters to the standard output stream. |
Write(Decimal) | Writes the text representation of the specified Decimal value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Double) | Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Int32) | Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Int64) | Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value to the standard output stream. |
Write(Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified object to the standard output stream. |
Write(Single) | Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value to the standard output stream. |
Write(String) | Writes the specified string value to the standard output stream. |
Write(UInt32) | Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value to the standard output stream. |
Write(UInt64) | Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value to the standard output stream. |
Write(String, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified object to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
Write(String, Object[]) | Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
Write(Char[], Int32, Int32) | Writes the specified subarray of Unicode characters to the standard output stream. |
Write(String, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
Write(String, Object, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
Write(String, Object, Object, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects and variable-length parameter list to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
WriteLine() | Writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Boolean) | Writes the text representation of the specified Boolean value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Char) | Writes the specified Unicode character, followed by the current line terminator, value to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Char[]) | Writes the specified array of Unicode characters, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Decimal) | Writes the text representation of the specified Decimal value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Double) | Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Int32) | Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Int64) | Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(Single) | Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(String) | Writes the specified string value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(UInt32) | Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(UInt64) | Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(String, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
WriteLine(String, Object[]) | Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
WriteLine(Char[], Int32, Int32) | Writes the specified subarray of Unicode characters, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream. |
WriteLine(String, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object, Object) | Writes the text representation of the specified objects and variable-length parameter list, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information. |
The following example demonstrates reading from console and writing into it −
open System
let main() =
Console.Write("What's your name? ")
let name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Hello, {0}\n", name)
Console.WriteLine(System.String.Format("Big Greetings from {0} and {1}", "TutorialsPoint", "Absoulte Classes"))
Console.WriteLine(System.String.Format("|{0:yyyy-MMM-dd}|", System.DateTime.Now))
When you compile and execute the program, it yields the following output −
What's your name? Kabir
Hello, Kabir
Big Greetings from TutorialsPoint and Absoulte Classes
The System.IO Namespace
The System.IO namespace contains a variety of useful classes for performing basic I/O.
It contains types or classes that allow reading and writing to files and data streams and types that provide basic file and directory support.
Classes useful for working with the file system −
- The System.IO.File class is used for creating, appending, and deleting files.
- System.IO.Directory class is used for creating, moving, and deleting directories.
- System.IO.Path class performs operations on strings, which represent file paths.
- System.IO.FileSystemWatcher class allows users to listen to a directory for changes.
Classes useful for working with the streams (sequence of bytes) −
- System.IO.StreamReader class is used to read characters from a stream.
- System.IO.StreamWriter class is used to write characters to a stream.
- System.IO.MemoryStream class creates an in-memory stream of bytes.
The following table shows all the classes provided in the namespace along with a brief description −
Class | Description |
BinaryReader | Reads primitive data types as binary values in a specific encoding. |
BinaryWriter | Writes primitive types in binary to a stream and supports writing strings in a specific encoding. |
BufferedStream | Adds a buffering layer to read and write operations on another stream. |
Directory | Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. |
DirectoryInfo | Exposes instance methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. |
DirectoryNotFoundException | The exception that is thrown when part of a file or directory cannot be found. |
DriveInfo | Provides access to information on a drive. |
DriveNotFoundException | The exception that is thrown when trying to access a drive or share that is not available. |
EndOfStreamException | The exception that is thrown when reading is attempted past the end of a stream. |
ErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the FileSystemWatcher.Error event. |
File | Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of a single file, and aids in the creation of FileStream objects. |
FileFormatException | The exception that is thrown when an input file or a data stream that is supposed to conform to a certain file format specification is malformed. |
FileInfo | Provides properties and instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of FileStream objects. |
FileLoadException | The exception that is thrown when a managed assembly is found but cannot be loaded. |
FileNotFoundException | The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a file that does not exist on disk fails. |
FileStream | Exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations. |
FileSystemEventArgs | Provides data for the directory events − Changed, Created, Deleted. |
FileSystemInfo | Provides the base class for both FileInfo and DirectoryInfo objects. |
FileSystemWatcher | Listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. |
InternalBufferOverflowException | The exception thrown when the internal buffer overflows. |
InvalidDataException | The exception that is thrown when a data stream is in an invalid format. |
IODescriptionAttribute | Sets the description visual designers can display when referencing an event, extender, or property. |
IOException | The exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs. |
MemoryStream | Creates a stream whose backing store is memory. |
Path | Performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information. These operations are performed in a cross-platform manner. |
PathTooLongException | The exception that is thrown when a path or file name is longer than the system-defined maximum length. |
PipeException | Thrown when an error occurs within a named pipe. |
RenamedEventArgs | Provides data for the Renamed event. |
Stream | Provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes. This is an abstract class. |
StreamReader | Implements a TextReader that reads characters from a byte stream in a particular encoding. |
StreamWriter | Implements a TextWriter for writing characters to a stream in a particular encoding. To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
StringReader | Implements a TextReader that reads from a string. |
StringWriter | Implements a TextWriter for writing information to a string. The information is stored in an underlying StringBuilder. |
TextReader | Represents a reader that can read a sequential series of characters. |
TextWriter | Represents a writer that can write a sequential series of characters. This class is abstract. |
UnmanagedMemoryAccessor | Provides random access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code. |
UnmanagedMemoryStream | Provides access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code. |
WindowsRuntimeStorageExtensions | Contains extension methods for the IStorageFile and IStorageFolder interfaces in the Windows Runtime when developing Windows Store apps. |
WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions | Contains extension methods for converting between streams in the Windows Runtime and managed streams in the .NET for Windows Store apps. |
The following example creates a file called test.txt, writes a message there, reads the text from the file and prints it on the console.
Note − The amount of code needed to do this is surprisingly less!
open System.IO // Name spaces can be opened just as modules
File.WriteAllText("test.txt", "Hello There\n Welcome to:\n Tutorials Point")
let msg = File.ReadAllText("test.txt")
printfn "%s" msg
When you compile and execute the program, it yields the following output −
Hello There
Welcome to:
Tutorials Point