Python - Dosya Olarak Dizeler

Bir dosyayı okurken, birden çok öğeye sahip bir sözlük olarak okunur. Böylece, elemanın indeksini kullanarak dosyanın her satırına erişebiliriz. Aşağıdaki örnekte, birden çok satıra sahip bir dosyamız var ve bu satırlar, dosyanın ayrı öğeleri haline geliyor.

with open ("Path\GodFather.txt", "r") as BigFile:
# Print each line
	for i in range(len(data)):
    print "Line No- ",i 
    print data[i]

Yukarıdaki programı çalıştırdığımızda aşağıdaki çıktıyı alıyoruz -

Line No-  0
Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. 
Line No-  1
His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael's sister) to Carlo Rizzi. 
Line No-  2
All of Michael's family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. 
Line No-  3
He approaches Don Corleone about it, but, much against the advice of the Don's lawyer Tom Hagen, the Don is morally against the use of drugs, and turns down the offer.
Line No-  4
This does not please Sollozzo, who has the Don shot down by some of his hit men. 
Line No-  5
The Don barely survives, which leads his son Michael to begin a violent mob war against Sollozzo and tears the Corleone family apart.

Dize Olarak Dosya

Ancak tüm dosya içeriği, yeni satır karakteri kaldırılarak ve aşağıda gösterildiği gibi okuma işlevi kullanılarak tek bir dizge olarak okunabilir. Sonuçta birden fazla satır yoktur.

with open("Path\GodFather.txt", 'r') as BigFile:'\n', '')
# Verify the string type 
	print type(data)
# Print the file content
    print data

Yukarıdaki programı çalıştırdığımızda aşağıdaki çıktıyı alıyoruz -

        Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael's sister) to Carlo Rizzi. All of Michael's family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. He approaches Don Corleone about it, but, much against the advice of the Don's lawyer Tom Hagen, the Don is morally against the use of drugs, and turns down the offer.This does not please Sollozzo, who has the Don shot down by some of his hit men. The Don barely survives, which leads his son Michael to begin a violent mob war against Sollozzo and tears the Corleone family apart.