SLF4J - Ortam Kurulumu
Bu bölümde, Eclipse IDE'de SLF4J ortamının nasıl ayarlanacağını açıklayacağız. Kuruluma devam etmeden önce, sisteminizde Eclipse'in zaten kurulu olduğundan emin olun. Değilse, Eclipse'i indirip yükleyin.
Eclipse hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen Eclipse Eğiticimize bakın
1. Adım: Bağımlılık JAR dosyasını indirin
Open the official homepage of the SLF4J website and go to the download page.

Now, download the latest stable version of slf4j-X.X.tar.gz or, according to your operating system (if windows .zip file or if Linux tar.gz file).
Within the downloaded folder, you will find slf4j-api-X.X.jar. This is the required Jar file.
Step 2: Create a project and set build path
Open eclipse and create a sample project. Right-click on the project, select the option Build Path → Configure Build Path… as shown below.

In the Java Build Path frame in the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs…

Select the slf4j-api.x.x.jar file downloaded and click Apply and Close.

SLF4J Bindings
In addition to slf4j-api.x.x.jar file, SLF4J provides several other Jar files as shown below. These are called SLF4J bindings.

Where each binding is for its respective logging framework.
The following table lists the SLF4J bindings and their corresponding frameworks.
Sr.No | Jar file & Logging Framework |
1 | slf4j-nop-x.x.jar No operation, discards all loggings. |
2 | slf4j-simple-x.x.jar Simple implementation where messages for info and higher are printed and, remaining all outputs to System.err. |
3 | slf4j-jcl-x.x.jar Jakarta Commons Logging framework. |
4 | slf4j-jdk14-x.x.jar Java.util.logging framework (JUL). |
5 | slf4j-log4j12-x.x.jar Log4J frame work. In addition, you need to have log4j.jar. |
To make SLF4J work along with slf4l-api-x.x.jar, you need to add the respective Jar file (binding) of the desired logger framework in the classpath of the project (set build path).
To switch from one framework to other, you need to replace the respective binding. If no bounding is found, it defaults to no-operation mode.
Pom.xml for SLF4J
If you are creating the maven project, open the pom.xml and paste the following content in it and refresh the project.
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">