WCF - IIS Barındırma
IIS'de (İnternet Bilgi Hizmetleri) bir WCF hizmetini barındırmak, adım adım ilerleyen bir işlemdir. IIS Hosting, süreci anlamak için istenen kodlama ve ekran görüntüleri ile aşağıda ayrıntılı olarak gösterilmektedir.
Step 1- Visual Studio 2012'yi başlatın ve Dosya → Yeni → Web sitesi'ni tıklayın. "WCF Hizmeti" ve Yer'i http olarak seçin. Bu, hizmeti IIS'de barındıracaktır. Tamam'ı tıklayın.

Step 2 - Arayüzün arkasındaki kod aşağıda verilmiştir.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Text;
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to
// change the interface name "IService" in both code and config file
// together.
Public interface IService {
String GetData(int value);
CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite);
// TODO: Add your service operations here
// Use a data contract as illustrated in the sample below to add
// composite types to service operations.
Public class CompositeType {
Bool boolValue = true;
String stringValue = "Hello ";
Public bool BoolValue {
get { return boolValue; }
set { boolValue = value; }
Public string StringValue {
get { return stringValue; }
set { stringValue = value; }
Step 3 - Sınıf dosyasının arkasındaki kod aşağıda verilmiştir.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Text;
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to
// change the class name "Service" in code, svc and config file
// together.
Public class Service : IService {
Public string GetData(int value) {
Return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
Public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite) {
if(composite == null) {
if(composite.BoolValue) {
composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
return composite;
Step 4- Hizmet dosyası (.svc), hizmetin adını ve dosya adının arkasındaki kodu içerir. Bu dosya servis hakkında bilgi almak için kullanılır.

<%@ ServiceHost Language = "C#" Debug = "true" Service = "Service"
CodeBehind = "~/App_Code/Service.cs" %>
Step 5- Sunucu tarafı yapılandırmaları yapılandırma dosyasında belirtilmiştir. Burada, 'wsHttpBinding' için yapılandırılmış yalnızca bir uç noktadan söz edilmektedir; farklı bağlamalara sahip birden çok uç noktamız da olabilir. IIS'de barındıracağımız için sadece http bağlama kullanmamız gerekiyor.
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<sectionGroup name = "system.web.extensions"
ype = "System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35">
<sectionGroup name = "scripting"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingSectionGroup,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35">
<section name = "scriptResourceHandler"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingScriptResourceHandlerSection,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"
requirePermission = "false"
allowDefinition = "MachineToApplication"/>
<sectionGroup name = "webServices"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingWebServicesSectionGroup,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35">
<section name = "jsonSerialization"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingJsonSerializationSection,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"
requirePermission = "false" allowDefinition = "Everywhere"/>
<section name = "profileService"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingProfileServiceSection,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"
requirePermission = "false"
allowDefinition = "MachineToApplication"/>
<section name = "authenticationService"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingAuthenticationServiceSection,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"
requirePermission = "false"
allowDefinition = "MachineToApplication"/>
<section name = "roleService"
type = "System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingRoleServiceSection,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"
requirePermission = "false"
allowDefinition = "MachineToApplication"/>
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
<compilation debug = "true">
<add assembly = "System.Core, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly = "System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly = "System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly = "System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly = "System.Xml.Linq, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = B77A5C561934E089"/>
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
<customErrors mode = "RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect = "GenericErrorPage.htm">
<error statusCode = "403" redirect = "NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode = "404" redirect = "FileNotFound.htm" />
<add tagPrefix = "asp" namespace = "System.Web.UI"
assembly = "System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add tagPrefix = "asp" namespace = "System.Web.UI.WebControls"
assembly = "System.Web.Extensions, Version =,
Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<remove verb = "*" path = "*.asmx"/>
<add verb = "*" path = "*.asmx" validate = "false"
type = "System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add verb = "*" path = "*_AppService.axd" validate = "false"
type = "System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add verb = "GET,HEAD" path = "ScriptResource.axd"
type = "System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" validate = "false"/>
<add name = "ScriptModule"
type = "System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<compiler language = "c#;cs;csharp" extension = ".cs"
warningLevel = "4" type = "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider,
System, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089">
<providerOption name = "CompilerVersion" value = "v3.5"/>
<providerOption name = "WarnAsError" value = "false"/>
<compiler language = "vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension = ".vb"
warningLevel = "4" type = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider,
System, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089">
<providerOption name = "CompilerVersion" value = "v3.5"/>
<providerOption name = "OptionInfer" value = "true"/>
<providerOption name = "WarnAsError" value = "false"/>
The system.webServer section is required for running ASP.NET AJAX
under Internet Information Services 7.0.
It is not necessary for previous version of IIS.
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<remove name = "ScriptModule"/>
<add name = "ScriptModule" preCondition = "managedHandler"
type = "System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<remove name = "WebServiceHandlerFactory-Integrated"/>
<remove name = "ScriptHandlerFactory"/>
<remove name = "ScriptHandlerFactoryAppServices"/>
<remove name = "ScriptResource"/>
<add name = "ScriptHandlerFactory" verb = "*" path = "*.asmx"
preCondition = "integratedMode"
type = "System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add name = "ScriptHandlerFactoryAppServices"
verb = "*" path = "*_AppService.axd" preCondition = "integratedMode"
type = "System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add name = "ScriptResource" preCondition = "integratedMode"
verb = "GET,HEAD" path = "ScriptResource.axd"
type = "System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler,
System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = neutral,
PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<!--To browse web app root directory during debugging,
set the value below to true. Set to false before deployment to
avoid disclosing web app folder information.-->
<directoryBrowse enabled = "true"/>
<assemblyBinding appliesTo = "v2.0.05727" xmlns =" urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name = "System.Web.Extensions" publicKeyToken = "31bf3856ad364e35"/>
<bindingRedirect oldVersion = "" newVersion = ""/>
<assemblyIdentity name = "System.Web.Extensions.Design" publicKeyToken =" 31bf3856ad364e35"/>
<bindingRedirect oldVersion = "" newVersion = ""/>
<service name = "Service" behaviorConfiguration = "ServiceBehavior">
<!-- Service Endpoints -->
<endpoint address = "" binding = "basicHttpBinding" contract = "IService">
Upon deployment, the following identity element should be removed or replaced
to reflect the identity under which the deployed service runs. If removed,
WCF will infer an appropriate identity automatically.
<dns value="localhost"/>
<endpoint address = "mex" binding = "mexHttpBinding" contract = "IMetadataExchange"/>
<behavior name = "ServiceBehavior">
<!-- To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the value below
to false before deployment -->
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled = "true"/>
<!-- To receive exception details in faults for debugging purposes,
set the value below to true.
Set to false before deployment to false avoid
disclosing exception information -->
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults = "false"/>
Step 6- Yapılandırma dosyasında belirtilen Adres ile birlikte hizmet dosyası adını belirtmeniz gerekir. IIS'nin ekran görüntüsü burada verilmiştir.
Başlat → çalıştır → inetmgr'ye tıklayın ve aşağıdaki pencere açılacaktır.

Step 7 - Aşağıdaki ekranı oluşturacak uygulamayı çalıştırın.