Kopiuj i wklej w programie Word 2010
W tym rozdziale omówimy kopiowanie, wycinanie i wklejanie w programie Word 2010. W poprzednim rozdziale zrozumieliśmy, w jaki sposób możemy zaznaczyć żądany tekst i przenieść go w dowolne inne miejsce w tym samym dokumencie lub w dowolnym innym dokumencie. Ten samouczek nauczy Cię, jak używać technik kopiowania, wycinania i wklejania do kopiowania tekstu, pozostawiając oryginalny tekst nienaruszony lub całkowicie usuwając oryginalny tekst.
Używać copy and paste lub cut and paste operacje, program Word korzysta z pamięci tymczasowej o nazwie clipboard. Kiedy kopiujesz lub wycinasz tekst, pozostaje on tymczasowo w schowku, a w drugim kroku możesz wkleić tę zawartość w wybranym miejscu.
Operacja kopiowania i wklejania
Plik Copy operation will just copy the content from its original place and create a duplicate copy of the content at the desired location without deleting the text from it's the original location. Following is the procedure to copy the content in word −
Step 1 − Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.

Step 2 − You have various options available to copy the selected text in clipboard. You can make use of any one of the options −
Using Right-Click − When you right-click on the selected text, it will display the copy option, click this option to copy the selected content in clipboard.
Using Ribbon Copy Button − After selecting text, you can use the copy button available at the ribbon to copy the selected content in clipboard.
Using Ctrl + c Keys − After selecting a text, just press Ctrl + c keys to copy the selected content in clipboard.

Step 3 − Finally click at the place where you want to copy the selected text and use either of these two simple options −
Using Ribbon Paste Button − Just click the Paste button available at the ribbon to paste the copied content at the desired location.
Using Ctrl + v Keys − This is simplest way of pasting the content. Just press Ctrl + v keys to paste the content at the new location.

Note − You can repeat the Paste operation as many times as you like to paste the same content.
Cut & Paste Operation
The Cut operation will cut the content from its original place and move the content from its original location to a new desired location. Following is the procedure to move the content in word −
Step 1 − Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.

Step 2 − Now, you have various options available to cut the selected text and put it in the clipboard. You can make use of one of the options −
Using Right-Click − If right-click on the selected portion of text, it will display cut option, just click this option to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.
Using Ribbon Cut Button − After selecting a portion of text, you can use cut button available at the ribbon to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.
Using Ctrl + x Keys − After selecting a portion of text, just press Ctrl + x keys to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.

Step 3 − Finally, click at the place where you want to move the selected text and use either of these two simple options −
Using Ribbon Paste Button − Just click the Paste button available at the ribbon to paste the content at the new location.
Using Ctrl + v Keys − This is simplest way of pasting the content. Just press Ctrl + v keys to paste the content at the new location.

Note − You can repeat the Paste operation as many times as you like to paste the same content.
Copy, Cut & Paste in different documents
You can use the same procedure that we discussed above to copy and paste or cut and paste content from one document to another document. This is very simple, just copy or cut the desired content from one document and go into another document where you want to paste the content and use mentioned step to paste the content.
You can use the Alt + Tab keys to switch through the different documents and select the desired destination document.