PNL - Análise de Nível de Palavras
Neste capítulo, entenderemos a análise de nível mundial em Processamento de Linguagem Natural.
Expressões regulares
Uma expressão regular (RE) é uma linguagem para especificar strings de pesquisa de texto. RE nos ajuda a encontrar ou encontrar outras strings ou conjuntos de strings, usando uma sintaxe especializada mantida em um padrão. Expressões regulares são usadas para pesquisar textos no UNIX e também no MS WORD de maneira idêntica. Temos vários mecanismos de pesquisa que usam vários recursos de RE.
Propriedades de expressões regulares
A seguir estão algumas das propriedades importantes de RE -
O matemático americano Stephen Cole Kleene formalizou a linguagem da Expressão Regular.
RE é uma fórmula em uma linguagem especial, que pode ser usada para especificar classes simples de strings, uma sequência de símbolos. Em outras palavras, podemos dizer que RE é uma notação algébrica para caracterizar um conjunto de strings.
A expressão regular requer duas coisas, uma é o padrão que desejamos pesquisar e a outra é um corpus de texto a partir do qual precisamos pesquisar.
Matematicamente, uma expressão regular pode ser definida da seguinte forma -
ε é uma expressão regular, que indica que o idioma tem uma string vazia.
φ é uma Expressão Regular que denota que é uma linguagem vazia.
E se X e Y são expressões regulares, então
X, Y
X.Y(Concatenation of XY)
X+Y (Union of X and Y)
X*, Y* (Kleen Closure of X and Y)
também são expressões regulares.
Se uma string é derivada das regras acima, então também seria uma expressão regular.
Exemplos de expressões regulares
A tabela a seguir mostra alguns exemplos de expressões regulares -
Expressões regulares | Conjunto Regular |
(0 + 10 *) | {0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10.000,…} |
(0 * 10 *) | {1, 01, 10, 010, 0010, ...} |
(0 + ε) (1 + ε) | {ε, 0, 1, 01} |
(a + b) * | Seria um conjunto de strings de a's eb's de qualquer comprimento que também inclui a string nula, ou seja, {ε, a, b, aa, ab, bb, ba, aaa …….} |
(a + b) * abb | Seria um conjunto de strings de a's eb's terminando com a string abb ie {abb, aabb, babb, aaabb, ababb, ………… ..} |
(11) * | Ele seria definido como um número par de 1's, que também inclui uma string vazia, ou seja, {ε, 11, 1111, 111111, ……….} |
(aa) * (bb) * b | Seria um conjunto de strings consistindo de um número par de a's seguido por um número ímpar de b's, ou seja {b, aab, aabbb, aabbbbb, aaaab, aaaabbb, ………… ..} |
(aa + ab + ba + bb) * | Seria uma string de a's eb's de comprimento par que pode ser obtida concatenando qualquer combinação das strings aa, ab, ba e bb incluindo null ie {aa, ab, ba, bb, aaab, aaba, …………. .} |
Conjuntos regulares e suas propriedades
Pode ser definido como o conjunto que representa o valor da expressão regular e consiste em propriedades específicas.
Propriedades de conjuntos regulares
Se fizermos a união de dois conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regula.
Se fizermos a interseção de dois conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regular.
Se fizermos o complemento de conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regular.
Se fizermos a diferença de dois conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regular.
Se fizermos a reversão dos conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regular.
Se considerarmos o fechamento de conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também seria regular.
Se fizermos a concatenação de dois conjuntos regulares, o conjunto resultante também será regular.
Autômatos de Estados Finitos
O termo autômato, derivado da palavra grega "αὐτόματα" que significa "ação automática", é o plural de autômato que pode ser definido como um dispositivo de computação autopropelido abstrato que segue uma sequência predeterminada de operações automaticamente.
An automaton having a finite number of states is called a Finite Automaton (FA) or Finite State automata (FSA).
Mathematically, an automaton can be represented by a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), where −
Q is a finite set of states.
Σ is a finite set of symbols, called the alphabet of the automaton.
δ is the transition function
q0 is the initial state from where any input is processed (q0 ∈ Q).
F is a set of final state/states of Q (F ⊆ Q).
Relation between Finite Automata, Regular Grammars and Regular Expressions
Following points will give us a clear view about the relationship between finite automata, regular grammars and regular expressions −
As we know that finite state automata are the theoretical foundation of computational work and regular expressions is one way of describing them.
We can say that any regular expression can be implemented as FSA and any FSA can be described with a regular expression.
On the other hand, regular expression is a way to characterize a kind of language called regular language. Hence, we can say that regular language can be described with the help of both FSA and regular expression.
Regular grammar, a formal grammar that can be right-regular or left-regular, is another way to characterize regular language.
Following diagram shows that finite automata, regular expressions and regular grammars are the equivalent ways of describing regular languages.

Types of Finite State Automation (FSA)
Finite state automation is of two types. Let us see what the types are.
Deterministic Finite automation (DFA)
It may be defined as the type of finite automation wherein, for every input symbol we can determine the state to which the machine will move. It has a finite number of states that is why the machine is called Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA).
Mathematically, a DFA can be represented by a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), where −
Q is a finite set of states.
Σ is a finite set of symbols, called the alphabet of the automaton.
δ is the transition function where δ: Q × Σ → Q .
q0 is the initial state from where any input is processed (q0 ∈ Q).
F is a set of final state/states of Q (F ⊆ Q).
Whereas graphically, a DFA can be represented by diagraphs called state diagrams where −
The states are represented by vertices.
The transitions are shown by labeled arcs.
The initial state is represented by an empty incoming arc.
The final state is represented by double circle.
Example of DFA
Suppose a DFA be
Q = {a, b, c},
Σ = {0, 1},
q0 = {a},
F = {c},
Transition function δ is shown in the table as follows −
Current State | Next State for Input 0 | Next State for Input 1 |
A | a | B |
B | b | A |
C | c | C |
The graphical representation of this DFA would be as follows −

Non-deterministic Finite Automation (NDFA)
It may be defined as the type of finite automation where for every input symbol we cannot determine the state to which the machine will move i.e. the machine can move to any combination of the states. It has a finite number of states that is why the machine is called Non-deterministic Finite Automation (NDFA).
Mathematically, NDFA can be represented by a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), where −
Q is a finite set of states.
Σ is a finite set of symbols, called the alphabet of the automaton.
δ :-is the transition function where δ: Q × Σ → 2 Q.
q0 :-is the initial state from where any input is processed (q0 ∈ Q).
F :-is a set of final state/states of Q (F ⊆ Q).
Whereas graphically (same as DFA), a NDFA can be represented by diagraphs called state diagrams where −
The states are represented by vertices.
The transitions are shown by labeled arcs.
The initial state is represented by an empty incoming arc.
The final state is represented by double circle.
Example of NDFA
Suppose a NDFA be
Q = {a, b, c},
Σ = {0, 1},
q0 = {a},
F = {c},
Transition function δ is shown in the table as follows −
Current State | Next State for Input 0 | Next State for Input 1 |
A | a, b | B |
B | C | a, c |
C | b, c | C |
The graphical representation of this NDFA would be as follows −

Morphological Parsing
The term morphological parsing is related to the parsing of morphemes. We can define morphological parsing as the problem of recognizing that a word breaks down into smaller meaningful units called morphemes producing some sort of linguistic structure for it. For example, we can break the word foxes into two, fox and -es. We can see that the word foxes, is made up of two morphemes, one is fox and other is -es.
In other sense, we can say that morphology is the study of −
The formation of words.
The origin of the words.
Grammatical forms of the words.
Use of prefixes and suffixes in the formation of words.
How parts-of-speech (PoS) of a language are formed.
Types of Morphemes
Morphemes, the smallest meaning-bearing units, can be divided into two types −
Word Order
It is the core meaningful unit of a word. We can also say that it is the root of the word. For example, in the word foxes, the stem is fox.
Affixes − As the name suggests, they add some additional meaning and grammatical functions to the words. For example, in the word foxes, the affix is − es.
Further, affixes can also be divided into following four types −
Prefixes − As the name suggests, prefixes precede the stem. For example, in the word unbuckle, un is the prefix.
Suffixes − As the name suggests, suffixes follow the stem. For example, in the word cats, -s is the suffix.
Infixes − As the name suggests, infixes are inserted inside the stem. For example, the word cupful, can be pluralized as cupsful by using -s as the infix.
Circumfixes − They precede and follow the stem. There are very less examples of circumfixes in English language. A very common example is ‘A-ing’ where we can use -A precede and -ing follows the stem.
Word Order
The order of the words would be decided by morphological parsing. Let us now see the requirements for building a morphological parser −
The very first requirement for building a morphological parser is lexicon, which includes the list of stems and affixes along with the basic information about them. For example, the information like whether the stem is Noun stem or Verb stem, etc.
It is basically the model of morpheme ordering. In other sense, the model explaining which classes of morphemes can follow other classes of morphemes inside a word. For example, the morphotactic fact is that the English plural morpheme always follows the noun rather than preceding it.
Orthographic rules
These spelling rules are used to model the changes occurring in a word. For example, the rule of converting y to ie in word like city+s = cities not citys.