
MS Accessは「オブジェクト」を使用して、ユーザーが情報を一覧表示および整理し、特別に設計されたレポートを作成します。データベースを作成すると、Accessはテーブル、クエリ、フォーム、レポート、マクロ、およびモジュールを提供します。Accessのデータベースは構成されています。多くのオブジェクトの、しかし以下は主要なオブジェクトです-

  • Tables
  • Queries
  • Forms
  • Reports




  • 各フィールドには、一意の名前とデータ型が必要です。

  • テーブルには、名前や住所などのさまざまな種類のデータを格納するフィールドまたは列と、顧客や従業員に関するすべての情報など、サブジェクトの特定のインスタンスに関するすべての情報を収集するレコードまたは行が含まれます。

  • 主キー、各レコードに固有の値を持つ1つ以上のフィールド、および各テーブルに1つ以上のインデックスを定義して、データをより迅速に取得できるようにすることができます。



  • クエリの実行は、データベースに詳細な質問をするようなものです。

  • Accessでクエリを作成するときは、特定の検索条件を定義して、必要なデータを正確に検索します。

  • Accessでは、例によるグラフィカルクエリ機能を使用するか、構造化クエリ言語(SQL)ステートメントを記述してクエリを作成できます。

  • データを選択、更新、挿入、または削除するクエリを定義できます。

  • 1つ以上の既存のテーブルのデータから新しいテーブルを作成するクエリを定義することもできます。


Form is an object in a desktop database designed primarily for data input or display or for control of application execution. You use forms to customize the presentation of data that your application extracts from queries or tables.

  • Forms are used for entering, modifying, and viewing records.

  • The reason forms are used so often is that they are an easy way to guide people toward entering data correctly.

  • When you enter information into a form in Access, the data goes exactly where the database designer wants it to go in one or more related tables.


Report is an object in desktop databases designed for formatting, calculating, printing, and summarizing selected data.

  • You can view a report on your screen before you print it.

  • If forms are for input purposes, then reports are for output.

  • Anything you plan to print deserves a report, whether it is a list of names and addresses, a financial summary for a period, or a set of mailing labels.

  • Reports are useful because they allow you to present components of your database in an easy-to-read format.

  • You can even customize a report's appearance to make it visually appealing.

  • Access offers you the ability to create a report from any table or query.

Other MS Access Objects

Let us now take a look at other MS Access objects.


This object is a structured definition of one or more actions that you want Access to perform in response to a defined event. An Access Macro is a script for doing some job. For example, to create a button which opens a report, you could use a macro which will fire OpenReport action.

  • You can include simple conditions in macros to specify when one or more actions in the macro should be performed or skipped.

  • You can use macros to open and execute queries, to open tables, or to print or view reports.

  • You can also run other macros or Visual Basic procedures from within a macro.

  • Data macros can be attached directly to table events such as inserting new records, editing existing records, or deleting records.

  • Data macros in web apps can also be stand-alone objects that can be called from other data macros or macro objects.


Module is an object in desktop databases containing custom procedures that you code using Visual Basic. Modules provide a more discrete flow of actions and allow you to trap errors.

  • Everything that can be done in a macro can also be done in a module, but you don't get the macro interface that prompts you what is needed for each action.

  • Modules are far more powerful, and are essential if you plan to write code for a multi-user environment, because macros cannot include error handling.

  • Modules can be standalone objects containing functions that can be called from anywhere in your application, or they can be directly associated with a form or a report to respond to events on the associated form or report.