
定義 creativity主題に関して新しい異なる視点を思い付く能力を含む複数のポイントがあるので、簡単ではありません。それは、その性質への新しい洞察を得るために、主題についての私たちの知識を分解して再構築することを含みます。ただし、概念には多くの側面があるため、創造性の定義は複雑です。

創造性とは、私たちが考えている状況をよりよく理解できるように、学習、推論、論理を整理するプロセスです。 Maslow, the famous American Psychologist、進化の2つのレベルで創造性を想定していた-
- プライマリと
- Secondary
論理的思考には a series of progressive steps。私たちが得る新しい知識は、私たちがすでに持っている事実の論理的な転送です。その意味で、それは本当に「新しい」ものではなく、思考の結論です。それこそが、組織が創造的な問題解決の価値を理解し始めた場所です。
経営陣のトップレベルでは、企業がどのような新しい方向に進むことができるかについてのアイデアが不足しています。言い換えれば、二次的な創造性はほとんど枯渇しています。ありますhuge demand for original ideas。それらは実用的ではないかもしれませんが、ユニークで独創的でなければなりません。

ビジネスの世界では、 new scenarios are created every dayそしてそれらのそれぞれはそれに対処するための新しい方法を必要としています。これは、既存のルールとガイドラインでは、問題の完全な解決策を提供するには不十分であるためです。新しいシナリオに取り組むためには、問題解決に必要な多くの革新があります。過去10年間で多くの研究が創造的な問題解決を検討しており、ほとんどすべての組織が次の大きなアイデアを探す創造的なチームを持っています。以前は、優れた学歴と経験が成功したキャリアを構築するのに十分でした。
- 手元の時間を有効活用。
- 見込み客のニーズと要望に対応する。
- 顧客にとっての製品の魅力を向上させる。
- コスト削減方法を使用して、作業効率を高めます。
- スタッフの集中力、モチベーション、生産性を向上させます。
- 新しい、収益性の高いベンチャーとビジネスチャンスを特定する。
がある six stages of creative problem solving、発散的思考プロセスと収束的思考プロセスの両方が使用されます。これらの手順は、データを検索してからデータを絞り込むために不可欠です。
- 考えられるハードルとそれらを克服する方法をリストする
- 実装および緊急時対応計画の作成
- 働くための行動計画の生成

ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズは、創造的な問題解決で同様のことをしました。Colin Marshallは、1980年代に、従業員が自分でより良い待遇を受けるまで、顧客をより良い方法で接することはないという考えを思いつきました。このことを念頭に置いて、マーシャルは従業員が他の人との関係について訓練するためのセミナーを手配しました。

パラダイムは collection of rules and guidelinesそれは私たちが境界内で成功を収めるのに役立ちます。これらの境界は、そのシステム内の成功と失敗の定義を念頭に置いて描かれています。パラダイムシフトは、規定された構造から離れる完全な動きであり、一定または線形の改善とは異なります。


そうだった Edward Butler 2気筒モーター、キャブレター、1884年にダイナモが製造したスパークプラグによる点火を備えた、ガソリン駆動の三輪車の「未来モデル」と呼ばれるものを製造した人。 Red Flags Laws そのような車両を運転するとき、その速度が道路で時速4マイルから、市街地で時速2マイルに上昇した場合、重大な結果をもたらす可能性があります。

- チャレンジ現状
- 仮定を避ける
- 自然に好奇心が強い
- 常にすべての可能性を探る
- 鮮やかな想像力を持ってください
- 未来を考える
- Don’t believe in an ultimate idea
- Never think anything impossible
- Like taking risks
- Can adapt to changing circumstances
- Can connect seemingly disparate events
- Are visual thinkers
- Can identify patterns
- Look beyond the first ‘right idea’
Acquiring Creative Problem Solving Skills
Research has proved that creative problem solving is not just an innate, inborn quality and it can be taught to others. People can be made to think in more creative ways if they start following some basic principles of creativity, which are mentioned below.
The ability to keep coming up with creative ideas one after the other. This is developed by organizing creative problem solving sessions during which the participants will be encouraged to provide different ways to use day to day objects like tooth brush, eraser, pens, etc. Once this is over, the same approach can be used with work related themes.
The ability to come up with different ideas, which are not variations of a single idea. Flexibility can be improved in participants by presenting them with a scenario and then keep adding a new condition once a consensus has been reached. It will keep the people on the verge of their thinking as they must come up with different solutions for the changing situations.

The ability to give detailed viewpoints or perspectives of the idea. Elaboration can be enhanced in the candidates by asking them to describe an event or a hobby in detail. Keep asking them and leading them for more details till they say that they cannot add anything more to what they have already said. Furnish some additional information on those events or hobbies to help their recollection and check if they have anything new to add.
The ability to think about unique and original ideas or improvements in the existing ideas. Originality can be learned following a first come, first serve basis of answering to questions.
For example, as soon as the question “How to use potatoes in cooking?” is asked, the facilitator should start taking questions immediately and keep telling that only 6 more unique answers will be accepted.
Successful Problem Solving
Just as with any process where imagination is involved, creative problem solving also faces major roadblocks of two varieties: Individual and Organizational. Many organizations develop their vision for the future while looking at the past for learning experiences. Because of this approach, they draw their plans about situations and scenarios they have already faced. This does not necessarily prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow as they have already lost their powers of anticipation.
It is this blocking of ideas that prevents the growth of creative problem solving. It is the existence of these blocks that makes the creative problem solving process a difficult one to practice without an initial environment provided for it.
Successful problem solving follows three steps of creative problem solving −
Recognizing the Task Environment
The first step of creative problem solving involves perceiving the events surrounding the problem, then interpreting the events and understanding the nature of the task an individual must participate in, so as to get to the resolution.
Empathizing with the Problem
In this step, the people are supposed to be specific about the goal. They need to finalize what needs to be done in respect to the goal and what actions will expedite achieving the goal. There needs to be a transparent approach to the roots of the problem without jumping into any premature conclusions.
Processing Available Information
This is the most important step because the real creative problem solving is used in problem solving comes to practice here. The available information, along with the information processing style of the problem solver holds great importance here.
A creative approach towards problem solving has resulted in the design of training applications which focus on personal feedback and counselling. Many strategic blocks can be addressed through creative problem solving techniques, when it comes to creating values. Values, however, are a more difficult problem, but creating an awareness of personal values in the individual offers some respite.
Mental blocks towards creativity can be strategic, value oriented, perceptual and self- confidence related blocks. The real idea must be to facilitate the process of producing ideas. Because of these techniques, new ideas and insights will be formed. The techniques of free thinking are used as a leading sentiment to evoke, construct and reconstruct the knowledge stored in our memory.
Arranging for group sessions where individuals brainstorm on ideas reduce the risk of making mistakes as individuals. These sessions will also help in reducing personal prejudices. By sharing a problem with people or by making our ideas heard, we will be getting the chance to understand people’s reactions and suggestions.
Sensory Gating
Sensory Gating is a process that the brain uses to adjust to stimuli. Our brain has a direct connection to filter out distracting stimuli and performance. Negative emotions like stress, anxiety, and depression can switch the chemistry of the brain and limits the effectiveness of sensory gating. So, to prevent this imbalance, Re-Gating is important.

Creativity is not an entity you can command at will. It is very environment dependent and can be summoned only under the proper stimulation and with proper co-workers. So, the myth that creativity can be summoned as per requirement is bogus. It should depend on the proper grooming and encouragement of the management.
Strategic Blocks
Inability to produce insights or thinking out un-implementable ideas point towards blocked thinking. Often people themselves admit that they are in a block. However, this block is a subconscious one. People with creativity blockages often are found to have a negative mindset and approach towards their work and life, in general.
Value Blocks
The biggest challenge for creative problem solving comes when people tend to mistake outdated business doing methods as values. Often, creative problem solving training programs face objections from mid-managers, who argue that they have always done things in a specific way.
These methods, which has delivered them results, are the trusted ones for them, so they feel that they shouldn’t deviate from these methods. These people fear change and don’t want to take risks. Naturally, they will be at a fix when it comes to facing newer scenarios in the future.
Self-confidence Block
Sometimes, a low level of confidence on one’s own abilities creates a fear in the minds of the people and makes them hesitant towards any form of change and creative problem solving. Their reluctance to take decisions out of the box is because they are afraid of failures or being laughed at.
Barriers to Innovative Ideas
Many people get used to traditional ideas and this is often one of the main barriers to creative problem solving. Because of this thought, people and organizations tend to fall into a variety of traps when trying to become more innovative. Some of the most common issues people face when they try to solve every problem using traditional methods are −
- They zero in on non-issues.
- Finalize one idea too quickly.
- Often finalize a half-baked idea.
- They cannot impress their ideas upon the management.
- They are afraid to change or challenge any established methods.
Some of the other major blocks are as explained below −
Managerial Control
Managerial Control tends to overpower creativity. The creative thinkers should be provided with as much autonomous working style and freedom as possible.
Short-range Thinking
Creative problem solving should be used to find out long term solutions and benefits of the company as opposed to finalizing the short-term gain policies.
Analysis Paralysis
Because of constant analysis of ideas and polishing them, creativity gets lost in the process, often because every polishing of the creative idea will take it nearer to an established process.
Rigid Hierarchical Communication
Strict lines of command are not a suitable mode of communication for the creative people. When they come across an idea, they would like to know its feasibility. The tendency to look for a big payoff needs to be curbed.
Market Vs Technology-driven Product Planning
Many people tend to give undue importance to market research. The idea should be to focus more on marketing orientation, however it shouldn’t be at the cost of good ideas which come out of R&D and which never get off the ground.
Pressure to Achieve more with few Resources
The R&D departments are often marked out for cost-cutting methods. They like to save as much as possible, so that they can ask lesser from the management. However, an ideal creative environment needs to be as free from the pressures of performing better with lesser resources as possible.
Case Study: How Swiss Watches Lost their Market
The Elgin watch company is often used as an example of companies who did not take cure for their market myopia. They fell on their way from being one of the most reputed names in the watch making business to shutting shop forever. The company lived in denial of the changing demands of the market place and risked losing customers for its most widely known product – a pocket watch with an excellent life span.

English watch makers were the pioneers of watch making in the early eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were responsible for all the latest technological breakthroughs; however, their biggest issue was that they did not move with the times, which took them out of the competition with the other major Swiss and American watch manufacturers who understood the needs of their customers better.
It may seem rather obvious to us today that to survive in the marketplace, a company should adapt its strategy to meet the changing wants and needs of its customers. However, the watch industry possesses several quirks and it does not necessarily always respond in the way one would expect. Nor does the unexpected always result in a total failure.
The Swiss watch industry dominated world markets with its fine clockwork movements, elegant designs and quality in the 20th century. Till that time, the value of a watch depended on its accuracy and time keeping. High quality Swiss watches used to come with ‘Officially Certified Chronometer’ certificate handed out by the Swiss authorities, which used to take its price well beyond the reach of the common man. Apart from accuracy, features such as self-winding movements, elegant design, gold metal casing and other things used to add to the appeal.

However, a scientific breakthrough came and quartz movement technology was discovered. Using this, it was possible by all watch manufacturers to mass produce these accurate watches. Although this technology was invented by the Swiss, they didn’t implement it, fearing a meltdown in their own market. However, other companies slowly caught up to it and the Swiss watch market ended up losing 25% of its market share.