통신 청구-결제 처리
송장이 고객에게 전송되면 고객은 청구서 지불을 시작합니다. 청구 시스템으로의 청구서 지불 처리를 지불 처리라고합니다.
고객이 지불 한 금액은 고객 계정에 게시됩니다. 미결제 송장이있는 경우 지급되는 송장은 계정의 회계 방법에 따라 다릅니다. 회계 방법에는 두 가지 유형이 있습니다.
Balance forward accounting −이 방법을 사용하면 미결제 인보이스가 여러 개인 경우 수령 한 결제 금액이 채권의 연령에 따라 인보이스에 할당되며 가장 오래된 인보이스가 먼저 생성됩니다.
Open item accounting−이 방법을 사용하면 특정 송장에 지불을 할당 할 수 있습니다. 미결 항목 회계는 특히 비즈니스 고객의 지불을 처리 할 때 유용합니다.
지불 방법
고객은 서비스 제공자가 지원하는 다양한 결제 방법을 사용하여 결제 할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 고객은 수표, 신용 카드, 직불 카드 또는 전신 송금 또는 직접 현금 입금과 같은 지불 방법을 사용하여 지불 할 수 있습니다.

An operator may have multiple bank accounts into which it will receive payment done through bank accounts directly. These bank accounts are referred to as holding accounts and sends payment details to the billing system in text files.
If payments are received outside the billing system either manually or electronically, then those payments are uploaded into the system using automated process to settle down the invoices.
Automatic Payments
Billing Systems provide facility to capture credit card or debit card information and automatic payment methods on monthly basis.
If payment method is set automatic using either credit card or debit card, payment requests are generated automatically after every invoice or on a given date and these requests are sent to the payment gateways (or banks) for payment authorization.
Once all the payments are authorized, they are uploaded into the billing system to settle down the due invoices.
Manual Payments
If the payments are made using cash or cheque, then either it can be entered into the system upfront the customer or if this is collected by some agencies, then all such payments are collected and posted to the billing system using automated methods provided by the billing system.
For all the payments received, payment files are prepared with a predefined format and then they are pushed automatically to a predefined location from where Billing System picks them up and uploads into the billing database.
There may be a situation, when a payment made by credit card or cheque does not go through. If this payment is already posted into the system, then it needs a cancellation to adjust the amount. Billing System provides utilities to handle failed or cancelled payments.
Payment Interfaces
An interface is a bound between the billing system and any other external system to receive the payment. Interface allows two systems to communicate with other based on predefined rules.
For example, a simple text file could be a payment interface between a bank and the billing system. If interface is file based, banks keep sending payment details using payment files in predefined format.
There could be an online API-based interface between a bank and the billing system. If an online interface is in place, then bank will call the provided API to post the payment directly into the billing system.
Similar way, there could be file-based or online interfaces provided for third party involved in collecting payments.
What is Next?
So far, we have almost gone through the complete life cycle of a telecom customer. The next chapter is important to understand the dispute situation that arises between operators and customers.