एक शब्दकोश के अंदर से एक IntEnum वर्ग को बुलाओ

Aug 18 2020

मेरे पास एक उदाहरण है IntEnum वर्ग:

class ShapeMethod(IntEnum):
    NONE = 0
    circle = 1
    square = 2

जिसे __init__दूसरे वर्ग के कार्य द्वारा बुलाया जाना चाहिए :

class ExampleClass():
    def __init__(look_at_shapes=None):
            look_at_shapes (dict): A dictionary of shape inputs.
        if look_at_shapes:
            self.shape = ShapeMethod.NONE
            if look_at_shapes["colour"]:
                self.colour = look_at_shapes["colour"]

    def do_something_with_shape:
        if self.shape == ShapeMethod.circle:
            print('awesome you got a circle'.)
        elif self.shape == ShapeMethod.square:
            print('squares have 4 sides.')
            print('nothing to see here.')

जहां, self.shapeविशेषता को होना चाहिए circle, squareया NONE

तब do_something_with_shapeसमारोह द्वारा बुलाया जाएगा:

input = {"colour" = blue}
my_object = ExampleClass(look_at_shape=input)

inputएक शब्दकोश होने की जरूरत की संरचना , और इसे सेट करने के लिए यथोचित सरल है colour। हालांकि, मुझे नहीं पता कि IntEnumकिसी शब्दकोश के अंदर से कक्षा का सही उपयोग कैसे किया जाए । उदाहरण के लिए, यदि मैं प्रिंट करना चाहता हूंsquares have 4 sides.

Note: Do all options in ShapeMethod(IntEnum) need to be capitalized?

What I have looked at so far:

The documentation for Python gives a number of examples; however, none fit my exact case.


4 bad_coder Aug 18 2020 at 00:51

One way to use would be the following:

from enum import IntEnum

class ShapeMethod(IntEnum):

    NONE = 0
    circle = 1
    square = 2

class ExampleClass:

    def __init__(self, look_at_shapes=None):
            look_at_shapes (dict): A dictionary of shape inputs.
        self.shape = None
        self.colour = None

        if look_at_shapes:
            if look_at_shapes[ShapeMethod]:
                self.shape = look_at_shapes[ShapeMethod]

            if look_at_shapes["colour"]:
                self.colour = look_at_shapes["colour"]

    def do_something_with_shape(self):
        if self.shape is ShapeMethod.NONE:
            print('awesome you got a circle.')
        elif self.shape is ShapeMethod.square:
            print('squares have 4 sides.')
            print('nothing to see here.')

input_var = {
    "colour": 'blue',
    ShapeMethod: ShapeMethod.square
my_object = ExampleClass(look_at_shapes=input_var)


Regarding your side question:

Note: Do all options in ShapeMethod(IntEnum) need to be capitalized?

It's entierly up to you. They can be all upper-case, which is in acordance with PEP 8 since they'll be constants. However, a lot of folks decide to capitalize only the first letter and it's a valid choice of style. The least common option is using all lower-case or mixing different capitalizations, however there is nothing stopping you from doing so. See this answer for a complete reference.

3 EthanFurman Aug 18 2020 at 00:50
input = {
        "shape": ShapeMethod.square,
        "colour": "blue",

def __init__(look_at_shapes=None):
        look_at_shapes (dict): A dictionary of shape inputs.
    look_at_shapes = look_at_shapes or {}
    self.shape = look_at_shapes.get("shape", ShapeMethod.NONE)
    self.colour = look_at_shapes.get("colour")  # None if "colour" doesn't exist

    def do_something_with_shape:
        if self.shape == ShapeMethod.circle:
            print('awesome you got a circle'.)
        elif self.shape == ShapeMethod.square:
            print('squares have 4 sides.')
            print('nothing to see here.')
2 Jab Aug 18 2020 at 00:23

You need to check self.shape.value insead of self.shape when you're looking to check the underlying string in the enum class.

if self.shape.value == 'circle':


if self.shape == ShapeMethod.circle