Abstracted email sender with content providers
I've created an email sender with providers for the email content, that will be changed based on the email type. I need some help to enhance it.
These two models are used to send
public class EmailAddress
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public class EmailMessage
public EmailMessage()
ToAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>();
CcAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>();
public List<EmailAddress> ToAddresses { get; set; }
public List<EmailAddress> CcAddresses { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
The content provider provides all the email information(subject, body, To and Cc)
public interface IEmailContentProvider
EmailMessage Message { get; }
Then we have the abstracted email sender IEmailSender
that has a single method Send
which uses IEmailContentProvider
parameter to get the email information
interface IEmailSender
Task Send(IEmailContentProvider provider);
I have an example for the content provider WelcomEmailProvider
public class WelcomEmailProvider : IEmailProvider
public EmailMessage Message { get; }
public WelcomEmailProvider(string address, string name)
Message = new EmailMessage
Subject = $"Welcome {name}", Content = $"This is welcome email provider!",
ToAddresses = new List<EmailAddress> { new EmailAddress { Address = address, Name = name} }
The IEmailSender
public class EmailSender : IEmailSender
private readonly SmtpOptions _options;
public EmailSender(IOptions<SmtpOptions> options)
_options = options.Value;
public async Task Send(IEmailContentProvider provider)
var emailMessage = provider.Message;
var message = new MimeMessage();
message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(_options.Sender.Name, _options.Sender.Address));
message.To.AddRange(emailMessage.ToAddresses.Select(x => new MailboxAddress(x.Name, x.Address)));
message.Cc.AddRange(emailMessage.CcAddresses.Select(x => new MailboxAddress(x.Name, x.Address)));
message.Subject = emailMessage.Subject;
message.Body = new TextPart(TextFormat.Html) { Text = emailMessage.Content };
using var emailClient = new SmtpClient();
await emailClient.ConnectAsync(_options.Server, _options.Port, _options.EnableSsl);
await AuthenticatedData(emailClient);
await emailClient.SendAsync(message);
await emailClient.DisconnectAsync(true);
private async Task AuthenticatedData(SmtpClient smtpClient)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.Username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.Password))
await emailClient.AuthenticateAsync(_options.Username, _options.Password);
And here is, how to use it and send an email:
class Sample
private readonly IEmailSender _emailSender;
public Samole(IEmailSender emailSender)
_emailSender = emailSender;
public async Task DoSomethingThenSendEmail()
await _emailSender.Send(new WelcomEmailProvider("[email protected]", "Someone"));
public EmailMessage()
ToAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>();
CcAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>();
Gerekli değil ToAddress
, ancak başlatırsanız anlayabiliyorum , ancak bu şekilde listeleri başlatmak çok fazla bellek tüketebilir (büyük miktarda EmailMessage
örneğiniz olduğunu hayal edin ! Bu yüzden, onları boş olarak tutmanızı ve null
zorlamak için doğrulamayı kullanmanızı öneririm. gerektiğinde bunları başlatmak (gönderen gibi).
genel tasarımınız yeterince iyi, ancak bunu doğrudan yapabilirsiniz:
public class EmailMessage
public EmailAddress From { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<EmailAddress> To { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<EmailAddress> Cc { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<EmailAddress> Bcc { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public interface IEmailProvider
IEmailServerSetting ServerSettings { get; set; }
Mesajın tam modeli olarak Kimden (gerekli), Kime (gerekli), CC (isteğe bağlı), BCC (isteğe bağlı), Konu ve Gövde içermelidir. Bunun arkasındaki sebep, herhangi bir mesajın gereği olarak her zaman birlikte eşleştirilecek olmasıdır, daha sonra veritabanı tarafında da uygulanması daha kolay olacaktır. kullanmak IEnumerable<EmailAddress>
, uygulayan herhangi bir koleksiyonu kullanmaya açıktır IEnumerable
. Yani bununla sınırlı değil List
For IEmailProvider
As an email provider should also contain its own settings as requirement. This would make things easier for you, to have each email message with it's own settings. This way, you can send multiple emails from different providers with no extra coding. IOptions
is treated independently, but in reality, IOptions
won't be useful by itself, and it would only used by EmailProvider
, so if we add it to the contract, it'll always be implemented with the interface, this way you forced the provider to always have IOptions
. Besides, IOptions
should be renamed to something like EmailServerSetting
or EmailProviderSetting
to relate it to the main implementation. As these are settings and not options. Use IOptions
to handle the email optional settings and features that can be managed like sending as text or html, disable/enable attachments, pictures ..etc.
Also, you need a middle-ware class to wrap things up, and uses SmtpClient
. This would give you the advantage of increasing the flexibility of your current work and wrap them under one roof along with ease things up for reusing code (such as MimeMessage
, TextPart
..etc.) instead of reimplement it on each new sender. It also would give you the ability to create a collection to store multiple providers if you're going that far. also, you will be able to add new providers, handle them, handle messages, and keep your work scoped.
Here is how I imagine the final usage :
Creating a new provider :
// creating a new email provider
public class SomeEmailProvider : IEmailProvider
// only set the settings internally but it's exposed to be readonly
public EmailServerSetting ServerSettings { get; private set; }
public SomeEmailProvider()
//set up the server settings
ServerSettings = new EmailServerSetting
ServerType = EmailServerType.POP,
Server = "pop.mail.com",
Port = 995,
Encryption = EmailServerEncryption.SSLOrTLS,
EnableSsl = true
// some other related code
now, creating a new mail message and sending it :
// can be single object or collection
var messages = new EmailMessage
From = new EmailAddress("Test", "[email protected]"),
To = new EmailAddress [] {
new EmailAddress("Test1", "[email protected]"),
new EmailAddress("Test2", "[email protected]")
Subject = "Testing Subject",
Body = "Normal Text Body"
using(var client = new EmailClient(new SomeEmailProvider()))
client.Options = new EmailClientOptions
// would send it as plain text
EnableHtml = false