Posso chamar o árbitro na vez do meu oponente?

Jan 05 2021

Meu oponente, por sua vez, estava me distraindo fazendo sons irritantes. No entanto, o árbitro disse que eu deveria esperar até chegar a minha vez para chamá-los. Isso está correto?


27 BrianTowers Jan 05 2021 at 18:42

Você está absolutamente autorizado a chamar o árbitro quando for a vez de seu oponente. Existem inúmeras razões pelas quais isso seria necessário.

  • Para começar com o mais prosaico, você preencheu sua planilha e precisa de outra.
  • Você não está se sentindo bem e precisa de assistência médica
  • Seu oponente pegou uma peça, mas não sabe para onde movê-la. Eles estão segurando a peça acima do tabuleiro, obscurecendo sua visão do tabuleiro e distraindo você.
10 Acccumulation Jan 06 2021 at 04:19

FIDE 12.6 diz:

It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever. This includes unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw or the introduction of a source of noise into the playing area.

There is no mention of this applying only on one's opponent's turn. "introduction of a source of noise into the playing area" on one's own turn is a violation of the plain text of 12.6. Of course, you should be as non-distracting yourself when calling for an arbiter.

8 JamesMartin Jan 05 2021 at 18:03

There is no rule saying that you can call the arbiter only on your turn, or that the opponent is allowed to distract you during their own turn.

If you want a more specific answer, you may need to give more details of the situation, for example what the nature of the distraction was. It seems a bit unlikely, but one can imagine some behaviour by the opponent which would be deemed reasonable during their own turn but not during yours. For example, adjusting pieces on their squares, or repeatedly reaching an arm towards the board as if to move and then withdrawing it. If a player were, say, muttering under their breath in a borderline distracting way, one could imagine an arbiter taking a somewhat more permissive view if the behaviour occurred only during the player's own turns.