로그 원 리멤버드: 5주년 기념 타임라인

Dec 17 2021
"반란은 희망 위에 세워져 있습니다!" 2016년 12월 16일, 최초의 독립형 스타워즈 영화가 개봉되었습니다. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story는 첫 번째 데스 스타의 계획을 용감하게 훔친 사람들의 이야기를 들려줍니다.
"반란은 희망 위에 세워져 있습니다!"

2016년 12월 16일, 최초의 독립형 스타워즈 영화가 개봉되었습니다. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 는 첫 번째 데스 스타의 계획을 용감하게 훔친 사람들의 이야기를 들려 줍니다 . 물론 대부분의 팬들은 영화가 끝날 때까지 그것을 몰랐지만, 거의 전 세계적으로 팬들의 사랑을 받았던 대담한 영화 속 과감한 행보였다.

5주년을 맞는 오늘, 우리는 io9 아카이브를 깊숙이 파고들어 Rogue One 여정을 다시 시작합니다. 우리 는 그것이 일어나고 있다는 소식을 처음 들었던 날 , 제목, 캐스팅, 예고편, 논란, 출시 등에 대한 첫 뉴스 로 돌아갑니다 . 우리와 함께하십시오.

2014년 5월 22일 : Rogue On e가 태어난 날, 우리는 아직 그렇게 불리는지 몰랐습니다. Lucasfilm은 Gareth Edwards와 Gary Whitta 스타워즈 스핀오프 영화 를 작업 중이라고 발표했습니다 .

2014년 11월 24일 : 이 영화는 무엇에 관한 것입니까? 글쎄, 나는 개인적 으로 이 영화가 데스 스타 계획을 훔친다 는 소식을 전한다 . 몇 가지 다른 세부 사항은 옳지 않았지만 이봐, 성취.

2015년 2월 3일 : 한 달 동안 공식적으로 발표되지는 않았지만 Felicity Jones 가 다가오는 Star Wars 스핀오프에 출연할 것이라는 뉴스가 나왔습니다.

2015년 3월 12일 : Disney 주주 총회에서 당시 Disney Bob Iger CEO 는 곧 출시될 2016 스타워즈 영화의 이름이...ROGUE ONE이라고 발표했습니다. 그리고 그것은 Felicity Jones를 주연시킬 것입니다. 과대 광고와 추측이 시작됩니다 .

2015년 3월 25일 : Ben Mendelsohn 이 캐스트에 추가되었습니다 .

2015년 8월 3일 : Rogue One 에서 Felicity Jones가 Boba Fett의 딸을 연기 하고 있다는 재미있는 소문이 있습니다.

2015년 8월 8일: Rogue On e의 일부 세트 사진 이 공개되어 영화의 초기 모습을 엿볼 수 있습니다.

2016년 4월 7일 : 출시 8개월 전, 관객들은 첫 번째 예고편과 함께 Rogue One 에 대해 처음으로 공식적으로 살펴보았습니다 . 우리는 전체 분석 을 수행 했습니다.

2016년 4월 8일: Rogue One 의 첫 번째 장난감 포장 이 공개됩니다.

2016년 4월 28일 : Mads Mikkelsen 이 영화에서 Felicity Jones의 아버지를 연기하고 있다는 스포일러를 실수로 밝힙니다 .

May 17, 2016: For the first time, the names of the characters from Rogue One are partially revealed. However, the information was declared a leak by Disney, and the official news wouldn’t come until the following month.

June 3, 2016: The first time we heard that Tony Gilroy was joining Rogue One. Gilroy would eventually get a script credit and move on to work on the film’s Disney+ spinoff show.

June 22, 2016: On this day, all of the names and details about the characters in Rogue One were officially revealed.

July 15, 2016: Star Wars Celebration Europe is underway and, on the floor, some of the first ships from Rogue One are revealed

July 16, 2016: The first Rogue One toy, of Jyn Erso of course, is revealed .

August 3, 2016: Everyone loves a new Star Wars ship and this was our first good look at the U-Wing.

August 11, 2016: The second full Rogue One trailer is released.

August 12, 2016: io9 reminds fans that many Bothans will not be dying in Rogue One.

September 1, 2016: All of the Rogue One toys are finally revealed .

September 15, 2016: Three months before release, Rogue One gets a new composer , Michael Giacchino.

October 13, 2016: A new Rogue One trailer is touted as “The Final” one. It was not the final one. We did, however break it down in suitably geeky ways .

November 10, 2016: Another Rogue One trailer has some big teases of what’s to come.

November 17, 2016: Lucasfilm releases a video of the stars of Rogue One geeking out about being in Star Wars.

November 25, 2016: Another Rogue One trailer, this one with good K2 footage .

December 8, 2016: Director Gareth Edwards talks about the long-running controversy over reshoots and what not.

December 13, 2016: Our review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which we loved .

December 15, 2016: Rogue One isn’t the first time the story of the Death Star plans being stolen was told. The Expanded Universe did it too. And it was wild .

December 16, 2016: Rogue One is out and that means spoilers. Here’s io9's big deep dive into all the Easter eggs we saw in the movie.

December 18, 2016: The finale of Rogue One has new footage from A New Hope and here we wrote about how that ended up happening.

December 19, 2016: Rogue One had many different endings and here’s one of the first times we wrote about them.

December 20, 2016: In an interview Diego Luna says he wanted to touch Jabba, and we can’t stop talking about it .

December 23, 2016: As one would expect, a new Star Wars movie brought out some scorching hot takes. We broke down the worst ones .

December 27, 2016: Lucasfilm finally addresses the controversial decision to digitally recreate Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher.

January 3, 2017: More digging into what actually happened in terms of the Rogue One reshoots. It’s a fascinating story.

January 6, 2017: One of the signature shots from the trailers to Rogue One wasn’t in the movie. Here’s the story why .

January 9, 2017: We spoke to the team behind Rogue One about the process of putting ships and characters from Star Wars Rebels into the film.

January 15, 2017: Hot off the success of Rogue One, Felicity Jones goes on to host Saturday Night Life.

January 20, 2017: In a very cool video , the Lucasfilm Story Group talks about Easter eggs all throughout Rogue One.

January 22, 2017: The question as to why Princess Leia was even near Scarif at the end of Rogue One is revealed .

January 30, 2017: Why no Wedge in Rogue One? Well, here’s the story .

January 16, 2017: Some very cool behind the scenes effects reels are released.

February 22, 2017: The Rogue One Blu-ray is announced, without deleted scenes. Which seems weird .

March 14, 2017: The actress who played Princess Leia on screen, before being digitally replaced, tells the tale .

March 15, 2017: Darth Vader’s climactic moment was a last-minute addition to the film.

March 17, 2017: Rogue One originally had a crawl at the beginning, but it quickly was taken out. Here’s the story .

March 20, 2017: Many Rogue One endings were considered and here we wrote about one of the happier endings that was discussed.

March 22, 2017: We broke the news about an alternate Rogue One ending where everyone would have been frozen in carbonate. For real. It was discussed .

March 27, 2017: A fun retro VHS ad for Rogue One is released.

April 6, 2017: We broke down everything that was cut from Rogue One. It was a lot.

April 15, 2017: Did you notice the Grand Admiral Thrawn reference in Rogue One?

April 17, 2017: Composer Michael Giacchino talked about all the homages in the music to Rogue One.

May 19, 2017: A prequel comic is announced that will show the meeting of K-2SO and Cassian Andor. Presumably this is before the news that’ll come the following year.

November 8, 2018: The legacy of Rogue One continues when a Cassian Andor series is announced .

December 16, 2021: Today, five years after the release of Rogue One.

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