19 साल की उम्र में पूर्व बाल अभिनेता मैथ्यू मिंडलर की मौत का कारण सोडियम नाइट्रेट विषाक्तता के रूप में सामने आया
अभिनेता की मौत को आत्महत्या करार दिए जाने के करीब दो महीने बाद मैथ्यू मिंडलर की मौत का कारण सामने आया है ।
मिंडलर की सोडियम नाइट्रेट विषाक्तता से मृत्यु हो गई, लैंकेस्टर काउंटी मेडिकल एक्जामिनर के कार्यालय ने टीएमजेड की पुष्टि की । वह 19 वर्ष का था।
चिकित्सा परीक्षक के कार्यालय ने टिप्पणी के लिए लोगों के अनुरोध का तुरंत जवाब नहीं दिया।
The former child actor, who appeared in the 2011 comedy Our Idiot Brother, intentionally ingested sodium nitrate, a preservative that, when ingested in high quantities, can lead to hypotension and limited oxygen flow in the body, which can be fatal.
RELATED: Our Idiot Brother Actor Matthew Mindler Reported Missing After Last Being Seen Leaving Dorm
Mindler's mom, Monica, told TMZ her son had conducted online searches on the use of sodium nitrate linked to suicide, including how to find the preservative and use it to end his life.
She said she did not know her son was suicidal, and that she was speaking out to warn others of the dangers of sodium nitrate and its potentially lethal uses. Matthew bought $15 worth of sodium nitrate on Amazon, Monica said, telling TMZ the dose was enough to kill four people.
Matthew was initially reported missing in late August after disappearing from his dorm at Millersville University campus in Pennsylvania, where he was a first-year student.
RELATED: Our Idiot Brother Actor Matthew Mindler Found Dead at 19 After He Was Reported Missing from College Campus
He was found dead later that week when his body was located in Manor Township, near the Millersville campus. Matthew's death was confirmed by Millsersville President Daniel A. Wubah, who shared the news in a statement sent out to the campus community.
"This is a time of grief for the family, our campus and the community," his statement read, in part. "I ask that the campus community come together to support each other, and our students, during this difficult time."
अपनी मृत्यु के समय, मैथ्यू ने वर्षों से पेशेवर रूप से काम नहीं किया था, मोनिका ने पेंसिल्वेनिया अखबार द मॉर्निंग कॉल को बताया । माई इडियट ब्रदर में अपनी भूमिका के साथ , वह ऐज़ द वर्ल्ड टर्न्स , लास्ट वीक टुनाइट विद जॉन ओलिवर और चाड: एन अमेरिकन बॉय में भी दिखाई दिए ।
यदि आप या आपका कोई परिचित आत्महत्या पर विचार कर रहा है, तो कृपया 1-800-273-TALK (8255) पर राष्ट्रीय आत्महत्या रोकथाम लाइफ़लाइन से संपर्क करें, संकट टेक्स्ट लाइन पर 741-741 पर "शक्ति" टेक्स्ट करें या आत्महत्या रोकथाम लाइफ़लाइन . org पर जाएँ ।