
Sep 24 2021


JaeAlexisLee Aug 06 2017 at 00:14













SageBrice Jul 06 2018 at 05:47








Many trans people have a difficult relationship with their voice even before transition. I always hated mine. In fact, I barely let anyone hear it. My ‘male’ voice is extremely quiet, weak and unreliable. It hides in the back of my throat as though I were hoping to snatch it back before anyone can recognise it. I’ve never been comfortable taking up space. Taking up space, being loud, feels masculine and dominant - the urge to disassociate is so strong that I basically swallowed my voice in the process. Sometimes even an audible ‘hello’ or ‘excuse me’ is more than I can manage.

In trying to unlearn that habit, I have to confront my hatred of my own male persona. I have to confront the urge to hide myself, the underlying sense of shame. I have to will myself to tell the world that I’ve got something to say - something worth listening to. I’ve got to convince myself that I’m entitled to that space, entitled to be heard. I’ve got to stop apologising for being born ‘wrong’.

At the same time, all the characteristic of a feminine voice are characteristics associated with submission. To put it crudely, the feminine voice is basically calibrated to appease dominating males, and to provide comfort to others. The melody, the long, pleasing vowels, the soft sweet tones, the unassuming inflection. To speak with a feminine voice is to mark yourself as vulnerable, open. Women who go into business or politics are trained explicitly to masculinise their voice in order to come across as authoritative.

To be sure, there are absolutely women who manage to sound strong and assertive while also sounding recognisably feminine. But most of the ways we think about agency, about passivity and action, about weakness and strength, are based on the same dichotomy of masculinity and femininity. All the easiest shortcuts to sounding feminine play straight into that stereotype.

So, to speak with a feminine voice is also to open myself up in another way - to mark myself as vulnerable. In other words, it means letting go of anything about my voice that could help me hold on to a sense of authority, assertiveness and power.

People assigned male are taught from a young age not to reveal any signs of femininity. Femininity is seen as a weakness, and it is forcibly squashed out of you. Transfeminine people are the butt of so many jokes, and the object of so much fear, precisely because they are seen as men choosing to be effeminate . It goes against every taboo in the book.

As a closeted trans person, even though on one level I was always proud to have and express a strong feminine side to my character, on another level I was always in hiding - as much from myself as from other people. As an out trans person, I still find it terrifying and deeply uncomfortable to do anything which I feel could associate me with that comic figure of the ‘man in a dress’. It doesn’t help, either, that behaving feminine when you are visibly not a cis woman generally gets you read as a gay man. I don’t mind being read as gay - I am queer, so what’s the difference? - but I do mind being read as male.

To intentionally speak with a feminine voice - especially as a beginner, when you know you will be making at best a clumsy approximation - is to be all these things at once: to make yourself small and vulnerable, to surrender any signs of authority and assertiveness, to risk sounding like a parody, and to make a fool of yourself in public. And at the same time, at least for me, it is to overcome all the shyness, inhibition, and self-loathing associated with not wanting to seem like a man. All the habits of hiding, of being soft-spoken, of not taking up space.

Paradoxically, to feminise your voice you have to confidently own your space while simultaneously surrendering all signifiers of strength and authority.

The voice is a deeply personal thing. Speech involves all the capacities of both the body and the mind. To overcome such a contradictory tangle of inhibitions requires all your strength - physical, emotional and cognitive. In the early days of voice training, my voice would literally refuse to produce a sound. Even after I had learned to produce a passably good feminine voice in sessions with my speech therapist, my voice in public would revert to a low, quiet growl. If I tried to force it, my voice would simply disappear altogether.

Slowly but steadily, my voice has started to change. Relatives and friends whom I don’t see regularly notice the difference from one visit to the next. In encounters with new people it’s even easier - my voice comes out markedly more feminine. If I practiced more often and more regularly, I could probably achieve a voice that reliably gets me read as a woman. And my everyday voice is clearer, more open, and more feminine than it has ever been. But I still slide.

素晴らしいコメディショーとポッドキャスト、The Guilty Feministがあります。これは、常に公式の即興の告白で始まります。「私はフェミニストですが…」。アイデアは、あなたのフェミニストのコミットメントを損なう不安や偽善のいくつかをからかうことです。私自身の個人的なバージョンは次のようになります:「私はフェミニストですが…真剣に受け止められるたびに、私の声は不思議に低くなります」。
