
Apr 28 2016




「1970年代の終わりから1980年代の初めにかけて、日本企業はより多くのゲームを開発および輸出し、英語に翻訳し始めました」と、「ゲームのローカリゼーション:グローバルデジタルエンターテインメント業界向けの翻訳」の共著者であるCarmeMangironは述べています。 「」






  1. ローカリゼーションを考え、グローバルに行動する
  2. 翻訳の罠
  3. 文化化の呼びかけ
  4. 日常のある一日




「古いゲームは、無意味な文法や「メタルギア」の「眠りにつく」などのスペルミスを含む低品質のローカリゼーションで知られていますが、高品質のゲームに対する需要の高まりには、より高品質のローカリゼーションが必要です」と元Language Automation Inc.(LAI)のゲームローカリゼーションスペシャリスト。 「この増大するニーズに対応するために、何年にもわたって多数のローカリゼーション企業が出現しました。」



「マルチプレイヤー、MOBA(マルチプレイヤーオンラインバトルアリーナ)などのゲームタイプも、世界中のプレイヤーへのアクセスをより一般的にし、それらのオーディエンスのためにローカライズする必要性がより重要になりました」とステファニーO 'は言いました。ローカリゼーション用のコンテンツ管理ソフトウェアを提供するXLOCInc。の社長であるMalleyDeming氏。


このような大規模なゲームをローカライズするにはかなりのリソースが必要であり、ゲーム会社は市場を選択する際に戦略的に考える必要があります。当然のことながら、ほとんどの企業は、英語、フランス語、イタリア語、ドイツ語、スペイン語(業界では「EFIGS」として知られています)、中国語、日本語、韓国語(別名「CJK」)など、幅広い言語にローカライズすることを選択しています。 [出典:Skoog]。他の人は「FIGSとJ」というニックネームのサブセットを使用します[出典:Edwards ]。

言語的なショットガンアプローチに加えて、企業は、特定のゲームに最も関心を示す国も検討する必要があります。それを理解するには専門知識と注意深い研究が必要であり、一部の企業はこの種の市場分析を行うニッチを切り開いています。たとえば、Skoogの旧会社であるLAIは、ゲームプロデューサーがマーケティング計算を行うのを支援するGame Market Analyzerというアプリを公開しました[出典:Skoog]。






「ローカリゼーション会社がプレーヤーに高品質のエクスペリエンスを提供することに関心を持っていても、高品質のローカリゼーションを作成するために必要な情報が常に提供されるとは限りません」とSkoog氏は述べています。 「これは、一部の開発者がゲームのローカリゼーションを専門としないローカリゼーション会社を使用しているため、翻訳者がゲーマーではなく、ゲームで使用される用語を知らない可能性があるという事実によって悪化します。」






In rare cases, tricks of language can cause localization to break a game. "Torin's Passage" (1995) included a puzzle in which players had to bring together audio crystals to make a sentence. Because German tends to place the verb at the end of sentences, players in Germany could not complete the task. In the end, the publisher resorted to adding a note in the game box with instructions on how to pass the puzzle [source: Mangiron].

Such examples highlight the need to build flexibility into game engines, and the challenges that await as the industry moves beyond localization toward culturalization.

Say Again?




Today's video games amount to cultural documents. Through their rules, vocabulary and presentation of racial, ethnic, cultural, sexual, gender and other norms, they reflect the cultures that create them and project that culture into other areas of the world. Thus, proper localization must reach past the superficial, down to the tastes and deep-seated expectations of a target culture.

Fast food and candy companies have long since figured out that success in new markets takes more than changing a quarter pounder into a "royale with cheese." It means delving into local tastes and preferences. Thus, in Japan McDonald's sells plum-flavored seasoning for its fries, while KitKat offers a dizzying array of flavor varieties with carefully targeted packaging and artwork.

Most commonly, though, porting games means toning down sex and violence. Germany is well known for its restrictions on violent content, such as requiring that companies remove or recolor blood [source: Mueller]. The American rating system, ESRB, has less of an issue with violence than Europe's PEGI but makes up for it with Puritanical prudishness.

"An example of this is the rating for 'Grand Theft Auto V,'" Skoog said. "The PEGI rating details violence and strong language as reasons for the age 18 rating, with no mention of sexual content, whereas the ESRB rating also lists sexual content and the use of drugs and alcohol."

Of course, there's no shortage of ways to offend a country's citizens or government. It's hard to imagine Lara Croft doing well in traditional Islamic cultures, especially when her Syrian counterpart, a game called "Zoya," sold less than 100 copies [source: Sisler]. China famously required that Blizzard Entertainment cover the bones of skeletons in "World of Warcraft" [source: Skoog]. And then there's "Resident Evil 5" ...

"'Resident Evil 5' was created by Capcom, a Japanese company, where the culture doesn't have the racial history that our country does, yet received quite a bit of backlash over its depiction of white heroes fighting black zombies — and being reminiscent of colonization and the slave trade," Deming said.

Because history casts a long shadow over national and personal identity, it can cause major issues in localization and culturalization. The South Korean localization of "Age of Empires" had to change a historical scenario involving the Japanese Yamato forces and the Choson of the Korean Peninsula to comport with South Korea's version of history [sources: Edwards]. China banned "Football Manager 2005" because it depicted Tibet and Taiwan as independent. "Hearts of Iron," which begins before the People's Republic even existed, faced the same objection [sources: Edwards, Skoog]. Germany bans portrayals or mentions of anything Nazi-related, which poses problems for an industry so enamored with World War II [sources: Deming, Skoog].








  • 翻訳者は、ゲーム内の要素だけでなく、用語集やスタイルガイドなどのドキュメントも言語要素に変換します。彼らはしばしば、彼らの仕事をチェックする主任翻訳者、編集者査読者を含むチームと協力します。
  • アーティストは、おそらくキャラクターに服を追加したり、中国市場向けに結婚式のシーンを白いドレスから赤と黄色に変更したりすることで、視覚要素をターゲットの年齢評価や文化に適応させます[出典:Skoog]。
  • 声優は、対話、物語、または音を録音します。
  • Quality assurance (QA) subgroups perform functional and language testing to avoid bugs or other problems.
  • Project managers/localization coordinators oversee processes, timelines, budgets, etc., for every step of localization. They also act as a bridge and point of contact with the game developer.
  • Marketers consider whether existing promotional campaigns will work or if new regions call for fresh approaches.

Some companies prefer to handle one or more of these areas in-house and contract with a localization company to do the rest.

"Reworking and rewrites take time and cost money, so having a localization professional on staff is incredibly beneficial," Deming said.

As with any creative enterprise, roles overlap. The translator, reviewer or editor might adjust a string for length or ensure it retains its intended meaning and original purpose. If someone has expertise in a particular subject, such as sports, that can come into play as well [source: Skoog]. And so it goes, through multiple passes until the product is good enough — or, presumably, until time and money run out.

Today, hundreds of translation houses compete worldwide, and no single company dominates — although some, such as Keywords International, maintain offices in several countries [source: Deming, Mangiron]. Skoog said she worries that a growing glut of localization companies is driving rates down to unrealistic levels. This "race to the bottom" distorts how developers perceive costs — and causes quality to slide.

"It is easy to quantify cost, but it is not as straightforward to judge quality, especially if a developer doesn't speak one of the target languages and doesn't understand the quality impact an extra cost — such as linguistic QA — has," she explained.

It's a vital distinction. Poor quality can ruin a game's ROI in a region, which can lead game producers to assume that the game is a poor match, rather than seeing that the problem really stems from the bargain-basement quality of the work.

"Game companies are aware that localization is necessary to be successful globally and to maximize their return of investment, but I do not think all of them view it as a priority; for some of them it is more like a necessary evil," Mangiron said.

Lots More Information

Author's Note: How Video Game Localization Works

One of my favorite aspects of the translation and localization worlds has to do with the choice of dialect. As a 2011 Wall Street Journal article pointed out, this can amount to a make-or-break decision, particularly in the Arabic-speaking world, where dialects have varying associations in viewer's minds. Egyptian Arabic is associated with comedy, for example, whereas Syrian Arabic is considered better suited to drama.

Not surprisingly, early efforts to dub the American TV show "Law & Order" into Egyptian Arabic didn't go over too well [source: Spindle].

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  • How Electronic Language Translators Work
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  • How Video Game Testers Work
  • 5 Technologies That Customize TV Viewing

More Great Links

  • Game Market Analyzer
  • Karin Skoog - Game Localization for the MENA-region
  • LocJAM


  • Brown, Paul. "Microsoft Pays Dear for Insults Through Ignorance." The Guardian (UK). Aug. 19, 2004. (April 17, 2016) https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2004/aug/19/microsoft.business
  • Conditt, Jessica. "Minecraft Language Update Inadvertently Contained Racial Slur (But It's Fixed Now)." Engadget. Jan. 28, 2012. (April 17, 2016) http://www.engadget.com/2012/01/28/minecraft-language-update-inadvertently-contained-racial-slur-b/
  • Deming, Stephanie O'Malley. President of XLOC Inc. Personal correspondence. April 7-13, 2016.
  • Di Marco, Francesca. "Cultural Localization: Orientation and Disorientation in Japanese Video Games." Revista Tradumàtica: Traducció i Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (Journal of Computer Assisted Translation: Translation and Information and Communications Technology). No. 5. November 2007. (April 17, 2016) http://ddd.uab.cat/pub/tradumatica/15787559n5/15787559n5a6.pdf
  • Edwards, Kate. "Creating Games for Global Players: Consider Localization & Culturalization." AltDev Student Summit. Nov. 10, 2012. (April 17, 2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKh_qLiEd-0
  • Hatori, Jun and Hisami Suzuki. "Predicting Word Pronunciation in Japanese." In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011. (April 17, 2016) http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/149611/cicling2011.pdf
  • Know Your Meme. "All Your Base Are Belong to Us." 2009. (April 17, 2016) http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/all-your-base-are-belong-to-us
  • Mangiron, Carme. Chair of the Master in Audiovisual Translation program at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and co-author of "Game Localization: Translating for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry." Personal correspondence. April 5-12, 2016.
  • Mueller, Hannah. "The Censorship of German Video Games: The Effects of National Sensitivity to Violence on Entertainment Content." Bachelor of Arts Thesis, Robert D. Clark Honors College, University of Oregon, Eugene. June 2015. (April 17, 2016) https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/19123/Thesis%20Final-Mueller.pdf
  • Sinclair, Brendan. "Gaming Will Hit $91.5 Billion This Year — Newzoo." GamesIndustry.biz. April 22, 2015. (April 17, 2016) http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2015-04-22-gaming-will-hit-usd91-5-billion-this-year-newzoo
  • Sisler, Vit. "Videogame Development in the Middle East: Iran, the Arab World, and Beyond." Gaming Globally: Production, Play and Place. Nina B. Huntemann and Ben Aslinger (Eds.). Palgrave Macmillan. Pages 251-272. 2013. (April 17, 2016) http://www.digitalislam.eu/article.do?articleId=8394
  • Skoog, Karin. Former game localization marketing specialist at Language Automation Inc. (LAI). Personal correspondence. April 5-13, 2016.
  • Spindle, Bill. "Why Harry Potter's Latest Trick Is to Speak a Syrian Dialect." The Wall Street Journal. July 26, 2011. (April 17, 2016) http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303661904576456580655391702