Bazı insanlar Noel'i tercih eder , diğerleri en çok 4 Temmuz'u heyecanlandırır, ancak herkes biraz Cadılar Bayramı eğlencesine bayılır.
Sonraki sayfalarda, her yaştan yaratıcı insan için bir sürü eğlenceli Cadılar Bayramı el sanatları topladık. Eviniz, çocuklarınız ve misafirleriniz için süslemeler, püf noktaları ve ikramlar olarak klas, şenlikli, sevimli ve tabii ki korkunç Cadılar Bayramı el sanatları yapın.
Her proje ayrıntılı olarak açıklanmış ve resimlendirilmiştir ve indirilebilir kalıplarla birlikte gelir. Bu yıl Cadılar Bayramı'nı ekstra özel kılmak gerçekten daha kolay olamazdı. Öyleyse yaratıcı olun ve eğlenin!
- ürkütücü bardak altlıkları
- Keçe Altlıkları
- Sihirbaz Araçları
- Sihirbazın Haberci Baykuşu
- Keçeli Sonbahar Saksılık
- Şeker Kavanozu için Batty
- Boncuklu Kabak Hediye Kutusu
- Çılgın Kemik Tabağı
- Şeker mi Şaka mı Kutuları
- Örümcek Şekerlik
- Cadılar Bayramı Partisi ve Tedavi Çantaları
- Şeker Mısır Takı
- şenlikli mal
- Ürpertici-Temiz Mevsimlik Sabun
- hayalet avcıları
- Akçaağaç Yaprağı Mobil
- Jack Kapı Tokmağı Püsküller
- Selamlar
- Howlin' Sıcak Pedler
- Gitti Batty Takı
- ürkütücü yemek takımı
- Canavar Kürk Eşarp
- Kan gölü
- Yarasa El Sanatları
- Büyüleyici
- Sevgi Solucanları
- Canlı Bitki
- ürkütücü iskelet
- Zanaat Tasarımcıları Hakkında
1. Ürpertici Bardak Altlıkları
Cadılar Bayramı, hem çocuklar hem de yetişkinler için partiler anlamına gelir ve bir partinin olduğu yerde içki içmek zorunludur. Aşağıda iki harika coaster projesi bulacaksınız.
Bu ilk eğlenceli köpük bardak seti, dekor ve yüzey koruyucu olarak çifte görev yapıyor!
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- El işi köpük: çeşitli renkler (6 mm ve 2 mm)
- İnce işaretleyici veya kurşun kalem
- İnce makas, maket bıçağı
- Delgeçler: 1/8 inç, 1/4 inç
- köpük yapıştırıcı
- Metalik altın akrilik boya
- boya fırçası
Adım 1: Tüm tabanları 6 mm köpükten kesin. Aşağıdaki keçe bardak altlıkları için desen kullanarak siyah bir taban kesin. Beyaz 3/4 inçlik bir daire kesin. 2 siyah 3/4 inç kare kesin.
Step 2: Download the Creepy Coasters patterns as a PDF and use them to cut out design shapes from 2mm craft foam with scissors and craft knife. Punch holes from 2mm craft foam in colors shown in photo.
Step 3: Glue designs to corresponding foam bases. Paint some pirate's treasure gold. Let dry.
2. Felt Coasters
Foam coasters may not be the right choice for an adult party, so consider making your Halloween drinks spooktacular with creepy coasters made from felt.
What You'll Need
- Pencil or white colored pencil
- Stiffened felt sheets in Halloween colors
- Pinking shears
- Scissors
- Fine-tip scissors (such as embroidery scissors)
- Fabric glue
Step 1: Download the Felt Coasters pattern as a PDF. Trace the circle pattern onto felt twice. Use pinking shears to cut out the circles, cutting just outside the traced line.
Step 2: Create the coaster's middle layer by tracing the circle pattern onto a different color felt; cut along the traced line with regular scissors.
Step 3: Trace a silhouette shape onto one of the circles with the pinked edge. Use embroidery scissors to cut out the shape, starting inside the shape so the edge of the circle is left undisturbed.
Step 4: Glue the 3 layers of felt together, placing the circle with the silhouette on top, the plain circle in the middle, and the solid pinked-edge circle on the bottom.
The next project is all about dressing up and letting your little wizard sparkle by making just the right tools to go with the right costume. Learn how in the next section.
3. Wizard Tools
Abracadabra, Alakazaam! Kids can whip up some magic with these whimsical wands and brooms in hand!
Magic Wand
What You'll Need
- Cardboard tube from dry-cleaning hanger
- Ruler
- Craft knife
- 1-inch painter's tape
- Acrylic paint: lilac, dark purple
- Paintbrush
- Clear glue
- Ultrafine silver glitter
- Paper
- Metallic silver permanent marker
- Paint pens or permanent markers:assorted colors
- Spray sealer
- Assorted eyelash and sparkle yarns
- Scissors
- Assorted trinkets: beads, buttons, charms, plastic spiders, etc.
- Hot glue gun, glue sticks
Step 1: Carefully remove tube from wire hanger, making sure tube doesn't bend. Use craft knife to cut tube to 12 inches.
Step 2: Place painter's tape around 1 end at tip, and paint tube lilac; let dry. Remove tape. Paint unpainted edge with glue, and add glitter. Let dry.
Step 3: Download these wizard tools and cut out inside of letters to create a stencil. Place stencil on wand, and paint on words using dark purple. Add stars and other designs as desired, using paint pens or markers. Let dry. Highlight sides of letters with paint pen. Let dry. Spray with sealer.
Adım 4: 4 farklı uzunlukta ipliği kesin ve boncuklar, düğmeler, tılsımlar vb. üzerine yapıştırın. 4 iplik parçasını bir düğümde 1 uçta birbirine bağlayın ve parlak ucun karşısındaki değnek ucuna düğümü yerleştirin. Tutkal ipliği yerinde biter. Kurumaya bırakın.
Göz Kamaştırıcı Süpürge
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- Ahşap saplı mısır süpürgesi
- Testere (güç, jig veya kesme)
- zımpara kağıdı
- Delmek
- Akrilik boya: siyah, gümüş
- boya fırçası
- Kağıt
- Kalem
- Makas
- Boya kalemleri
- Çeşitli kurdeleler ve iplikler
- Çeşitli biblolar: boncuklar, düğmeler, takılar, plastik örümcekler vb.
- Sıcak tutkal tabancası, tutkal çubukları
Adım 1: Süpürgeyi testereyle yaklaşık 30 inç uzunluğunda kısaltın. Zımpara kağıdı ile yuvarlak pürüzlü kenar. Üst uçtan 1 inç aşağı bir delik açın.
Adım 2: Süpürge çubuğunu boyayın; kurumaya bırakın. Tam kapsama için gerekirse tekrarlayın. Asadan Sihirbaz Araçları desenini indirin . Şablonu sapın üzerine yerleştirin ve kelimeleri gümüş boya ile sapın üzerine boyayın. Kontrast renkler kullanarak yıldızlar ve lekeli gibi diğer tasarımları boyayın; kurumaya bırakın.
Adım 3: Farklı uzunluktaki şeritleri ve iplikleri kesin. 1. adımda yapılan delikten şeritleri ve iplikleri bağlayın. Tılsımları ve süslemeleri süpürgeye, şerit ve ipliklere yapıştırın.
Herhangi bir uygun sihirbazın bir haberci baykuşa ihtiyacı olacaktır. Nasıl yapılacağını öğrenmek için sonraki sayfaya gidin.
4. Sihirbazın Haberci Baykuşu
Gizli mesajlarınızı korumak için tüylü bir arkadaş olun.
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- 6 mm zanaat köpüğü, 2 adet beyaz
- Makas
- zanaat bıçağı
- Hükümdar
- köpük yapıştırıcı
- 2 mm zanaat köpüğü, her biri 1 parça: siyah, gri, açık mavi, mor, sarı, açık turkuaz
- Köpük yıldız çıkartmaları
- 2 mor/mavi şönil sapı
- delik delme
- Kağıt
Adım 1: Magician's Messenger Owl pdf desenini indirip kullanarak, 6mm beyaz köpükten büyük baykuş şeklini kesin.
Adım 2: Şövale yapmak için 6 mm beyaz köpükten 4X55/8 inçlik bir dikdörtgen kesin. Maket bıçağıyla bir çizgi çizin - sonuna kadar kesmediğinizden emin olun - dikdörtgenin dar ucundan yaklaşık 11/2 inç aşağı ve bükün. Çizgili çizgi baykuşa bakacak şekilde, şövalenin üst kısmını baykuş şeklinin ortasına yapıştırın; şövale tabanının baykuş tabanı ile aynı hizada olduğundan emin olun. Tamamen kurumasını bekleyin.
Adım 3: İndirilen desenleri kullanarak 2 mm köpükten tüyleri, karnı, gözleri, gagayı, şapkayı ve asayı kesin. Parçaları baykuşun üzerine yapıştırın. Şapkaya yıldız çıkartmaları ve asa ucuna büyük yıldız çıkartmaları yapıştırın. Şapkaya sığması için gerekirse yıldızları kesin.
Adım 4: Şönil saplarını 6 inçlik bölümlere keserek baykuşun pençelerini oluşturun. İlk 3 inç için 3 bölümü birlikte bükün; kalan bükülmemiş bırakın. 3 gevşek ucu eşit şekilde ayırın ve bunları bir süpürge sapı veya konik mum etrafında kıvırın. Desende belirtilen yerlerde baykuşun tabanında 2 delik açın. Bükülmüş uçları önden arkaya uzanan bir delikten geçirin. Büküm, sabitlemek için pençelerin üzerinde birlikte biter. Ayakları gerektiği gibi ayarlayın. İkinci pençe için tekrarlayın.
Adım 5: Kağıda gizli bir mesaj yazın, rulo yapın ve pençelere yerleştirin.
Cadılar Bayramı giyinmekten daha fazlasıdır. Ayrıca evinizi süslemek için harika bir bahane. Keçeli tencere tutacağı yapma talimatları için sonraki sayfaya gidin.
5. Keçeli Sonbahar Potlukları
Bu pot tutucuların yapımı hızlı ve basittir. Dekoratif detaylar onları harika mevsimlik mutfak aksesuarları yapar.
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- İplik: %100 yün kamgarn ağırlıklı iplik, her biri 3 renkte yaklaşık 85 yard (78m)
- Kullandığımız: Patons Classic Wool (%100 yün; 31/2 oz [100g] top başına 223 yard [205m]): #240 Yaprak Yeşili, #207 Zengin Kırmızı, #204 Eski Altın, her biri 1 top
- İğneler: ABD boyutu 7 (4,5 mm)
- Kavramlar: Goblen iğnesi; boyut 2 (2,5 mm) çelik kroşe kancası
Keçeden önce: yaklaşık 71/2X80 (20X23cm)
Keçeden sonra (tığ bordür uygulanmadan önce): 6X60 (15X15cm)
Çorap ilmeklerinde 20 ilmek 26 sıra=40 (10cm)
Not: Süper yıkama yün ve sentetikler hissedilmez; keçe projeleri için kullanmayın.
Saksılıkların Yapılışı (her renkten 1 adet yapın)
40 ilmek gevşekçe atılır.
1. sıra (sağ taraf): Örgü.
2. sıra (yanlış taraf): Purl.
Toplam 58 satır için 1. ve 2. satırları tekrarlayın.
Bağla. Tüm gevşek uçlarda örgü yapın.
Note: The yarn type, washing machine, water temperature, and condition can all affect the felting process. Check the pieces at regular intervals to determine felting condition. If you need more than one full cycle, reset the machine and start again, checking frequently; if the project is felted to your satisfaction in less than a full cycle, rinse well without agitation, spin to remove excess water, and remove it from the machine.
Using small load setting, fill washer with hot water and add a small amount of mild detergent or dishwashing liquid. Place old towels or a pair of jeans (to help with the felting process) and the pot holders in washer, and agitate until they are the correct size and the individual stitches are no longer visible. Check frequently (approximately every minute). Once felted, remove from washer, rinse in hot water, and pat dry in a towel to remove excess water. Do not wring. Block pot holders to size; let dry.
Green Pot Holder
Row 1: Single crochet around edge with Leaf Green, making 3 single crochets in each corner to maintain square shaping.
Row 2: Single crochet around edge with Rich Red.
Row 3: Single crochet around edge with Old Gold.
With Old Gold, crochet a chain loop (about 30 [7.5cm] long, before folding in half) in 1 corner of pot holder. With Old Gold work a leaf stitch in 2 opposite corners. With Rich Red work a leaf stitch in remaining corners. Weave in loose ends.
Red Pot Holder
Row 1: Single crochet around edge with Rich Red, making 3 single crochets in each corner to maintain shaping.
Row 2: Single crochet around edge with Old Gold.
Row 3: Single crochet around edge with Leaf Green.
With Leaf Green, crochet a chain loop (about 30 [7.5cm] long, before folding in half) in 1 corner of pot holder. With Old Gold and Leaf Green work several leaf stitches in a random pattern over pot holder. Weave in loose ends.
Gold Pot Holder
Row 1: Single crochet around edge with Old Gold, making 3 single crochets in each corner to maintain shaping.
Row 2: Single crochet around edge with Leaf Green.
Row 3: Single crochet around edge with Rich Red.
With Rich Red, crochet a chain loop (about 30 [7.5cm] long, before folding in half) in 1 corner of pot holder. With Rich Red work 2 leaf stitches across from each other at the center. With Leaf Green work 2 leaf stitches across from each other in between Rich Red leaves. Weave in loose ends.
Find inspiration with more great Halloween accents. On the next page we'll teach you how to decorate a great candy jar.
6. Batty for Candy Jar
Not everything about Halloween has to be scary, so let this adorable bat welcome your friends and family!
What You'll Need
- Polymer clay: black, purple, green, white, fuschia, orange, cadmium yellow
- Craft knife
- Needle tool (or toothpick)
- 2 black seed beads
- Small paintbrush
- Baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- Glass jar with metal lid
- Acrylic paint: black, orange
- Clay-safe black marker
- Tacky craft glue
- Raffia: black, orange
Products: Polyform Products Premo Sculpey clay; Sagura Pigma pen; E6000 glue
Step 1: For bat, roll 11/2-inch ball of black clay into egg shape to form body. For each wing, shape a 3/4-inch black ball into a flattened triangle. Use craft knife to cut 3 scallops in bottom of each wing. Etch lines in each wing with needle tool. Attach to body.
Step 2: For ears, shape two 5/16-inch black balls into triangles. Make 2 smaller triangles of purple clay, and attach 1 to each ear. Make indent with needle tool. Attach ears to head. For eyes, shape two 1/8-inch green balls into flattened ovals, and attach to head. Place a seed bead in each eye.
Step 3: For muzzle, flatten 3/8-inch black ball. Attach 1/8-inch purple ball for nose. Shape two 1/8-inch white balls into triangles, attach to bottom of muzzle for fangs. For bottom lip, flatten 1/4-inch black ball and indent with handle of paintbrush. Mix small amount of fuschia clay with white clay to create pastel pink. Roll tiny oval for tongue, indent with needle tool, and attach to bottom lip. Attach bottom lip to back of muzzle. Attach muzzle to face just under eyes.
Step 4: For each foot, roll 3/8-inch purple ball, shape into flattened teardrop, and attach to bottom of body.
Step 5: For candy corn, form 3/4-inch orange ball into square. Shape 1/2-inch white ball into triangle. Attach to orange square. Shape 1/2-inch yellow ball into rectangle. Attach to top of orange square. Place bat on top of candy corn.
Step 6: Flatten orange clay, and cut a 1-inch square. Roll thin snake of black clay, and wrap it around square. Add texture with needle tool.
Step 7: Line baking sheet with parchment paper, and place pieces on parchment. Bake at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Let cool.
Step 8: Paint jar lid black. Dip end of paintbrush handle into orange paint, and dot on lid. Glue bat to center of lid. Write "HOW 'BOUT A BITE?" or words of your choice on sign with marker. Glue sign to jar. Tie black and orange raffia bow around jar top.
If you are going to a Halloween party, this next project is great for wrapping up a hostess gift. Learn how to make the beaded pumpkin gift box.
7. Beaded Pumpkin Gift Box
Create a sparkling treasure to use as a decoration or gift container! Either way it's sure to be a crowd-pleaser.
What You'll Need
- 5-inch round papier-mache box
- Acrylic paint: poppy orange, leaf green, black
- Paintbrushes: 1-inch soft, liner,
- 1-inch stiff bristle
- Paper towels
- Pencil
- Spray sealer
- Clear gel tacky glue
- Small black glass beads
- Tape measure
- Beaded fringe trim
- Scissors
- 3/8-inch extra-strength double-sided tape
Products: Delta acrylic paint, spray sealer; Duncan Aleene's clear gel tacky glue; Hirschberg Schutz & Co. beaded trim
Step 1: Paint box with poppy orange paint; let dry. Repeat for complete coverage. To add green highlights to side of box bottom, dip stiff paintbrush in leaf green paint. Wipe most of paint off on a paper towel, then swipe brush across box.
Step 2: Downloading and using the Beaded Pumpkin Gift Box pattern, trace face onto top of box. Paint face black; let dry. Spray box with sealer; let dry.
Step 3: Layer clear glue over painted face. While glue is wet, pour beads on glue. Let glue dry. Shake off excess beads.
Step 4: Measure outside edge of box top; cut trim to this measurement plus 1 inch. Cut the trim one fringe past measurement. Cut last bead off this fringe, and pull off beads, leaving a thread tail.
Step 5: Add double-sided tape to back of ribbon of fringe trim. Pull backing off tape, and catch thread tail in tape. (Note: The thread tail must be secured or beads will pull off.) Place fringe around outside edge of box top.
From the cute to the scary, Halloween has it all. Go to the next page to make a great and gruesome plate decorated with striking white bones.
8. Kooky Bones Plate
Spook guests with your wicked talent by painting party plates. Creating them is so quick and easy, it's scary!
What You'll Need
- 10-inch clear glass plate
- Scissors
- Masking tape
- Enamel glass paints: licorice-black, wicker white
- Paint tip set: extension cap, super-fine tip
- Disposable plate
- Paintbrushes: #6 flat, medium spouncer sponge
Products: PLAID One Stroke Brush Set #4151, Tip Pen Set #2527, FolkArt enamels, Stencil Decor Spouncer stenciling sponge
Step 1: Download Kooky Bones Plate patterns, make two copies, and cut them out. Match sides, and tape patterns together. Snip 1/2-inch tabs all around pattern to fit pattern to plate. Position and tape pattern facedown on top of glass plate. Design will be painted on bottom of plate.
Step 2: Attach extension cap and super-fine tip to licorice-black enamel bottle. Practice making a few paint lines on disposable plate, then paint outlines of bones. Let dry. (Quickly and thoroughly rinse out cap, metal tip, and brushes after use.)
Step 3: Use #6 flat brush to paint bones white. Let dry. Keep all brushstrokes going in same direction. If desired, repeat for opaque coverage. Leaving a thin first coat will give the appearance of old bones once the black background is painted.
Step 4: Using spouncer sponge, pounce licorice-black over back of plate; cover completely. Repeat with a second coat if needed.
Step 5: Follow manufacturers' instructions on enamel bottles for drying, baking, and curing enamel. Note: Hand wash plates.
Don't want to just throw candy at your guests and trick-or-treaters? Make boxes for your treats -- just follow the instructions on the next page.
9. Trick or Treat Boxes
Who knows what tricks or treats these charming mystery boxes hold? Keep friends and family guessing!
What You'll Need
- Patterned paper in Halloween colors
- Ruler
- Rotary cutter or craft knife
- Protected cutting surface
- Glue stick
- 2-inch-cube gift boxes
- Black felt-tip marker
- Heavyweight paper: orange, white
- Medium-size hole punch
- 1/8-inch eyelets: black, white, orange
- Eyelet setter
- Hammer
- Assorted ribbon in Halloween colors
- Scissors
Step 1: Using a ruler and rotary cutter or craft knife, cut patterned paper into 2-inch-wide strips. Cut each strip into 2-inch squares. Repeat. (You need 5 squares per box.)
Step 2: Rub a glue stick over one side of the gift box; apply a paper square. Repeat on each side, including the top.
Step 3: Cut heavyweight paper into 21/2X1/2-inch strips. Print "Trick or Treat" onto these tags, either using a computer or printing by hand. Place a tag on top of a box, and punch a hole through the center of the tag and the center of the lid. Insert a matching eyelet in the hole, and set by placing the eyelet setter in the back of the eyelet and lightly tapping with a hammer until the eyelet flattens out.
Step 4: Thread both ends of a 6-inch length of ribbon through the hole, and tie them in a knot under the box lid.
10. Spider Candy Bowl
Not all spiders are scary. This eight-legged fella dispenses treats as sweet as he is!
What You'll Need
- Papier-mache paste
- Scrap paper or newspaper
- 10- to 12-inch-diameter balloon
- Medium-size bowl
- Lightweight cardboard
- Felt: 1 sheet black, 1/2 sheet white, scrap burgundy
- Fabric pencil
- Scissors
- Masking tape
- 4 double-sheets newspaper
- 2 paintbrushes, 1 inch each
- Black acrylic craft paint
- 6-inch foam ball
- Foam cutter or serrated knife
- Toothpicks
- Black chenille stems: 8 bump, 1 straight
- Awl
- Black electrical tape or other type of strong adhesive
- Strong craft glue
Making Papier-Mache Paste
Combine 2 cups cold water and 1/2 cup flour in medium-size bowl. Set aside. Bring 2 cups water to a boil in medium saucepan. Add flour mixture to boiling water; stir constantly until mixture returns to a boil. Remove from heat; stir in 3 tablespoons sugar. Transfer to medium-size bowl, and let mixture cool and thicken, approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
Making Spider Candy Bowl
Step 1: Cover your workspace with scrap paper or newspaper. Blow up the balloon, and set on the bowl to hold in place.
Step 2: Draw a 6-inch-diameter circle onto cardboard and black felt; cut out. Set the felt circle aside. Tape the cardboard circle to the top of the balloon (opposite the knot) with masking tape, running the tape in a spoke pattern across the top of the balloon. This will be the bottom of the bowl.
Step 3: Tear newspaper into strips roughly 2X11 inches. You'll need approximately 1 double page for each layer of papier-mache.
Step 4: Using a 1-inch paintbrush, apply a bit of papier-mache paste onto a large vertical section of the balloon. Place a newspaper strip on this area, and smooth down with more paste. Repeat the process, laying strips vertically and slightly overlapping each other. Continue until the newspaper strips reach as high as you'd like your candy bowl to be.
Step 5: Let the first layer dry. (Leave balloon on mixing bowl, but rotate it every couple of hours so all parts of it are exposed to air.) Each layer will need approximately 8 hours to dry.
Step 6: Once the first layer is dry, apply another layer of strips horizontally over the balloon, slightly overlapping each strip as before. Let dry. Repeat with a second vertical layer and a second horizontal layer. Remember to let each layer dry thoroughly.
Step 7: When all layers are dry, gently pop the balloon, and remove it from the papier-mache. Masking tape will still be attached to balloon -- cut it away and smooth the ends down over the cardboard insert. Trim top of bowl to desired size.
Step 8: Using a 1-inch paintbrush, paint both the interior and exterior with 2 layers of black paint. Let dry between coats.
Step 9: Place the felt circle in the bottom of the bowl to cover the cardboard and masking tape. Glue, if desired.
Step 10: Using a foam cutter or a serrated knife, cut the foam ball in half. Paint one half black. To create a drying stand, place the other half, round side up, on a flat surface; stick a toothpick in the bottom half, and put the painted half on the toothpick. Let dry for 1 hour before handling.
Step 11: Bend the bump chenille stems into leg shapes. Use the awl to poke 4 holes in each side of the bowl. Stick the legs through the holes and attach to the interior sides of the bowl using small pieces of electrical tape. Glue the black foam shape to the front of the bowl. Let dry.
Step 12:Download Spider Candy Bowl pattern and use it to cut an oval from white felt and a smaller oval from burgundy; glue in place for the spider's mouth. Cut 2 more ovals from white felt for eyes, and cut pupils from black felt; glue black pieces onto white. Cut two 2-inch pieces from the straight chenille stem; bend them in half, and attach one half to the back of each eye with craft glue. Poke small holes in the foam with a toothpick, and insert the stems so the eyes protrude from the face.
Misafirlerinize yiyebilecekleri tüm şekerleri servis ettiğinize göre, parti bittiğinde onların tatlı dişlerinin hala tatmin olduğundan emin olmanın zamanı geldi. Misafirlerinizin eve götürmeleri veya şekerleme yapanlara dağıtmaları için Cadılar Bayramı şımarık çantalar yapmak için sonraki sayfaya gidin.
11. Cadılar Bayramı Partisi ve Hediye Çantaları
Her konuğu küçük bir Cadılar Bayramı paketiyle memnun edin. Hediyeler gittikten çok sonra, geçirdikleri eğlenceli zamanları hatırlayacaklar. Özel ikram çantalarının yapımı ucuzdur ve onları hemen hazırlayabilirsiniz. Burada iki farklı çeşidimiz var, birini veya diğerini yapabilirsiniz veya karıştırıp ikisini birden yapabilirsiniz.
Candy Land Tedavi Çantaları
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- Kulplu hediye çantası
- Kalem
- Beyaz renkli kalem
- Keçe
- Makas
- Yapıştırıcı
- Oval kıpırdayan gözler, her biri 10 mm
- Atık kağıt
- Parıltı
Adım 1: Keçeden Candy Land Treat Bag desenlerini takip edin ve kesin .
Adım 2: Bir hediye çantasının önüne bir kesik yapıştırın. Kıpır kıpır gözleri ve keçe ağzını (hayalet için) yerine yapıştırın.
Adım 3: Torbayı bir parça kağıt üzerine yerleştirin. El işi yapıştırıcı kullanarak, çantanın üst kısmında dekoratif kenarlar oluşturun veya "Boo!" yazın. önünde. Taze tutkalın üzerine parıltı serpin.
Adım 4: Fazla parıltıyı sallamadan önce 10 ila 15 dakika kurumasını bekleyin. Torbayı kullanmadan önce iyice kurumasını bekleyin.
Bu sonraki tedavi çantası biraz dikiş gerektirir, ancak eğlenceli olduğu kadar yapımı da kolaydır. Geleneksel Jack-o'-fener motifi ile tüm misafirlerinizin gözdesi olacak.
Cadılar Bayramı Partisi Çantaları
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- Keçe levhalar: turuncu, siyah
- Hükümdar
- Makas
- Düz pimler
- Dikiş makinesi
- Konu: siyah, turuncu
- Siyah nakış ipi
- Nakış iğnesi
Adım 1: Turuncu keçeden iki adet 6 inçlik kare ve iki adet 3X6 inçlik dikdörtgen kesin. Siyah keçeden bir adet 3X6 inçlik dikdörtgen ve iki adet 8X1 inçlik dikdörtgen kesin.
Adım 2: İndirilen Jack- o' -fener desenini siyah keçe üzerine izleyin ve kesin. Yüzü 6 inçlik turuncu bir kareye sabitleyin. Dikiş makinesini kullanarak siyah iplikle yüz parçalarının kenarlarını dikin.
Adım 3: Bu adım için 1/4 inç dikiş payı kullanın. Turuncu iplik kullanarak 3X6 inçlik turuncu dikdörtgenin uzun kenarını 6 inçlik karenin her iki tarafına dikin. Diğer 6 inçlik kareyi 3X6 inçlik dikdörtgenlerin diğer tarafına dikin. Çanta oluşturmak için siyah 3X6 inçlik dikdörtgeni alta sabitleyin ve dikin.
Adım 4: Tutamaçlar oluşturmak için siyah 8X1 inçlik parçaları ikiye katlayın. Siyah iplik kullanarak 1/8 inç dikiş payı ile uzunluk boyunca dikin. Bir tutamacı üstte ön panelin her iki yanına ve diğer tutamacı arka panelin iki yanına sabitleyin. 1/4 inç dikiş payı ile çantanın üst kısmı boyunca dikin.
Adım 5: Nakış ipi ile, dikişleri kılavuz olarak kullanarak torbanın tüm kenarlarını battaniyeyle dikin.
Şimdi çantalarınızı biraz ikramla doldurmanız gerekiyor - neden kız arkadaşlarınızı biraz "mısır şekeri" takılarıyla memnun etmeyesiniz? Bu Cadılar Bayramı zanaatını bir sonraki bölümde nasıl yapacağınızı öğrenin.
12. Şeker Mısır Takı
Bu tatlı bileklik ve küpe seti ile Cadılar Bayramı ruhuna girin. Kendiniz için bir set, bir arkadaşınız için başka bir set yapın!
Neye ihtiyacınız olacak
- dondurucu kağıt
- Maskeleme bandı
- Yumuşak polimer kil: beyaz, sarı, turuncu
- Akrilik kil rulo
- Knife or cutting blade
- 18-gauge uncoated floral stem wire
- Baking pan (dedicated to polymer clay use)
- Polyester fiberfill
- Gloss varnish or lacquer
- Paintbrush
- 24 inches leather lace, 1mm round
- Round-nose jewelry pliers
- Beads: frosted black pony, black E
- 2 gold wire earring hooks
- 4 gold head pins, 2 inches long each
- Lobster-style gold bracelet clasp
- 8mm gold jump ring
- 2 (coiled) gold crimp-style cord ends
- Glue
- Wire cutters
Step 1: Preheat oven to 265 degrees Fahrenheit (or temperature indicated by clay manufacturer). Cover work surface with freezer paper, shiny side up. Tape in place.
Step 2: Knead 1-ounce block of white clay to condition, then roll on covered surface to create a pencil-size rope. Cut rope into 1/2-inch lengths. Pinch each 1/2-inch length between your fingers and thumbs to create triangular candy corn pieces.
Step 3: Condition yellow clay, then create a rope slightly smaller than a pencil in diameter. Roll rope flat using acrylic clay roller to create a thin strip of clay. With half of strip extending beyond wide end (base), wrap around each white triangle. Cut excess, and smooth with fingers.
Step 4: Condition orange clay, and make a rope about the diameter of a pencil lead. Wrap around candy corn pieces between white and yellow. Press flat with fingers and smooth.
Step 5: To create holes for jewelry, insert floral stem wire through sides of prepared candy corn pieces for bracelet; for earrings, beginning at narrow tip slip onto head pin. With pieces remaining on wire/pin lay onto fiberfill-lined baking tray, and bake as directed or for 25 to 30 minutes per 1/4-inch clay thickness. Let cool.
Step 6: Apply 2 to 3 coats of varnish. Let dry. Remove clay from wire and head pin.
Step 7: Slip 1mm-round lace through coiled cord end then through loop at base of lobster claw. Pull lace through 3 to 4 inches, tie a knot, then return end through coil. Crimp coil end with pliers to hold round lace in place. Tie a knot at base of coil, then begin stringing beads as follows:
Step 8: E bead, pony bead, E bead, candy corn. Repeat to create desired bracelet length. Slip on remaining coil and jump ring. Pull lightly, and tie a knot attaching bracelet to jump ring. Slip remaining lace length back through coil and crimp end. Tie a knot at base of coil, add a drop of glue to secure, then cut excess lace at both ends of bracelet to finish.
Step 9: For earrings, slip candy corn piece onto head pin. Add E bead, pony bead, then another E bead. Use jewelry pliers to bend loop at top. Cut excess, slip loop onto earring hook and crimp to close, holding candy corn decoration in place on earring.
For serving real candy, go to the next page to get patterns and instructions for making some "fiestive" plates.
13. Fiestive Ware
Scare up an appetite with cookies served on easy-to-create painted ceramic plates.
What You'll Need
- Glass dinner plate
- Scissors
- Tape
- Enamel paint for tile, glass, or ceramic: dark green, yellow, orange, light green
- Fine-tip paint applicator
- Soft, natural fiber paintbrushes: 1 fine-tip, 1 flat
Step 1: Download the Fiestive Ware PDF pattern and print it several times so that it will extend around plate. Cut out patterns, and tape around rim, with the design facing down. Turn plate upside down.
Step 2: Begin painting by tracing vines with dark green paint and fine-tip applicator.
Step 3: Using fine-tip brush and dark green paint, trace over veins in leaves. With fine-tip applicator and yellow paint, trace over accent lines on pumpkins. Using fine-tip applicator and orange paint, outline pumpkin shapes. Let paint dry 1 hour.
Step 4: With fine-tip applicator and light green paint, trace over leaf outlines and fill in, covering the dark green veins on leaves. With flat brush, fill in pumpkin outlines with orange paint. Apply another coat after 15 to 20 minutes, if needed.
Step 5: Finish by painting pumpkin stem with fine-tip brush and yellow paint. Air dry or bake (according to manufacturer's directions).
14. Creepy-Clean Seasonal Soap
For squeaky clean fun this Halloween, surprise guests with soaps that are simply spooktacular!
What You'll Need
- 6 squares white moisturizing soap, 1 inch each
- Sharp paring knife or kitchen shears
- Soap mold
- Microwave-safe bowl
- Ice cube tray
- Soap coloring: green, yellow, red
- Matches
Step 1: Use 1 square of white soap to cut 2 eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a small paring knife. Pieces should be about 1/2 inch deep. Put them facedown in your soap mold and push down firmly.
Step 2: Heat 5 soap squares in a bowl in the microwave on HIGH for 40 seconds. Continue heating in 10 second intervals until the soap is completely melted.
Step 3: Pour 1 tablespoon of soap in a square ice cube mold. Mix in several drops of green coloring, and set aside to firm.
Step 4: Add a few drops of yellow and red coloring to remaining soap to create orange. Pour into the soap mold over the white pumpkin face cutouts. Let the soap set at least 30 minutes before removing it from the mold.
Step 5: Remove green-tinted soap from ice cube tray and cut in the shape of a stem. Light a match and hold it under the stem for 2 seconds, then firmly press the stem in place on the pumpkin face soap.
15. Ghostly Guzzlers
Turn an ordinary glass into beautifully etched partyware that's perfect for serving up a bewitching brew.
What You'll Need
- Drinking glass
- Clear contact paper
- Permanent marker
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Etching cream
- Foam paintbrush
- Washcloth
Step 1: Download and trace Ghostly Guzzlers Halloween craft pattern onto a 3X4-inch square of clear contact paper with a permanent marker. Cut the ghost out of the center to create a ghost stencil. (Don't cut through any of the contact paper outside of the ghost.) Repeat to make 3 ghosts for each glass.
Step 2: Carefully peel the backing off the contact paper, one stencil at a time, and adhere to the drinking glass. Seal all edges firmly against the glass.
Step 3: Once ghost stencils are in place, cut a small oval out of leftover contact paper to create a mouth for each ghost. Peel off the backing, and set in place on the glass.
Step 4: For eyes, punch circles out of the extra contact paper with a hole punch. Cut each circle in half, peel off the backing, and give each ghost half-circle eyes.
Step 5: Use a craft brush to generously apply etching cream over the stencils, using care to avoid contact with the glass beyond the stencils. Let sit for 20 minutes.
Step 6: Use a wet washcloth to wipe a small test area of etching cream away. When the etching is complete, wash off all of the cream. Peel away the contact paper, and dry glass.
Not everything Halloween has to be about spooks or even sweets. Learn how to make the next project, a beautiful maple leaf mobile that's great for fall, in the next section.
16. Maple Leaf Mobile
Bring the beauty of autumn leaves indoors. Theis warm, colorful maple leaf mobile will brighten even the cloudiest day.
What You'll Need
- 7 packs of polymer clay (2 ounces each): 1 crimson, 2 red, 3 yellow, 1 green
- Waxed paper
- Rolling pin
- Maple leaf cookie cutter, 3 inches wide
- Clay modeling tools
- Medium nail
- Aluminum foil
- Baking sheet
- Cardinal red acrylic paint
- 1/4-inch flat paintbrush
- 6-inch wood hoop
- 5/8-inch round wood bead
- Hand drill, 1/16-inch bit
- 5 yards satin cord, 1mm
- Scissors
- Yardstick
- 1-inch S hook
- Craft glue
Step 1: Combine 2 colors of clay for each leaf (crimson/red; yellow/green; yellow/red).Condition 1/2 ounce of light color clay and 1/4 ounce of dark clay.
(To condition, roll and squeeze clay until it is soft and pliable.) Put 2 clays together, and mix them until marbled. Do not over mix!
Step 2: Place clay between 2 sheets of waxed paper and roll to 1/8-inch thickness. Use cookie cutter to cut out a leaf. Use clay modeling tools to draw veins on both sides of leaf. Use nail to make a small hole in a leaf point for hanging.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all leaves; make 5 of each color combination. Add clay scraps to next leaf, but do not overknead. (Keep color combinations consistent.)
Step 4: With leftover clay, make 15 beads. Use nail to make a hole through each for hanging. Make 10 half beads, each with 1 flat side.
Step 5: Place clay items on baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Bake at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. Let cool.
Step 6: Paint wood hoop and wood bead red. Let dry. Repeat for complete coverage. Let dry. Drill 5 equally spaced holes in hoop.
Step 7: Cut cord into five 1-yard lengths. Tie all cords onto S-hook, and thread through wood bead. Add glue to hold bead on cord. Thread each cord through a hole in hoop twice, making a loop on top of hoop. Hold up S-hook, and even out all cords. Place glue on each cord at hoop. Glue half beads evenly around hoop. Let glue dry.
Step 8: Starting with beads, thread 3 beads and 3 leaves on each cord. Knot to hold objects in place. Space beads and leaves evenly on cord. Place a dab of glue on each knot to prevent slipping. Trim cord ends.
For something a little more in the Halloween tradition, try the next project: Jack doorknob tassels.
17. Jack Doorknob Tassels
Make this Halloween craft and then hang these funny guys from a doorknob to greet visitors or on the wall so they can admire all your Halloween happenings!
What You'll Need (for each)
- 4-inch wood finial
- Acrylic paint: assorted colors
- Paintbrushes: assorted sizes
- White craft glue
- Empty thread spool
- Water-base gloss varnish
- Tiny screw eye
- 5X30-inch strip cotton fabric
- Scissors
- 8 inches grosgrain ribbon, 1/2 inch wide
- Yarn
- Optional: sequins
Step 1: Use acrylic paint to paint finial. Paint middle ball orange, and paint rest of finial however you'd like. Be creative! Let dry. (Use craft glue to adhere sequins if you'd like.)
Step 2: Paint jack-o'-lantern face on orange ball with black paint. Let dry.
Step 3: Glue spool to bottom of finial; let dry. Paint finial with varnish; let dry. Attach screw eye to center top of finial.
Step 4: Fold fabric strip into fourths, then cut fabric into 1/8-inch-wide strips, stopping 1/2 inch from top edge. Unfold strip.
Step 5: Apply glue to spool, and wrap uncut edge of fabric around spool. Continue gluing and wrapping fabric around spool until completely wrapped. Cut ribbon into two 4-inch pieces, and glue pieces around spool over fabric.
Step 6: Cut 2 pieces of yarn, about 8 inches each. Thread yarn pieces through screw eye, and tie ends together for hanging.
Why not also make a greeting plaque to hang on your door? Go to the next page to find out more.
18. Boo Greetings
Let your guests know that all eyes are on them! This decorative hanging will make everyone gasp (and gawk) at its beauty.
What You'll Need
- 5-inch wood letters: 1 B, 2 O's
- Orange spray paint
- 3 sheets black glitter felt, 9X12 inches
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Spray adhesive
- Foam, 12X18X1 inches
- 1 sheet neon-green felt, 9X12 inches
- Hot glue gun, glue sticks
- 2 frog wiggle eyes
- Silk autumn leaves
- 2 yards purple ribbon, 11/2 inches wide
- 2 yards neon-green sheer ribbon, 11/2 inches wide
- 2 chenille stems
- Large gerbera daisies: 1 orange, 2 purple
- Wire cutters
- 4 miniature orange gerbera daisies
- Small purple blossoms
- Assorted greenery
- Green berries
- Onion grass
- Floral U pins
Step 1: In a well-ventilated area, following manufacturer's directions, spray wood letters orange. Let dry, and repeat.
Step 2: Cut a sheet of black glitter felt into 1-inch strips. Spray strips and plain sides of 2 remaining felt sheets with adhesive. Spray edges and top of foam. Let spray adhesive become tacky. Place strips around edges of foam. Place 2 sheets of felt on top of foam, butting edges together. Trim felt if needed.
Step 3: Cut 2 ovals of neon-green felt slightly larger than wood letter O's. Hot glue felt to inside of O, with felt puffing out front opening. Stuff O with felt scraps. Repeat for other O.
Step 4: Insert and glue an eye in place at bottom of each O. Using photo as a guide, glue all letters to plaque.
Step 5: Form remaining purple ribbon into a multiloop bow with 9-inch streamers. Secure bow with 2-inch length of chenille stem. Repeat for neon-green ribbon. Glue green bow on top of purple bow in middle of autumn leaves on left edge of plaque.
Step 6: Cut stems of large gerbera daisies to about 3 inches. Insert and glue orange gerbera in center of bows; glue a purple gerbera below and slightly to the right of bow. Hint: Punch a tiny hole through felt to insert flowers into foam.
Step 7: Using photo as a guide, insert miniature gerberas and larger purple gerbera in a line above bow. Fill in around flowers and bow with small purple flowers, assorted greenery, and green berries.
Step 8: Curl grass by pulling across blade of scissors. Insert stems of onion grass as shown. V-cut ends of ribbons.
Step 9: Form chenille stem into a loop, and insert in back of plaque as a hanger. Place U pins over hanger, and add glue to secure.
The next project is also for the home: Howlin' hot pads. Learn how to make this Halloween craft in the next section.
19. Howlin' Hot Pads
Let felt add color to your Halloween kitchen! These are just the things to hold your warm dinner on cool fall nights.
What You'll Need
- Double-side fusible iron-on webbing
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Felt, 2 squares each: olive, cranberry, white, lavender, purple, kelly green, yellow, orange
- Steam iron
- Ironing board
- Tape measure
- Quilt batting
- 3 squares black cotton broadcloth, 11X11 inches each
- Sewing needle
- White thread
- Embroidery floss: sage green, metallic silver, black, tangerine
- Embroidery needle
- 2 metal buttons, 7/8 inch each
- Assorted small and medium buttons
- 2 black "E" beads
Products: Kunin Felt; The Warm Company fusible webbing; DMC embroidery floss.
Step 1: Download and trace Howlin' Hot Pad PDF patterns onto fusible webbing, and cut out. Following manufacturer's directions, iron fusible webbing pieces to back of appropriate color felt. Cut out pieces.
Step 2:Ghost side borders: Cut a 3/8X10-inch strip and four 11/2-inch squares of fusible webbing. Iron 10-inch strip to olive felt and 11/2-inch squares to various felt colors. Cut out.
Step 3:Candy corn: Cut four 3/4X10-inch strips fusible webbing. Iron 2 to cranberry felt and 2 to olive. Cut out.
Step 4: For front and back pieces, cut a 91/4-inch square from each color felt: lavender, purple, cranberry, olive, kelly green, yellow. From each color felt noted above, cut a 5/8X51/2-inch strip for hangers.
Step 5: Refer to photos to place all pieces on felt. Fuse in place. Trim olive and cranberry felt strips on ghost and candy corn pads so they are flush with edges.
Step 6: Cut three 10-inch squares of quilt batting. Center a batting square on a broadcloth square, and place a decorated felt piece on top. Use needle and thread to baste pieces together.
Step 7: Unless otherwise indicated, work with 3 strands of floss for embroidery. Whipstitch thread ends to secure stitching, and go through all layers.
Step 8:Cat: Using sage green floss, blanket stitch around head and whipstitch around nose. Make mouth as shown on pattern. Use metallic silver floss to stitch metal button eyes in place. Use straight stitches to create eyebrows and a split stitch to make whiskers. Add French knots on nose with silver.
Step 9:Ghost: Using silver floss, blanket stitch around ghost and do a running stitch around outer edge of small squares. Using sage green floss, do a running stitch along side edges of olive felt strip and 1/2-inch in from outer edges of large square.
Step 10:Candy Corn: Using silver floss, make herringbone stitch over yellow and orange and orange and white candy corn edges. Blanket stitch around outer edges of candy corn.
Step 11: Cut three 9-inch squares of quilt batting, and center on back of broadcloth. Place a 91/4-inch felt square on top of batting. Place dark purple on back of cat, olive green on back of ghost, and yellow on back of candy corn. Baste pieces of each pad together. Trim broadcloth to 1/8 inch from outer edges.
Step 12: Stitch through all layers, using 3 strands of floss for embroidery.
Step 13:Cat: Using black floss, make quilting knots around cat. Trim ends. Using silver floss, do a running stitch around triangles. Stitch a button at center of each triangle, knotting 2 and stitching 2.
Step 14:Ghost: Using black floss, make quilting knots around ghost and sew on "E" beads for eyes. Stitch a button at center of each small square.
Step 15:Candy Corn: Using sage green floss, do a running stitch at edges of olive strips. Using black floss, do a running stitch on cranberry strips. Stitch a button at each intersection of olive and cranberry strips.
Step 16: Trim all edges even. Blanket stitch edges using 6 strands of floss. Use black for cat and ghost and tangerine for candy corn. Place kelly green and yellow hanger pieces together, and blanket stitch edges with tangerine floss. Place dark purple and lavender pieces together and cranberry and olive pieces together. Blanket stitch each with black floss. Stitch hangers to each pad, matching colors. Stitch a button on top of ends. Remove all basting stitches.
Care Instructions
Hand wash hot pads in cold water; air-dry flat. Press if needed.
Would you now like to make something for yourself? Perhaps some festive jewelry? Go to the next page to be inspired with our fun Halloween craft.
20. Gone Batty Jewelry
Guests at your holiday haunting will go batty over this quick-and-fun project. Have your kids make it as a gift for a spooktacular teacher!
What You'll Need
- Markers: black fine-tip permanent; black chisel-tip permanent; silver metallic fine-point (1mm)
- 2X4-inch black foam sheeting
- Scissors
- 1/16-inch paper punch
- Medium oval wood piece
- Foam glue
- 2 wiggle eyes, 5mm each
- 50 inches decorative furry yarn
- Tape measure
- Orange pony beads, 9X6m
- Black embroidery floss
- Embroidery needle
Products: Lion Brand Yarn Fancy Fur Stained Glass yarn; Forster/Alltrista Products Co. Woodsies wood pieces; McGill Inc. paper punch; Beacon Adhesive Co. Hold the Foam glue; Sakura of America markers.
Step 1: Download and trace Gone Batty Halloween jewelry pattern onto foam with black fine-tip marker, and cut out.
Step 2: Use paper punch to make a hole approximately 1/8 inch in from neck edge of bat. Punch hole in oval wood piece to match hole in bat. Paint oval using chisel-tip marker. Let dry. Glue oval to center of bat, matching holes. Glue on wiggle eyes, and use silver marker to draw mouth and vampire teeth.
Step 3: Cut 36 inches of yarn. String and tie pony beads onto yarn, spacing beads 11/2 to 21/2 inches apart. Tie yarn ends together at back. Fold necklace in half to find middle of front. Tie an overhand knot at center front of necklace.
Step 4: Using embroidery needle and floss, thread floss through hole punched in bat body. Bring needle through knot at center front of necklace. Knot floss ends together, leaving enough room for bat to hang 11/2 inches below knot.
Step 5: Determine bracelet size by measuring wrist then multiplying by 3. Cut yarn to determined length and add pony beads, knotting them in place as with necklace. Wrap around wrist and tie yarn ends using an overhand knot. Trim yarn ends.
Our next craft project will bring a little Halloween fun to the dinner table. Go to the next page to learn how to make spooky supperware.
21. Spooky Supperware
Add some cackles to your next Halloween meal -- it'll be a real nail-biter! Guests will howl over this spooky set of ghoulishly fun utensils!
What You'll Need
- Green or white polymer clay (2-ounce pack per 2 utensils)
- Eating utensils
- Aluminum foil
- Baking pan
- Optional: Red nail polish
Product: Sculpey polymer clay.
Step 1: Preheat oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Condition clay until it is soft and pliable. Roll 1 ounce of clay into a log as long as utensil handle. Press handle front firmly into log, and work clay around back of handle until handle is covered. Shape clay to create bumpy knuckles.
Step 2: Press round edge of a spoon into fingertip end to make a fingernail. Use a knife to make crease marks in knuckles.
Step 3: Place finished utensils on aluminum foil on baking pan. Bake clay for 30 minutes.
Step 4: Remove from oven, and let cool before using. Paint fingernails, if desired. Hand wash utensils.
Do you like knitting? Why don't you try to knit a monster fur scarf? Go to the next page for a free pattern.
22. Monster Fur Scarf
A warm, furry monster hug -- that's just what these scarves will feel like draped around your neck when there's a Halloween chill in the air!
What You'll Need
- Skein orange fun yarn (furry, eyelash, chenille, etc.)
- US size 11 knitting needles
- Scissors
- Monster claws
- Black embroidery floss
- Embroidery needle
Cast on 10 stitches. Knit all rows, using entire skein.
Sew 3 claws to each end of scarf.
23. Bloodbath
And you thought the shower scene in Psycho was scary. Put it to shame by giving kids a craft that's awash in terror: monster mouth soap dispensers.
Step 1: Kids can draw the head of a monster, vampire, ghost, or otherworldly being on the paper circles. The soap dispenser tip can poke out of the mouth, eye, or, if you've got a real gruesome guest, wound on the head. Help the kids mark the spot of their choice before they began drawing.
Step 2: When the head design is to the artist's liking, cover the front and back with the clear adhesive paper, then cut out the hole for the dispenser tip. Slide the head on the tip, leaving at least an 1/8 inch of tip poking from the head opening so the soap doesn't drip directly onto it. Secure the head in the back with tape.
Step 3: For special effects, you can mix a few drops of food coloring in each child's soap, so a blood red, spooky blue, gross green, or even a morbid black mix can ooze out of the opening. The colored soap will not stain skin.
Step 4: Kids can use any leftover paper or cardstock to create a monster body that can also be covered with the adhesive paper and taped to the soap dispenser.
Next, have fun making bat bracelets for the kids at your Halloween party -- so easy to make that the kids themselves can do it.
24. Bat Crafts
Send kids flying over the moon by helping them create bat-wing bracelets.
Step 1:
To make, cut out 2 or 3 bats from black construction paper per child. Supply the kids with puffy paints, glitter, and glue or glitter pens so they can personalize the wings of their bats. When the bats are completed and dry, stack each kid's bats and turn the stack over. Staple the bats together in the center.
Step 2: Place a rubber band over the staple, and staple the rubber band and bats together. Kids can slip the bat bracelet on their wrists and flap, wings. The layers of bats make a fluttering sight the kids won't be able to resist.
Another great project for kids is making a book of spells. You just need a few arts and craft materials to get started. Learn more on the next page.
25. Spellbinding
What kid doesn't need a special place to sketch out spells, secrets, and dreams? Give each a chance to personalize a book of spells for which any witch or wizard would wish.
Purchase bound composition books (from the dollar store) or spiral notebooks, sequins, flat-backed rhinestones, glitter, craft glue, construction paper, feathers, etc. Let kids unleash their creativity by decorating the covers of their spell books. Offer a few silly love spells or homework spells to start them off:
- Higglebee, wigglebee, do vo voom, / May the one who loves me walk into the room.
- Teacher's eye and textbook row, / when I wake tomorrow, everything I'll know.
Some spells need more than just a neat rhyme. Make your own magical worms with our next project.
26. Worms of Endearment
The worm is as essential to a magic spell as is eye of newt. Save kids a trip to the backyard by giving them all they need to create a magic worm of their own.
Step 1: Cut sheets of foam in half. Have kids draw a worm shape on a piece of foam and cut it out. They then use the first worm as a pattern to cut out another worm from another piece of foam. Have them lay a chenille stem down the center of the worm and glue the two pieces of foam together. Place all foam scraps in the middle of the craft table.
Step 2: While waiting for the pieces to dry, kids can cut designs from the leftover foam pieces and glue them, along with wiggle eyes, to their worms. After one hour, the glue will be set and the worm can be bent into different shapes.
The next Halloween crafts project is great for kids' parties. Let the kids make their very own scary, living plants.
27. It's Alive Plant
If you've ever seen the film "Little Shop of Horrors," you know that Audrey II, the bloodthirsty plant that made the flower shop so horrifying, was hardly a houseplant you'd want to bring home to mom. But with just a few supplies and a little creativity, this Halloween craft is something that every mom will love.
Mini Man-Eater
Step 1: Use a craft knife to cut a 2-inch hole across each tennis ball for the plant's mouth. Also, cut out different petal shapes from the felt.
Step 2: Then, your kids can decorate their man-eating flowers with evil eyes, luscious lips, nefarious noses, perfect petals, and sinister stems.
This next Halloween craft is great to do at a party. It's the perfect size to keep little hands occupied.
It's Alive!
Step 1: Before the party, pick up a small bag of potting soil, small clay pots (21/4- or 3-inch pots work well), and inexpensive packets of quick-growing cat grass. (Cat grass seeds can be found at garden or pet stores.)
Step 2: At the party, give kids acrylic paints and brushes, and invite them to paint a silly or spooky face on their pots. When the paint is dry, have them line their pots with aluminum foil. Then help them scoop soil into their pots and plant the seeds according to the packet directions. The grass will sprout within a week or two, making silly hair for the pot people.
28. Spooky Skeleton
Your face will turn white with fright when you spy this spine-chilling sight! But don't let the little ones worry, this spooky skeleton is soft to the touch, and even better, he's a snap to make.
What You'll Need
- 7 white bump chenille stems
- Scissors
Step 1: Cut a two-bump section from a white bump stem. This will be the spine.
Step 2: To make the skull, cut two bumps and twist them together so that the thin parts are hidden. Bend the thick parts into a circle, then straighten out the bottom thin parts and twist them together and onto the spine.
Step 3: Find the middle of a stem and twist it on to the spine, just under the skull. Bend this stem to form shoulders and arms, cutting the stems to remove most of the thin part of each side and twisting the stem back together to look like elbow joints.
Step 4: Cut a one-bump piece and twist it to the bottom of the spine. This horizontal piece is the skeleton's hips.
Step 5: Cut another stem in half and twist each piece to one side of the hip bone. Bend and twist each leg between bumps to create knees.
Step 6: To make the rib cage, cut four two-bump pieces and twist them onto the spine. Bend each rib around the spine toward the front of the skeleton.
Step 7: Finally, cut the remaining stem into four bumps, and bend each bump in half. Twist them to the ends of the arms and legs to create hands and feet.
With so many fun and easy crafts to choose from, it may be next Halloween before you've tried them all. But don't let that prospect give you a fright -- pick your favorite Halloween craft and let the fun begin.
About the Craft Designers
Creepy Coasters by Amy Belonio
Wizard Tools by Amy Belonio
Magician's Messenger Owl by Amy Belonio
Felted Autumn Pot Holders by Megan Lacey
Batty for Candy Jar by Ginny Baker
Beaded Pumpkin Gift Box by Laurie D'Ambrosio
Kooky Bones Plate by Jill D. Evans
Trick or Treat Boxes by Suzonne Stirling
Spider Candy Bowl by Suzonne Stirling
Halloween Party and Treat Bags by Suzonne Stirling
Candy Corn Jewelry by Lisa Galvin
Fiestive Ware by Suzonne Stirling
Creepy-Clean Seasonal Soap by Sharon Miller Cindrich
Ghostly Guzzlers by Sharon Miller Cindrich
Maple Leaf Mobile by Marge Wirsbinski
Jack Doorknob Tassels by Phyllis Dunstan
Boo Greetings by Ed Smith
Howlin' Hot Pads by Lisa Galvin
Gone Batty Jewelry by Lisa Galvin
Spooky Supperware by Sharon Miller Cindrich
Monster Fur Scarf by Sharon Miller Cindrich
Spooky Skeleton by Sherri Osborn