3. Bhumibol Adulyadej、タイ(1946-2016)、70年
現代に住んでいた君主であるプミポン・アドゥリヤデーは、2016年に88歳で亡くなるまで、タイのチャクリー王朝の9番目の王として70年間統治していました。彼は、父親がケンブリッジのハーバード大学で学んでいたときに、1927年に米国で生まれました。 、マサチューセッツ。Adulyadejの支配は、彼にタイで最も長く君主を務める君主であるという区別を与えました。プミポン国王は、政権を握っている間、政治力はほとんどありませんでしたが、長年の軍事クーデターを通じて国を導いたことで、タイ国民の団結と安定の象徴になりました。
6. K'inich Janaab'Pakal、マヤ文明(615-683 CE)、68年
Pakal the Greatとしても知られる、K'inich Janaab'Pakalは、古代マヤ世界で最も長く君臨した王でした。彼は不確かで不安定な時期に12歳で王位に就き、支配権が渡された母親に助けられたと考えられています。現代のチアパス州のメキシコシティの南東約500マイル(800 km)に位置する古代マヤの都市、パレンケの統治中に、彼は碑文の寺院を建設しました。これは、いつの日か石棺をカプセル化する素晴らしい建築物です。
18歳の誕生日に、フランツヨーゼフ1世はオーストリア帝国の皇帝に任命されました。これは、フランツヨーゼフの若々しい姿により、君主制への善意の復活への期待を煽ったものです。1853年、仕立て屋が散歩に出かけたときに定規を首に刺そうとしたときに暗殺未遂が発生しました。しかし、フランツ・ヨーゼフは、武器を見て叫んだ近くの女性による攻撃の矢面に立つことから救われました。動機はこれまで明らかにされませんでした。フランツ・ヨーゼフはオーストリア皇帝として統治を続け、1867年にハンガリー国王としての二重の地位を受け入れ、1916年に亡くなるまで支配しました。特に、1916年に亡くなる2年前に、フランツ・ヨーゼフはオーストリア-ハンガリーを第一次世界大戦に導きました。 。
8.コンスタンティノス8世、ビザンチン帝国(960-1028 CE)、68年
Michinomiya Hirohito, Japan's 124th emperor, is known for being the longest-reigning monarch in the country's history. Before accepting the throne, he traveled extensively throughout Europe, which was an unusual move at the time. After his father's death in 1926, Hirohito adopted Shōwa — meaning "enlightened harmony" — as the chief tenet of his reign. During World War II, he allied the country with Nazi Germany, but later surrendered the country after a defeat by the Allied powers. He then became the first Japanese monarch to visit the United States and wrote several books on marine biology before his death in 1989.
12. Kangxi Emperor, China (1661-1722), 61 years
At age 7, Kangxi became the second emperor of the Chinese Qing Dynasty after his father died of smallpox. Kangxi's reign began in earnest during his teen years, and he is best remembered for the significant expansion of the Chinese empire into areas of Mongolia, Tibet and Heilong Jiang. He also worked to open international trade ports, which helped usher in an era of economic prosperity. Kangxi supported the arts and believed that education was important; he was fascinated by map-making and European painting techniques.
13. Christian IV, Denmark and Norway (1588-1648), 60 years
Christian IV became King of Denmark and Norway at the tender age of 11, but was not officially crowned until 1596, when he was 19. He is remembered for his multiple forays into unsuccessful wars against Sweden, as well as the disastrous Thirty Years War. When he wasn't warring, Christian IV had an eye for architecture, constructing several new towns and still-beloved buildings, including Frederiksborg Castle. His private life was productive; he married twice and had 20 children with five different women before his death in 1648.
14. Friedrich Günther, Schwarzburg, Germany (1807-1867), 60 years
In 1807, when he was just 13 years old, Friedrich Günther became prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, which is now an area in modern-day Thuringa, Germany. His ascension to the throne followed the death of his father, but it was his mother who made the crown's decisions until the fresh-faced ruler turned 21. Günther ruled for the rest of his life and became known as the final head of the House of Schwarzburg.
15. Qianlong, China (1735-1796), 60 years
The grandson of long-time Chinese ruler Kangxi, Qianlong also reigned over China for decades. At age 24, in 1735, Qianlong began a series of notable acts that included the creation of the SikuquanshuorSiku Quanshu, a vast catalog of all the books known to be in existence in China. Some suspect this was a natural outgrowth of Qianlong's personal interests in calligraphy and poetry, and his efforts as a patron of the arts. Until his reign ended upon his death in 1796, Qianlong worked to successfully expand China's territory with the New Province, known as the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang today.
16. Honoré III, Monaco (1733-1793), 59 years
There are monarchs who roll up their sleeves and monarchs who would rather observe from a distance. Honoré III, who ascended the Monégasque throne at age 13, spent the majority of his time as ruler fighting in the Royal French Army during the War of the Austrian Succession, although Monaco took an officially neutral stance. During his reign, he improved Monaco's economy through trade, which was largely dependent on the growth of citrus fruits, and established the country's first printing press and newspaper.
17. George III, England (1760-1820), 59 years
Before Queen Victoria and current British ruler Queen Elizabeth were on the royal scene, George III was known as England's longest-reigning monarch. He ascended the throne to Great Britain and Ireland in 1760 after his grandfather's death. He married Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the daughter of a German duke, for the union's political strength. The marriage was a productive one, bringing 15 children into palace life. His reign is notable for Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War, as well as Britain's resistance to Napoleon's France. George III is believed to have had an acute mental illness, which stayed with him the last 10 years of his life.
18. Honoré I, Monaco (1523-1581), 58 years
To be a long-reigning monarch, it's best to start early — and Honoré I did it in spades. He was named the Lord of Monaco in 1523, at just 9 months old, after his father Lucien Grimaldi was assassinated. Honoré I was assisted, naturally, in the decision-making by a series of regents and reportedly left the governing to one of these regents. During the final 20 years of his life, however, Honoré I took on more of the day-to-day operations, and became known for both a series of battles and for inviting Pope Paul III to Monaco.
19. Nicholas I, Montenegro (1860-1918), 58 years
When Nicholas I became the Crown Prince of Montenegro in 1860, it was a small nation without purchase on the world stage. Under his rule, however, Montenegro doubled in geographical size and became not only a sovereign state, but a country with considerable diplomatic power. After years of popular reign, Nicholas I became increasingly despotic, but reluctantly installed a constitution in 1905 that limited his power. After an unsuccessful entrée into World War I, Nicholas I went into exile in Italy until his death in 1918.
20. Pedro II, Brazil (1831-1889), 58 years
Pedro II became the second emperor of Brazil when he took up the throne in 1831 at 5 years old and, by age 10, had been officially declared as ruler. He was seen as a benevolent ruler and became adept at leveraging Brazil's natural resources to bolster its then-struggling economy. Pedro II turned the country's focus from sugar production to coffee beans and made significant progress in constructing a network of railroad, telegraph and cable lines. By the time of his death in 1889, his popularity had waned because of his anti-slavery actions and support of the Masons, the latter of which upset the Roman Catholic Church.
21. Wilhelmina I, Netherlands (1890-1948), 58 years
As Queen of the Netherlands, Wilhelmina made clear her opposition to the German Occupation at the beginning of World War II. Although she fled, along with members of her cabinet, to London, she became the symbol of Dutch resistance through a BBC radio broadcast that reached the Netherlands, known as Radio Orange. She famously aired the phrase, "Knock the Kraut on the head," which raised morale for her people. In 1948, she abdicated the throne and lived a private life until her death in 1962.
22. Ludovico I, Italy (1416-1475), 58 years
イタリアのサルッツォの侯爵であったルドヴィコ1世については、15世紀の大部分を統治した1476年に亡くなるまで、あまり知られていませんでした。Ludovico Iは、サルッツォの住民の繁栄の時代を促進し、近隣地域との前向きな関係を築いたことで記憶されています。これらはすべて、イタリア戦争が始まるかなり前のことです。耕作された平原と近くの山々の景色を望む丘の上に位置するサルッツォの歴史的な市内中心部は、石畳の通り、歴史的な教会、中世の宮殿で人気のある観光地になっています。
25.アゼルスタン、イングランド(895-939 CE)、44歳